
Defines functions get_option_name combine_parameter_conditions get_implies_consequent get_condition get_branch_assert_condition get_branch_parameter_conditions get_parameter_conditions get_parameter_conditions_list parse_multiverse_expr parse_multiverse

Documented in parse_multiverse

# Names that should be suppressed from global variable check by codetools
# Names used broadly should be put in _global_variables.R
globalVariables(c(".universe", ".parameter_assignment"))

#' Parse the multiverse syntax to identify branches
#' In a multiverse, the user can define different values that a parameter can take using the \code{branch()} call.
#' The \code{parse_multiverse()} identifies the \code{branch()} calls defined in the analysis syntax and parses them into a list of
#' parameters and the corresponding values that each parameter can take. This function is called automatically 
#' and not exported.
#' @param .multiverse The multiverse object which will contain the analysis
#' @param .expr The expression that is being parsed
#' @param .code All the code that has been passed to the multiverse
#' @param .label The label of the code block or inside call which was used to pass the 
#' code being parsed into the multiverse
#' @return \code{parse_multiverse()} returns a list of lists. the list of parameters and the list of conditions.
#' The list of parameters is a named list which defines all the values that each defined parameter can take.
#' The list of conditions defines, if any of the parameter values are conditional on a specific value of another
#' parameter, the condition.
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom purrr compact
#' @importFrom rlang parse_expr
#' @importFrom rlang is_call
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang f_rhs
#' @importFrom rlang f_lhs
#' @importFrom rlang expr
#' @importFrom rlang is_symbol
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @importFrom methods is

# takes in multiverse object
# .expr an unevaluated expression in current code block
# .code named list of unevaluated expression of code declared in previous code blocks (NULL if not declared)
# .label name of the code block
parse_multiverse <- function(.multiverse, .expr, .code, .label) {
  m_obj <- attr(.multiverse, "multiverse")
  # if the newly added code is part of the multiverse dictionary, implies
  # the user is editing pre-declared parameters. We need to recompute
  # everything after that point
  .names_in_m <- unlist(m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys())
  if (.label %in% .names_in_m) {
    if ( which(names(.code) == .label) < length(.code)) {
      .code = .code[-((which(names(.code) == .label)+1):length(.code))]
    # means that we need to remove parameters in the current .expr from parameter_set
    new_params = get_parameter_conditions_list( unname(.expr) )$parameters
    m_obj$parameter_set <- setdiff(m_obj$parameter_set, names(new_params))
  # multiverse_diction is an ordered dictionary with keys corresponding to the names of the code blocks (.label)
  # calculates the previous row in the multiverse dictionary
  if (length( m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys() ) == 0) .parent_key = NULL
  else {
    if (.label %in% m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys()) {
      # user is editing a previously created code block or inside() with same label
      p_idx <- which(m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys() == .label) - 1
      if (p_idx == 0) .parent_key = NULL
      else .parent_key = m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys()[[which(m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys() == .label) - 1]]
    } else {
      # user is declaring a new code block or inside()
      .parent_key = unlist(tail(m_obj$multiverse_diction$keys(), 1))
  parameter_conditions_list <- get_parameter_conditions_list( unname(.code) )
  parameters = parameter_conditions_list$parameters
  conditions = parameter_conditions_list$conditions
  .expr <- list(.expr)
  names(.expr) <- .label
  q <- parse_multiverse_expr(.multiverse, .expr, rev(parameters), conditions, .parent_key)
  # stores parameters and conditions in the multiverse object
  m_obj$parameters <- parameters
  m_obj$conditions <- conditions
  m_obj$parameter_set <- names(parameters)
  invisible( m_obj$multiverse_diction$set(.label, q) )

parse_multiverse_expr <- function(multiverse, .expr, .param_options, all_conditions, .parent_block) {
  .m_obj <- attr(multiverse, "multiverse")
  .super_env <- attr(multiverse, "multiverse_super_env")
  if (is_empty(all_conditions)) {
    all_conditions <- expr(TRUE) 
  } else { 
    # creates a chained expression with all the conditions 
    all_conditions <- parse_expr(paste0("(", all_conditions, ")", collapse = "&"))
  new_params <- setdiff(names(.param_options), .m_obj$parameter_set)
  ## take a parameter set from the previous level and a parameter set from the current level, do a set diff
  ## do the expand_grid of the set of new parameters
  ## for each node in the previous level, take the parameter assignment of the previous with the new parameter assignments
  if (is.null(.parent_block)) {
    df <- data.frame( lapply(expand.grid(.param_options, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE), unlist), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df <- filter(df, eval(all_conditions))
    n <- ifelse(nrow(df), nrow(df), 1)
    lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
      .p <- lapply(df, "[[", i)
      if (getOption("tree", 1)) {
        .env = new.env(parent = .super_env)
      } else {
        .env = new.env(parent = globalenv())
        env = .env,
        parent = 0,
        parameter_assignment = .p, 
        code = get_code(.expr, .p)
  } else {
    parents <- .m_obj$multiverse_diction$get(.parent_block)
    q <- lapply(seq_along(parents), function(i, dat) {
      if (length(new_params) == 0) {
        # print(parents)
        # print(class( parents[[i]]) )
        # implies no new parameters have been declared.
        # so number of child environments should be the same as the number of parent environments
        df <- data.frame(parents[[i]]$parameter_assignment)
      } else {
        df <- data.frame( lapply(expand.grid(.param_options[new_params], KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE), unlist), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (! (is_empty(parents[[i]]$parameter_assignment)) ) {
          df <- cbind(df, parents[[i]]$parameter_assignment)
        df <- filter(df, eval(all_conditions))
      n <- ifelse(nrow(df), nrow(df), 1)
      lapply(seq_len(n), function(j) {
        .p <- lapply(df, "[[", j)
        if (getOption("tree", 1)) {
          .env = new.env(parent = parents[[i]]$env)
        } else {
          .env = new.env(parent = globalenv())
          env = .env,
          parent = i,
          parameter_assignment = .p, 
          code = get_code(.expr, .p)
    }, dat = df)
    unlist(q, recursive = FALSE)

get_parameter_conditions_list <- function(.c) {
  l <- lapply( .c, get_parameter_conditions )
  .p = unlist(lapply(l, function(x) x$parameters), recursive = FALSE)
  # check if names are duplicated
  # if yes, then make sure all the option names of the parameter
  # are used. If no, throw an error that it should cover all the
  # options for a parameter.
  if (isTRUE(any(duplicated(names(.p))))) {
    duplicate_names <- duplicated(names(.p), fromLast = TRUE) | duplicated(names(.p))
    if(isFALSE( all(duplicated(.p[duplicate_names], fromLast = TRUE) | duplicated(.p[duplicate_names])) )) {
      stop("reused parameters should have the same number of options and the same names for each option as the original declaration")
    .p <- .p[!duplicated(names(.p))]
  .c = unlist(lapply(l, function(x) x$conditions), recursive = FALSE)
    parameters = .p,
    conditions = .c

# takes as input an expression
# returns as output a paramater condition list whose structure
# resembles list(parameter = list(), condition = list())
get_parameter_conditions <- function(.expr) {
  if (is.call(.expr)) {
    child_parameter_conditions <- lapply(.expr, get_parameter_conditions) %>%
    if (is_call(.expr, "branch")) {
      get_branch_parameter_conditions(.expr) %>%
    } else if (is_call(.expr, "branch_assert")) {
      get_branch_assert_condition(.expr) %>%
    } else {
  } else {
    # Base case: constants and symbols
    list(parameters = list(), conditions = list())

# takes as input a `branch` call which contains a parameter name
# and parameter processing options. Parameter option names is optional
# returns as output a list(parameter = list(), condition = list())
get_branch_parameter_conditions <- function(.branch_call) {
  if (! is_symbol(.branch_call[[2]])) {
    stop("parameter names should be symbols")
  parameter_name <- .branch_call[[2]]
  parameter_options <- lapply(.branch_call[-1:-2], get_option_name )
  parameter_conditions <- lapply(.branch_call[-1:-2], function(x) get_condition(x, parameter_name) )
  if (length(unique(lapply(parameter_options, typeof))) != 1) {
    stop("all option names should be of the same type")
  parameter_options_list <- list(parameter_options)
  names(parameter_options_list) <- as.character(parameter_name)
  list( parameters = parameter_options_list, conditions = parameter_conditions )

get_branch_assert_condition <- function(.x) {
  list(parameters = list(), conditions = list( expr((!!f_rhs(.x))) ))

get_condition <- function(.x, name) {
  .antecedent = get_option_name(.x)
  if (is_call(.x, "~")) {
    .consequent = c(
  } else {
    .consequent = get_implies_consequent(.x)
  if ( !is.null(.consequent)) {
    expr(( !!name != !!.antecedent | !!.consequent ))

get_implies_consequent <- function(.x) {
  if( is_call(.x, "%when%") ) {
  } else if (is_call(.x, "(") | is_call(.x, "{")) {

# takes as input two lists list(parameter = list(), condition = list())
# returns as output a list(parameter = list(), condition = list()),
# which is a concatenation of the two lists provided as input
combine_parameter_conditions <- function(l1, l2) {
  stopifnot(identical(names(l1), c("parameters", "conditions")))
  stopifnot(identical(names(l2), c("parameters", "conditions")))
  # check that duplicate parameters have the same option names
  # merge the parameter lists: when a parameter appears in both lists,
  # take the union of the options provided. the use of two loops and intersect / setdiff
  # up front is to prevent a potentially more expensive linear search inside the loop
  parameters = l1$parameters
  shared_parameters = intersect(names(l1$parameters), names(l2$parameters))
  for (n in shared_parameters) {
    parameters[[n]] = union(l1$parameters[[n]], l2$parameters[[n]])
  l2_only_parameters = setdiff(names(l2$parameters), shared_parameters)
  for (n in l2_only_parameters) {
    parameters[[n]] = l2$parameters[[n]]
    parameters = parameters,
    conditions = compact(union(l1$conditions, l2$conditions))

get_option_name <- function(x) {
  # if an option is empty
  if(x == "") stop("options cannot be empty. make sure your branch statement does not have empty options")
  # when option names are specified
  if (is.call(x) && x[[1]] == "~") {
    if (is.call( f_lhs(x) ) && f_lhs(x)[[1]] == "%when%" ) {
      .expr = f_lhs(f_lhs(x))
      return( create_name_from_expr(.expr) )
    } else if (is.call( f_lhs(x)) ) {
      .expr = f_lhs(x)
      return( create_name_from_expr(.expr) )
    return( f_lhs(x) )
  # when option names are implicitly identified from the expression
  else {
    if (is.call( x ) && x[[1]] == "%when%" ) {
      .expr = f_lhs(x)
      return( create_name_from_expr(.expr) )
    create_name_from_expr(x, TRUE)
MUCollective/multidy documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:52 a.m.