
Defines functions gbi_MCMC_iters summary.gbi_null plot.gbi_null extend.gbi_MCMC gbi_MCMC

Documented in extend.gbi_MCMC gbi_MCMC gbi_MCMC_iters plot.gbi_null summary.gbi_null

#' Generate Null Distributions for Group-by-Individual Data
#' Produce null distributions of target statistics by permuting a group-by-individual matrix using the MCMC routine proposed by Bejder et al. (1998).
#' @param data A group by individual matrix
#' @param ind_constraint A vector of individual characteristics to constrain permutations; defaults to NULL
#' @param group_constraint A vector group characteristics (usually time windows) to constrain permutations; defaults to NULL
#' @param samples The number of samples to draw for each chain. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param thin The number of steps between each draw. Defaults to 100.
#' @param burnin The number of samples before target statistics are calculated. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param chains The number of independent chains to run. Defaults to 2.
#' @param FUN A function taking a GBI as an input and outputting a vector of any length. See Details.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to FUN
#' @details For some applications, it may be desirable to compare the observed social structure to a null model in which there are no social preferences. This is particularly useful when investigating whether individuals have social preferences, but may also have other uses.
#' In these cases, the canonical method for generating the null model is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure. For each iteration, a change in the matrix is proposed; if the change maintains row an column totals, and falls within the specified constraints, it is accepted, otherwise the matrix stays at its current state.
#' While this method is widely used in social network analysis, and has been implemented in other software, it is often not implemented properly to generate a valid MCMC chain.
#' In addition, none of the current implementations utilize the toolkit that has been developed to check MCMC chain convergence, or provide confidence intervals for p-values. This implementation fills in these gaps.
#' This function takes an argument FUN, which allows users to define custom test statistics. This argument should be a function taking a single argument (the group by individual matrix) and outputting a vector (the test statistic(s)).
#' By default, this function will calculate the test statistics suggested by Whitehead (2008) for testing for non-random social structure: the mean, SD, CV, and portion non-zero association indices (the SRI by default).
#' Other network statistics can be calculated as well (such as clustering coefficient, modularity, etc.).
#' @return An object of class \code{gbi_null}
#' @export

gbi_MCMC <- function(data,
                     ind_constraint = NULL,
                     group_constraint = NULL,
                     samples = 1000,
                     thin = 100,
                     burnin = 1000,
                     chains = 2,
                     FUN = NULL,

  if(!is.matrix(data) | any(!c(data) %in% c(0,1)) | any(is.na(data))){
    stop("Data must be a matrix containing only 1s and 0s")

  N <- ncol(data)
  G <- nrow(data)

  if(is.null(group_constraint)) group_constraint <- rep(1,G)
  if(is.null(ind_constraint)) ind_constraint <- rep(1,N)

  if(!is.vector(group_constraint) | length(group_constraint) != G | any(is.na(group_constraint))) stop("group_constraint must be a vector with length equal to the number of groups")
  if(!is.vector(ind_constraint) | length(ind_constraint) != N | any(is.na(ind_constraint))) stop("ind_constraint must be a vector with length equal to the number of individuals")

    FUN <- function(gbi){

      x <- get_numerator(gbi,data_format="GBI",return="vector")
      d <- get_denominator(gbi,data_format="GBI",return="vector")
      sri <- x/d

      res <- c(mean(sri,na.rm=T),stats::sd(sri,na.rm=T),stats::sd(sri,na.rm=T)/mean(sri,na.rm=T),mean(sri > 0, na.rm=T))
      names(res) <- c("Mean","SD","CV","Non-zero")

  if(!is.function(FUN)) stop("FUN must be a function")

  min_iters <- gbi_MCMC_iters(data, target_samples=1000, quiet=TRUE)
  if (samples * thin * chains < min_iters) {
    message("Warning: Insufficient iterations for effective sample size of 1000. Minimum number of iterations required is ",
            formatC(min_iters, format="e", digits=1), ". You are only using ", samples, " x ", thin, " = ",
            formatC(samples * thin, format="e", digits=1), " iterations. Null samples will not be reliable.")

  observed <- FUN(data,...)

  chain_res <- list()

  final_gbis <- list()

  for(k in 1:chains){

    cat(paste("Running Chain", k), sep = " ")

    gbi.p <- data

    res_matrix <- matrix(nrow = samples, ncol = length(observed))
    colnames(res_matrix) <- names(observed)

    cat(paste("Burning in for", burnin, "iterations", sep = " "))

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = burnin*thin,style=3)
    for(i in 1:(burnin*thin)){
      cols <- sample(N,2)
      rows <- sample(G,2)
      trial_matrix <- gbi.p[rows,cols]
      if( all(rowSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
          all(colSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
          group_constraint[rows[1]] == group_constraint[rows[2]] &
          ind_constraint[cols[1]] == ind_constraint[cols[2]]){

        trial_matrix <- ifelse(trial_matrix == 1, 0, 1)
        gbi.p[rows,cols] <- trial_matrix


    cat(paste("Sampling for",samples,"iterations",sep=" "))

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = samples, style=3)

    for(i in 1:samples){
      for(j in 1:thin){
        cols <- sample(N,2)
        rows <- sample(G,2)
        trial_matrix <- gbi.p[rows,cols]
        if( all(rowSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
            all(colSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
            group_constraint[rows[1]] == group_constraint[rows[2]] &
            ind_constraint[cols[1]] == ind_constraint[cols[2]]){

          trial_matrix <- ifelse(trial_matrix == 1, 0, 1)
          gbi.p[rows,cols] <- trial_matrix

      res_matrix[i,] <- FUN(gbi.p,...)

    final_gbis[[k]] <- gbi.p
    chain_res[[k]] <- coda::mcmc(res_matrix, thin = thin, start =(burnin+1)*thin, end = thin*(samples+burnin))


  chain_res <- coda::mcmc.list(chain_res)

  results <- list(
    FUN = FUN,
    ind_constraint = ind_constraint,
    group_constraint = group_constraint,
    control = list(thin = thin, samples = samples, burnin =burnin),
    permuted_data = final_gbis,
    observed = observed,
    mcmc = chain_res

  class(results) <- "gbi_null"



#' Extend a MCMC Run for Group-By-Individual Permutations
#' Runs additional permutation steps from a \code{gbi_MCMC} run.
#' @param x A \code{gbi_null} object as generated by \code{gbi_MCMC}
#' @param samples The number of additional samples to draw
#' @param ... Additional arguments to generate the test statistic
#' @details This function will extend the sampling of a \code{gbi_null} object. All settings, including the thin and statistics being calculated, will be the same as the initial run.
#' @export

extend.gbi_MCMC <- function(x,samples,...){

  if(samples %% 1 != 0) stop("Argument samples must be an integer")
  if(!is(x,"gbi_null")) stop("Can only extend gbi_null objects")

  observed <- x$observed

  initial_samples <- x$control$samples

  chains <- length(x$mcmc)

  burnin <- x$control$burnin
  thin <- x$control$thin

  N <- ncol(x$permuted_data[[1]])
  G <- nrow(x$permuted_data[[1]])

  group_constraint <- x$group_constraint
  ind_constraint <- x$ind_constraint

  chain_res <- list()
  final_gbis <- list()

  FUN <- x$FUN

  for(k in 1:chains){

    cat(paste("Running Chain", k), sep = " ")

    gbi.p <- x$permuted_data[[k]]

    res_matrix <- matrix(nrow = samples, ncol = length(observed))
    colnames(res_matrix) <- names(observed)

    cat(paste("Sampling for",samples,"iterations",sep=" "))

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = samples, style=3)

    for(i in 1:samples){
      for(j in 1:thin){
        cols <- sample(N,2)
        rows <- sample(G,2)
        trial_matrix <- gbi.p[rows,cols]
        if( all(rowSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
            all(colSums(trial_matrix) == 1) &
            group_constraint[rows[1]] == group_constraint[rows[2]] &
            ind_constraint[cols[1]] == ind_constraint[cols[2]]){

          trial_matrix <- ifelse(trial_matrix == 1, 0, 1)
          gbi.p[rows,cols] <- trial_matrix

      res_matrix[i,] <- FUN(gbi.p, ...)

    res_matrix <- rbind(as.matrix(x$mcmc[[k]]),res_matrix)

    final_gbis[[k]] <- gbi.p
    chain_res[[k]] <- coda::mcmc(res_matrix, thin = thin, start =(burnin+1)*thin, end = thin*(initial_samples+samples+burnin))


  x$mcmc <- coda::mcmc.list(chain_res)
  x$permuted_data <- final_gbis
  x$control$samples <- x$control$samples + samples



#' Plot Null Distributions for Group-By-Individual Matrices
#' Diagnostic plots for GBI null hypotheses tested with the Manly-Bejder MCMC procedure
#' @param x A \code{gbi_null} object as produced by \code{gbi_MCMC}
#' @details This function will first plot the trace plots for the null distributions of each test statistic. It will then plot the change in estimated p-values over the chains.
#' @export

plot.gbi_null <- function(x){
  graphics::par(mfrow = c(which.min(c(4,length(x$observed))),1))
  for(i in 1:length(x$observed)){
    for(k in 1:length(x$mcmc)){
      pval_gr <- cumsum(x$mcmc[[k]][,i] > x$observed[i])/(1:length(x$mcmc[[k]][,i]))
      if(k == 1){
        plot(pval_gr, main = names(x$observed)[i], type = "l", col = k, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "P(Random > Observed)", ylim = c(0,1))
        graphics::points(pval_gr, type = "l", col = k)

#' Summarise results of Group-By-Individual Randomisations
#' Generate relevant summaries of null hypothesis testing using MCMC randomisations of group-by-individual matrices
#' @param x a \code{gbi_null} object as produced by \code{gbi_MCMC}
#' @details The function first produces a summary of the null distribution, with mean, median, SD, confidence intervals, and diagnostics (effective sample size and potential scale reduction factor).
#' The function then shows estimated upper, lower, and two-tailed p-values of the observed values against the null. The output includes confidence intervals for the p-values, which are estimated from the effective sample size using binomial theory.
#' @export

summary.gbi_null <- function(x){

  all_mcmc <- do.call(rbind,x$mcmc)

  psrf <- coda::gelman.diag(x$mcmc,multivariate = F)[[1]][,1]

  ess_mean <- mcmcse::ess(x$mcmc)

  null_means <- colMeans(all_mcmc)
  null_median <- apply(all_mcmc,2,stats::median)
  null_sd <- apply(all_mcmc,2,stats::sd)
  CI <- t(apply(all_mcmc,2,stats::quantile,probs=c(0.025,0.975)))

  dist_summary <- cbind(null_means,null_median,null_sd,CI,ess_mean,psrf)
  colnames(dist_summary) <- c("Mean", "Median", "SD", "95% LCI", "95% UCI","ESS","PSRF")

  cat("Null Distribution", "\n")

  ess_pval <- ess_mean

  p_gr <- sapply(1:length(x$observed), function(z){
    mean(all_mcmc[,z] > x$observed[z])
  p_ls <- sapply(1:length(x$observed), function(z){
    mean(all_mcmc[,z] < x$observed[z])
  p_twotail <- sapply(1:length(x$observed), function(z){

  ci_gr <- binom::binom.confint(p_gr*ess_pval, ess_pval, method = "exact")[,5:6]
  ci_ls <- binom::binom.confint(p_ls*ess_pval, ess_pval, method = "exact")[,5:6]
  ci_tt <- binom::binom.confint(p_twotail*ess_pval, ess_pval, method = "exact")[,5:6]

  upper_summary <- cbind(p_gr,ci_gr,ess_pval)
  lower_summary <- cbind(p_ls,ci_ls,ess_pval)
  twotail_summary <- cbind(p_twotail,ci_tt,ess_pval)

  colnames(upper_summary) <- colnames(lower_summary) <- colnames(twotail_summary) <- c("P-Value","95% UCI","95% LCI","ESS")
  row.names(upper_summary) <- row.names(lower_summary) <- row.names(twotail_summary) <- names(x$observed)

  cat("P(Random > Observed)","\n")

  cat("P(Random < Observed)","\n")

  cat("Two-Tailed P-values","\n")


#' Minimum number of MCMC iterations needed for Group-by-Individuals randomisations.
#' Uses an analytically-derived equation to estimate the minimum number of MCMC iterations required to generate a target number of effective samples from the null.
#' This function should only be used as a rough guide before running computationally intensive randomisations with \code{gbi_MCMC}. The true number of MCMC iterations may need to be much higher, so MCMC diagnostics should always be used to verify that samples are reliable.
#' @param gbi A group by individual matrix
#' @param target_samples Target number of effective samples
#' @param quiet Logical, should messages produced by the function be suppressed?
#' @return The minimum number of MCMC iterations required to generate \code{target_samples} effective samples.
#' @export
gbi_MCMC_iters <- function(gbi, target_samples=1000, quiet=FALSE) {
  p = mean(gbi) # Density
  m = length(gbi) # Number of elements

  min_samples <- ceiling((m * target_samples)/(12 * p * (1 - p)))
  if (!quiet) {
    message("Note: The minimum number of iterations reported here may be far lower than the actual number of samples needed. This function is intended to be used as an approximate guide only.")
MNWeiss/aninet documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 3:55 a.m.