
#' @title Coefficient of Variation (cv)
#' @name cv_versatile
#' @description Versatile function for the coefficient of variation (cv)
#' @param x An \code{R} object. Currently there are methods for numeric vectors
#' @param na.rm a logical value indicating whether \code{NA} values should be
#'              stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
#' @param method a scalar representing the type of confidence intervals
#'               required. The value should be any of the values "kelley",
#'               "mckay", "miller", "vangel", "mahmoudvand_hassani",
#'               "equal_tailed", "shortest_length", "normal_approximation",
#'               "norm","basic", or "all".
#' @param correction returns the unbiased estimate of the coefficient of
#'                   variation
#' @param alpha The allowed type I error probability
#' @param R integer indicating the number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @details \describe{
#'         \item{\strong{Coefficient of Variation}}{
#'         \deqn{ CV = \sigma/\mu} where \eqn{\sigma}
#'         and \eqn{\mu} are standard deviation and mean, respectively.
#'         The \emph{cv} is a measure of relative dispersion representing
#'         the degree of variability relative to the mean [1]. Since \eqn{cv} is
#'         unitless, it is useful for comparison of variables with different
#'         units. It is also a measure of homogeneity [1].
#'         }
#'         }
#' @return An object of type "list" which contains the estimate, the
#'         intervals, and the computation method. It has two main components:
#' @return \describe{
#'        \item{$method}{
#'        A description of statistical method used for the computations.
#'        }
#'        \item{$statistics}{
#'        A data frame representing three vectors: est, lower and upper limits
#'        of \eqn{(1-\alpha)}\% confidence interval \code{(CI)};
#'        additional description vector is provided when "all" is selected:
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{est:}{
#'        \deqn{(sd/mean)*100}
#'        }
#'        \strong{Kelley Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Thanks to package \link[MBESS]{MBESS} [2] for the
#'        computation of confidence limits for the noncentrality parameter from
#'        a \emph{t} distribution \link[MBESS]{conf.limits.nct} [3].
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{McKay Confidence Interval:}{
#'        The intervals calculated by the method introduced by McKay [4],
#'        using \eqn{\chi^2} distribution.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Miller Confidence Interval:}{
#'        The intervals calculated by the method introduced by Miller [5],
#'        using the standard normal distribution.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Vangel Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Vangel [6] proposed a method for the calculation of CI for \emph{cv};
#'        which is a modification on McKay’s CI.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Mahmoudvand-Hassani Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Mahmoudvand and Hassani [7] proposed a new CI for \emph{cv}; which
#'        is obtained using ranked set sampling \emph{(RSS)}
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Normal Approximation Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Wararit Panichkitkosolkul [8] proposed another CI for \emph{cv};
#'        which is a normal approximation.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Shortest-Length Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Wararit Panichkitkosolkul [8] proposed another CI for \emph{cv};
#'        which is obtained through minimizing the length of CI.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Equal-Tailed Confidence Interval:}{
#'        Wararit Panichkitkosolkul [8] proposed another CI for \emph{cv};
#'        which is obtained using \eqn{\chi^2} distribution.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        \strong{Bootstrap Confidence Intervals:}{
#'        Thanks to package \pkg{boot} by Canty & Ripley [9] we can obtain
#'        bootstrap CI around \emph{cv} using \link[boot]{boot.ci}.
#'        }
#'        \cr \cr
#'        }
#'        }
#' @examples
#' x <- c(
#'     0.2, 0.5, 1.1, 1.4, 1.8, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.5, 4.4,
#'     4.6, 5.4, 5.4, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 6.0, 6.6, 7.1, 7.9
#' )
#' cv_versatile(x)
#' cv_versatile(x, correction = TRUE)
#' cv_versatile(x, na.rm = TRUE, digits = 3, method = "kelley", correction = TRUE)
#' cv_versatile(x, na.rm = TRUE, method = "mahmoudvand_hassani", correction = TRUE)
#' cv_versatile(x, na.rm = TRUE, digits = 3, method = "shortest_length", correction = TRUE)
#' cv_versatile(x, na.rm = TRUE, digits = 3, method = "norm", correction = TRUE)
#' cv_versatile(x, na.rm = TRUE, digits = 3, method = "all", correction = TRUE)
#' @references [1] Albatineh, AN., Kibria, BM., Wilcox, ML., & Zogheib, B, 2014,
#'                 Confidence interval estimation for the population coefficient
#'                 of variation using ranked set sampling: A simulation study,
#'                 Journal of Applied Statistics, 41(4), 733–751, DOI:
#'                 \href{http://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2013.847405}{http://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2013.847405}
#' @references [2] Kelley, K., 2018, MBESS: The MBESS R Package. R package
#'                 version 4.4. 3., Retrieved from \href{http://cran.r-project.org/package=MBESS}{http://cran.r-project.org/package=MBESS}
#' @references [3] Kelley, K., 2007, Sample size planning for the coefficient of
#'                 variation from the accuracy in parameter estimation approach,
#'                 Behavior Research Methods, 39(4), 755–766, DOI:
#'                 \href{http://doi.org/10.3758/BF03192966}{http://doi.org/10.3758/BF03192966}
#' @references [4] McKay, AT., 1932, Distribution of the Coefficient of
#'                 Variation and the Extended“ t” Distribution, Journal of the
#'                 Royal Statistical Society, 95(4), 695–698
#' @references [5] Miller, E., 1991, Asymptotic test statistics for coefficients
#'                 of variation, Communications in Statistics-Theory and
#'                 Methods, 20(10), 3351–3363
#' @references [6] Vangel, MG., 1996, Confidence intervals for a normal
#'                 coefficient of variation, The American Statistician, 50(1),
#'                 21–26
#' @references [7] Mahmoudvand, R., & Hassani, H., 2009, Two new confidence
#'                 intervals for the coefficient of variation in a normal
#'                 distribution, Journal of Applied Statistics, 36(4), 429–442
#' @references [8] Panichkitkosolkul, W., 2013, Confidence Intervals for the
#'                 Coefficient of Variation in a Normal Distribution with a
#'                 Known Population Mean, Journal of Probability and Statistics,
#'                 2013, 1–11, \href{http://doi.org/10.1155/2013/324940}{http://doi.org/10.1155/2013/324940}
#' @references [9] Canty, A., & Ripley, B., 2017, boot: Bootstrap R (S-Plus)
#'                 Functions, R package version 1.3-20
#' @export
#' @import dplyr SciViews boot R6 utils
#' @importFrom stats quantile sd qchisq qnorm
#' @importFrom MBESS conf.limits.nct
cv_versatile <- function(
    x,  # Currently there are methods for numeric vectors
    na.rm = FALSE,  # indicating whether NA values should be stripped
    digits = 1,  # digits of output after rounding. default is 4
    method = NULL,  # method for the computation of confidence interval (CI)
    correction = FALSE,  # indicating whether to compute the unbiased statistics
    alpha = 0.05,  # The allowed type I error probability
    R = NULL,  # integer indicating the number of bootstrap replicates
) {
    # library(MBESS)
    # require(dplyr)
    # require(SciViews)
    # require(boot)
    if (missing(x) || is.null(x)) {
        stop("object 'x' not found")
    } else if (!missing(x)) {
        x <- x
    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
        stop("argument is not a numeric vector")
    na.rm <- na.rm  # removes NAs if TRUE
    if (na.rm == TRUE) {
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    } else if (anyNA(x)) {
            "missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE"

    # if (is.null(digits)) {
    #     digits = 1
    # }
    if (is.null(R)) {
        R = 1000
    digits <- digits  # digits required for rounding
    shortest_length <- data.frame(  # "a" and "b" values for shortest-length CI
        v = c(  # degrees of freedom
            2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
            21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
            100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
            14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
            30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 2, 3, 4,
            5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
            22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
            100, 150, 200, 250, 300
        al = c(  # al is the allowed type I error probability
            0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
            0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
            0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
            0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
            0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
            0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
            0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
            0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
            0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05,
            0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
            0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
            0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
            0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
            0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01
        a = c(  # a is an attribute for the length of CI
            0.2065, 0.5654, 1.02, 1.5352, 2.093, 2.6828, 3.2981, 3.9343,
            4.5883, 5.2573, 5.9397, 6.6337, 7.3382, 8.0521, 8.7745,
            9.5047, 10.2421, 10.9861, 11.7362, 12.4919, 13.253,
            14.0191, 14.7899, 15.565, 16.3443, 17.1275, 17.9144,
            18.7049, 19.4987, 27.5919, 35.9012, 44.3661, 52.9501,
            61.629, 70.386, 79.2086, 124.0372, 169.6646, 215.8057,
            262.3132, 0.1015, 0.3449, 0.6918, 1.1092, 1.5776,
            2.0851, 2.6235, 3.1874, 3.7729, 4.3768, 4.9967,
            5.6308, 6.2776, 6.9357, 7.6042, 8.282, 8.9685,
            9.6629, 10.3647, 11.0733, 11.7882, 12.5092,
            13.2357, 13.9675, 14.7043, 15.4458, 16.1917,
            16.9419, 17.6961, 25.4233, 33.4085, 41.5794, 49.8923,
            58.3183, 66.8374, 75.4347, 119.2737, 164.0642,
            209.4667, 255.3057, 0.02, 0.114, 0.2937, 0.5461,
            0.8567, 1.2143, 1.6107, 2.0394, 2.4958, 2.976, 3.4771,
            3.9968, 4.5329, 5.084, 5.6487, 6.2256, 6.8139, 7.4126,
            8.0209, 8.6383, 9.264, 9.8976, 10.5385, 11.1864, 11.8408,
            12.5014, 13.1678, 13.8397, 14.517, 21.5331, 28.8879,
            36.4863, 44.2711, 52.2044, 60.2597, 68.4177, 110.3262,
            153.4834, 197.444, 241.9776
        b = c(  # b is an attribute for the length of CI
            12.5208, 13.1532, 14.18, 15.3498, 16.5807, 17.8391,
            19.1099, 20.3848, 21.6598, 22.9325, 24.2016,
            25.4666, 26.7269, 27.9825, 29.2334, 30.4796,
            31.7212, 32.9585, 34.1915, 35.4205, 36.6455,
            37.8668, 39.0844, 40.2986, 41.5095, 42.7171,
            43.9217, 45.1234, 46.3222, 58.1755, 69.8342,
            81.3479, 92.7487, 104.0584, 115.2925, 126.4628,
            181.6128, 235.9748, 289.8273, 343.3155, 15.1194,
            15.5897, 16.5735, 17.7432, 18.9954, 20.2863,
            21.5953, 22.9118, 24.2303, 25.5476, 26.8618,
            28.1717, 29.4769, 30.777, 32.072, 33.3619,
            34.6467, 35.9266, 37.2016, 38.472, 39.7379,
            40.9995, 42.257, 43.5105, 44.7601, 46.006,
            47.2483, 48.4872, 49.7229, 61.9217, 73.892,
            85.6914, 97.3573, 108.9153, 120.3839, 131.7767,
            187.9079, 243.1025, 297.691, 351.8461, 20.8264,
            20.9856, 21.8371, 22.9867, 24.2618, 25.6017,
            26.9749, 28.3643, 29.7602, 31.158, 32.5543,
            33.9474, 35.3358, 36.7192, 38.0968, 39.4688,
            40.8347, 42.1952, 43.5498, 44.8989, 46.2426,
            47.581, 48.9144, 50.2428, 51.5665, 52.8856,
            54.2002, 55.5107, 56.8169, 69.6808, 82.2534,
            94.6063, 106.7867, 118.8272, 130.7514, 142.5771,
            200.6194, 257.4375, 313.462, 368.9185
    # if ("kelley" %in% method) {
    #     if (!requireNamespace("MBESS")) {
    #         warning(
    #     "package 'MBESS' required to calculate Kelley's confidence interval"
    #         )
    #     }
    # }
    cv <- (
        stats::sd(x, na.rm = na.rm)/mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)  # coefficient of variation
    cv_corr <- cv * (
        (1 - (1/(4 * (length(x) - 1))) +  # corrected coefficient of variation
             (1/length(x)) * cv^2) +
            (1/(2 * (length(x) - 1)^2))
    if (is.null(method) == TRUE & correction == FALSE) {
                method = "cv = sd/mean (may be biased)",
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(cv*100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if (is.null(method) == TRUE & correction == TRUE) {
                method = "Corrected (i.e., unbiased) cv",
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(cv_corr*100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if (!is.null(method)) {
        method <- tolower(method)  # convert user's input to lower-case
        method <- match.arg(  # match the user's input with available methods
            arg = method,
            choices = c(
                "kelley", "mckay", "miller", "vangel", "mahmoudvand_hassani",
                "equal_tailed", "shortest_length", "normal_approximation",
                "norm","basic", "perc", "bca", "all"
            several.ok = TRUE

# calculating cv's bootstrap CI
    boot.cv <- boot::boot(
        function(x, i) {  # coefficient of variation
            stats::sd(x[i], na.rm = na.rm)/mean(x[i], na.rm = na.rm)
        R = R
    boot.cv_corr <- boot::boot(
        function(x, i) {  # corrected coefficient of variation
            stats::sd(x[i], na.rm = na.rm)/mean(x[i], na.rm = na.rm) * (
                (1 - (1/(4 * (length(x[i]) - 1))) +
                     (1/length(x)) * (
                         stats::sd(x[i], na.rm = na.rm)/mean(x[i], na.rm = na.rm)
                     )^2) +
                    (1/(2 * (length(x) - 1)^2))
        R = R
# calculating cv and its CI attributes based on selected methods
    if ("kelley" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        ci <- MBESS::conf.limits.nct(
            ncp = sqrt(length(x))/cv_corr,
            df = length(x) - 1,
            conf.level = (1 - alpha)
        est.kelley <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Upper.Limit)
        upper.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Lower.Limit)
    } else if ("kelley" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        ci <- MBESS::conf.limits.nct(
            ncp = sqrt(length(x))/cv_corr,
            df = length(x) - 1,
            conf.level = (1 - alpha)
        est.kelley <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Upper.Limit)
        upper.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Lower.Limit)
    } else if ("mckay" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        # if (cv > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.mckay <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mckay <- cv/sqrt((u1/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv^2) + u1/v)
        upper.tile.mckay <- cv/sqrt((u2/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv^2) + u2/v)
    } else if ("mckay" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        # if (cv_corr > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.mckay <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mckay <- cv_corr/sqrt((u1/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv_corr^2) + u1/v)
        upper.tile.mckay <- cv_corr/sqrt((u2/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv_corr^2) + u2/v)
    } else if ("miller" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        v <- length(x) - 1
        z_alpha_over2 <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
        u <- sqrt(
            (cv^2/v) * (0.5 + cv^2)
        zu <- z_alpha_over2 * u
        est.miller <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.miller <- cv - zu
        upper.tile.miller <- cv + zu
    } else if ("miller" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        v <- length(x) - 1
        z_alpha_over2 <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
        u <- sqrt(
            (cv_corr^2/v) * (0.5 + cv_corr^2)
        zu <- z_alpha_over2 * u
        est.miller <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.miller <- cv_corr - zu
        upper.tile.miller <- cv_corr + zu
    }  else if ("vangel" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        # if (cv > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.vangel <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.vangel <- cv/sqrt(((u1 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv^2) + u1/v)
        upper.tile.vangel <- cv/sqrt(((u2 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv^2) + u2/v)
    } else if ("vangel" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        # if (cv_corr > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.vangel <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.vangel <- cv_corr/sqrt(
            ((u1 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv_corr^2) + u1/v
        upper.tile.vangel <- cv_corr/sqrt(
            ((u2 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv_corr^2) + u2/v
    } else if ("mahmoudvand_hassani" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        if (length(x) <= 340) {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (gamma(length(x)/2))/(gamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        } else {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (lgamma(length(x)/2))/(lgamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        ul <- 2 - (cn + (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        uu <- 2 - (cn - (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        est.mahmoud <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mahmoud <- cv/ul
        upper.tile.mahmoud <- cv/uu
    } else if ("mahmoudvand_hassani" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        if (length(x) <= 340) {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (gamma(length(x)/2))/(gamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        } else {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (lgamma(length(x)/2))/(lgamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        ul <- 2 - (cn + (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        uu <- 2 - (cn - (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        est.mahmoud <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mahmoud <- cv_corr/ul
        upper.tile.mahmoud <- cv_corr/uu
    } else if ("normal_approximation" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        cn <- sqrt(1 - (1/(2 * length(x))))
        ul <- cn + (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2))
        uu <- cn - (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2))
        est.normaapprox <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.normaapprox <- cv/ul
        upper.tile.normaapprox <- cv/uu
    } else if ("normal_approximation" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        cn <- sqrt(1 - (1/(2 * length(x))))
        ul <- cn + (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2))
        uu <- cn - (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2))
        est.normaapprox <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.normaapprox <- cv_corr/ul
        upper.tile.normaapprox <- cv_corr/uu
    } else if ("shortest_length" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        if (length(x) <= 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
        } else if (length(x) > 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
        est.shortest <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.shortest <- (cv*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(b_value$b)
        upper.tile.shortest <- (cv*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(a_value$a)
    } else if ("shortest_length" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        if (length(x) <= 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
        } else if (length(x) > 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
        est.shortest <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.shortest <- (cv_corr*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(b_value$b)
        upper.tile.shortest <- (cv_corr*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(a_value$a)
    } else if ("equal_tailed" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        v <- length(x) - 1
        tt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)
        tt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)
        est.equal <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.equal <- (cv*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(tt1))
        upper.tile.equal <- (cv*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(tt2))
    } else if ("equal_tailed" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        v <- length(x) - 1
        tt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)
        tt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)
        est.equal <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.equal <- (cv_corr*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(tt1))
        upper.tile.equal <- (cv_corr*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(tt2))
    } else if ("norm" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        boot.normcv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "norm"
        est.norm <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.norm <- boot.normcv.ci$normal[2]
        upper.tile.norm <- boot.normcv.ci$normal[3]
    } else if ("norm" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        boot.normcv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "norm"
        est.norm <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.norm <- boot.normcv_corr.ci$normal[2]
        upper.tile.norm <- boot.normcv_corr.ci$normal[3]
    } else if ("basic" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        boot.basiccv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.basic <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv.ci$basic[4]
        upper.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv.ci$basic[5]
    } else if ("basic" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        boot.basiccv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.basic <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv_corr.ci$basic[4]
        upper.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv_corr.ci$basic[5]
    } else if ("perc" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        boot.percentcv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.percent <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv.ci$percent[4]
        upper.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv.ci$percent[5]
    } else if ("perc" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        boot.percentcv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.percent <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv_corr.ci$percent[4]
        upper.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv_corr.ci$percent[5]
    } else if ("bca" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        boot.bcacv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.bca <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv.ci$bca[4]
        upper.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv.ci$bca[5]
    } else if ("bca" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        boot.bcacv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.bca <- cv_corr  # corrected cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv_corr.ci$percent[4]
        upper.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv_corr.ci$percent[5]
    } else if (method == "all" && correction == FALSE) {
        est.all <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        ci <- MBESS::conf.limits.nct(
            ncp = sqrt(length(x))/cv_corr,
            df = length(x) - 1,
            conf.level = (1 - alpha)
        lower.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Upper.Limit)
        upper.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Lower.Limit)
        # if (cv > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.mckay <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mckay <- cv/sqrt((u1/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv^2) + u1/v)
        upper.tile.mckay <- cv/sqrt((u2/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv^2) + u2/v)
        z_alpha_over2 <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
        u <- sqrt(
            (cv^2/v) * (0.5 + cv^2)
        zu <- z_alpha_over2 * u
        est.miller <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.miller <- cv - zu
        upper.tile.miller <- cv + zu
        tt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        tt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        uu1 <- v*tt1
        uu2 <- v*tt2
        est.vangel <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.vangel <- cv/sqrt(((uu1 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv^2) + uu1/v)
        upper.tile.vangel <- cv/sqrt(((uu2 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv^2) + uu2/v)
        if (length(x) <= 340) {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (gamma(length(x)/2))/(gamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        } else if (length(x) > 340) {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (lgamma(length(x)/2))/(lgamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        ul <- 2 - (cn + (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        uu <- 2 - (cn - (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        est.mahmoud <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mahmoud <- cv/ul
        upper.tile.mahmoud <- cv/uu
        cnt <- sqrt(1 - (1/(2 * length(x))))
        ult <- cnt + (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cnt^2))
        uut <- cnt - (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cnt^2))
        est.normaapprox <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.normaapprox <- cv/ult
        upper.tile.normaapprox <- cv/uut
        if (length(x) <= 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
        } else if (length(x) > 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
        est.shortest <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.shortest <- (cv*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(b_value$b)
        upper.tile.shortest <- (cv*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(a_value$a)
        ttt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)
        ttt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)
        est.equal <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.equal <- (cv*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(ttt1))
        upper.tile.equal <- (cv*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(ttt2))
        boot.normcv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "norm"
        est.norm <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.norm <- boot.normcv.ci$normal[2]
        upper.tile.norm <- boot.normcv.ci$normal[3]
        boot.basiccv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.basic <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv.ci$basic[4]
        upper.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv.ci$basic[5]
        boot.percentcv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.percent <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv.ci$percent[4]
        upper.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv.ci$percent[5]
        boot.bcacv.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.bca <- cv  # cv is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv.ci$bca[4]
        upper.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv.ci$bca[5]
    } else if (method == "all" && correction == TRUE) {
        est.all <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        ci <- MBESS::conf.limits.nct(
            ncp = sqrt(length(x))/cv_corr,
            df = length(x) - 1,
            conf.level = (1 - alpha)
        lower.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Upper.Limit)
        upper.tile.kelley <- unname(sqrt(length(x))/ci$Lower.Limit)
        # if (cv_corr > 0.33) {
        #     warning("Confidence interval may be very approximate")
        # }
        v <- length(x) - 1
        t1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        t2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        u1 <- v*t1
        u2 <- v*t2
        est.mckay <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mckay <- cv_corr/sqrt((u1/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv_corr^2) + u1/v)
        upper.tile.mckay <- cv_corr/sqrt((u2/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv_corr^2) + u2/v)
        z_alpha_over2 <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2))
        u <- sqrt(
            (cv_corr^2/v) * (0.5 + cv_corr^2)
        zu <- z_alpha_over2 * u
        est.miller <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.miller <- cv_corr - zu
        upper.tile.miller <- cv_corr + zu
        tt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)/v
        tt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)/v
        uu1 <- v*tt1
        uu2 <- v*tt2
        est.vangel <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.vangel <- cv_corr/sqrt(((uu1 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1 )*(cv_corr^2) + uu1/v)
        upper.tile.vangel <- cv_corr/sqrt(((uu2 + 1)/(v + 1) - 1)*(cv_corr^2) + uu2/v)
        if (length(x) <= 340) {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (gamma(length(x)/2))/(gamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        } else {
            cn <- sqrt(2/(length(x) - 1)) * (
                (lgamma(length(x)/2))/(lgamma((length(x) - 1)/2))
        ul <- 2 - (cn + (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        uu <- 2 - (cn - (stats::qnorm((alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cn^2)))
        est.mahmoud <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.mahmoud <- cv_corr/ul
        upper.tile.mahmoud <- cv_corr/uu
        cnt <- sqrt(1 - (1/(2 * length(x))))
        ult <- cnt + (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cnt^2))
        uut <- cnt - (stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha/2)) * sqrt(1 - cnt^2))
        est.normaapprox <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.normaapprox <- cv_corr/ult
        upper.tile.normaapprox <- cv_corr/uut
        if (length(x) <= 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == length(x) - 1) %>%
        } else if (length(x) > 300) {
            a_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
            b_value <- shortest_length %>%
                subset(al == alpha & v == 300) %>%
        est.shortest <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.shortest <- (cv_corr*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(b_value$b)
        upper.tile.shortest <- (cv_corr*sqrt(length(x) - 1))/sqrt(a_value$a)
        ttt1 <- stats::qchisq(1 - alpha/2,v)
        ttt2 <- stats::qchisq(alpha/2,v)
        est.equal <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.equal <- (cv_corr*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(ttt1))
        upper.tile.equal <- (cv_corr*sqrt(v))/(sqrt(ttt2))
        boot.normcv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "norm"
        est.norm <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.norm <- boot.normcv_corr.ci$normal[2]
        upper.tile.norm <- boot.normcv_corr.ci$normal[3]
        boot.basiccv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.basic <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv_corr.ci$basic[4]
        upper.tile.basic <- boot.basiccv_corr.ci$basic[5]
        boot.percentcv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.percent <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv_corr.ci$percent[4]
        upper.tile.percent <- boot.percentcv_corr.ci$percent[5]
        boot.bcacv_corr.ci <- boot::boot.ci(
            boot.cv_corr, conf = (1 - alpha), type = "basic"
        est.bca <- cv_corr  # cv_corr is an estimate of CV
        lower.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv_corr.ci$bca[4]
        upper.tile.bca <- boot.bcacv_corr.ci$bca[5]
# preparing the output based on the selected methods
    if ("kelley" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Kelley 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("kelley" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Kelley 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("mckay" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with McKay 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("mckay" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with McKay 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("miller" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                   "cv with Miller 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("miller" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Miller 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("vangel" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Vangel 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("vangel" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Vangel 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("mahmoudvand_hassani" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Mahmoudvand-Hassani 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("mahmoudvand_hassani" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Mahmoudvand-Hassani 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("normal_approximation" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Normal Approximation 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(
                        lower.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits
                    upper = round(
                        upper.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("normal_approximation" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Normal Approximation 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(
                        lower.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits
                    upper = round(
                        upper.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("shortest_length" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Shortest-Length 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("shortest_length" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Shortest-Length 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("equal_tailed" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Equal-Tailed 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("equal_tailed" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Equal-Tailed 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("norm" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Normal Approximation Bootstrap 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("norm" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Normal Approximation Bootstrap 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("basic" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
                method = (
                    "cv with Basic Bootstrap 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("basic" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
                method = (
                    "Corrected cv with Basic Bootstrap 95% CI"
                statistics = data.frame(
                    est = round(est.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    lower = round(lower.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    upper = round(upper.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits),
                    row.names = c(" ")
    } else if ("perc" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        stop("percent method is not developed yet")
        # return(
        #     list(
        #         method = (
        #             "cv with Bootstrap Percentile 95% CI"
        #         ),
        #         statistics = data.frame(
        #             est = round(est.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             lower = round(lower.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             upper = round(upper.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             row.names = c(" ")
        #         )
        #     )
        #     )
    } else if ("perc" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        stop("percent method is not developed yet")
        # return(
        #     list(
        #         method = (
        #             "Corrected cv with Bootstrap Percentile 95% CI"
        #         ),
        #         statistics = data.frame(
        #             est = round(est.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             lower = round(lower.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             upper = round(upper.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits),
        #             row.names = c(" ")
        #         )
        #     )
        # )
    } else if ("bca" %in% method && correction == FALSE) {
        stop("BCa method is not developed yet")
        # return(
        #     list(
        #         method = (
        #             "cv with Adjusted Bootstrap Percentile (BCa) 95% CI"
        #         ),
        #         statistics = data.frame(
        #             est = round(est.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             lower = round(lower.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             upper = round(upper.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             row.names = c(" ")
        #         )
        #     )
        #     )
    } else if ("bca" %in% method && correction == TRUE) {
        stop("BCa method is not developed yet")
        # return(
        #     list(
        #         method = (
        #         "Corrected cv with Adjusted Bootstrap Percentile (BCa) 95% CI"
        #         ),
        #         statistics = data.frame(
        #             est = round(est.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             lower = round(lower.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             upper = round(upper.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits),
        #             row.names = c(" ")
        #         )
        #     )
        # )
    } else if (method == "all" && correction == FALSE) {
                method = "All methods",
                statistics = data.frame(
                    row.names = c(
                        "kelley",  # 1
                        "mckay",  # 2
                        "miller",  # 3
                        "vangel",  # 4
                        "mahmoudvand_hassani",  # 5
                        "equal_tailed",  # 6
                        "shortest_length",  # 7
                        "normal_approximation",  # 8
                        "norm",  # 9
                        "basic"  # 10
                        # "perc"  # 11
                        # "bca"  # 12
                    est = c(
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        # round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        # round(cv * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv * 100, digits = digits)
                    lower = c(
                        round(lower.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(lower.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(lower.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits)
                    upper = c(
                        round(upper.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(upper.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(upper.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits)
                    description = c(
                        "cv with Kelley 95% CI",
                        "cv with McKay 95% CI",
                        "cv with Miller 95% CI",
                        "cv with Vangel 95% CI",
                        "cv with Mahmoudvand-Hassani 95% CI",
                        "cv with Equal-Tailed 95% CI",
                        "cv with Shortest-Length 95% CI",
                        "cv with Normal Approximation 95% CI",
                        "cv with Normal Approximation Bootstrap 95% CI",
                        "cv with Basic Bootstrap 95% CI"
                        # ,
                        # "cv with Bootstrap Percentile 95% CI"
                        # ,
                        # "cv with Adjusted Bootstrap Percentile (BCa) 95% CI"
    } else if (method == "all" && correction == TRUE) {
                method = "All methods",
                statistics = data.frame(
                    row.names = c(
                        "kelley",  # 1
                        "mckay",  # 2
                        "miller",  # 3
                        "vangel",  # 4
                        "mahmoudvand_hassani",  # 5
                        "equal_tailed",  # 6
                        "shortest_length",  # 7
                        "normal_approximation",  # 8
                        "norm",  # 9
                        "basic"  # 10
                        # "perc"  # 11
                        # "bca"  # 12
                    est = c(
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        # round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        # round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(cv_corr * 100, digits = digits)
                    lower = c(
                        round(lower.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(lower.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(lower.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(lower.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits)
                    upper = c(
                        round(upper.tile.kelley * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.mckay * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.miller * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.vangel * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.mahmoud * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.equal * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.shortest * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.normaapprox * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.norm * 100, digits = digits),
                        round(upper.tile.basic * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(upper.tile.percent * 100, digits = digits)
                        # ,
                        # round(upper.tile.bca * 100, digits = digits)
                    description = c(
                "Corrected cv with Kelley 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with McKay 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Miller 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Vangel 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Mahmoudvand-Hassani 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Equal-Tailed 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Shortest-Length 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Normal Approximation 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Normal Approximation Bootstrap 95% CI",
                "Corrected cv with Basic Bootstrap 95% CI"
                # ,
                # "Corrected cv with Bootstrap Percentile 95% CI"
                # ,
                # "Corrected cv with Adjusted Bootstrap Percentile (BCa) 95% CI"
MaaniBeigy/DescObs documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:37 a.m.