Man pages for MRCIEU/mrQC

ara_test_datA example dataset of genetic summary data for arachidonic...
charge_top_hitsGWAS top hits for arachidonic acid in the CHARGE consortium
charge_top_hits_cleanedGWAS top hits for arachidonic acid in the CHARGE consortium...
combine_plotsMake cow plot
compare_effect_to_gwascatalogCompare the genetic effect sizes in the test dataset to the...
compare_effect_to_gwascatalog2Compare the genetic effect sizes in the test dataset to the...
extract_sig_snpsExtract SNPs with P value below a specified threshold (e.g....
extract_snpsExtract SNPs
find_hits_in_gwas_catalogAre hits in the GWAS catalog?
flag_af_conflictsFlag allele frequency conflicts
flag_gc_conflictsFlag conflicts with the GWAS catalog
flag_gc_conflicts2Flag conflicts with the GWAS catalog
format_dataformat data
get_efoget efo
glioma_test_datA example dataset of genetic summary data
gwas_catalog_hitsGWAS top hits
infer_ancestryInfer ancestry
make_plot_gwas_catalogPlot comparing the test study to the GWAS catalog
make_plot_mafMAF plot
make_plot_pred_effectPredicted versus reported effect sizes
make_snplistmake a SNP list
predict_beta_sdPredicted standardised beta
predict_lnor_shPredicted log odds ratio
refdat_1000G_superpopsA dataset of reference allele frequencies from 1000 genomes...
transform_betasTransform betas
zz_plotZZ plot
MRCIEU/mrQC documentation built on May 6, 2023, 1:40 p.m.