
Defines functions archive

Documented in archive

##  archivist package for R
##  archivist.github package for R
#' @title Archive Artifact to Local and GitHub Repository
#' @description
#' \code{archive} stores artifacts in the local \link{Repository} and automatically pushes archived
#' artifacts to the GitHub \code{Repository} with which the local \code{Repository} is synchronized
#' (via \link{createGitHubRepo} or \link{cloneGitHubRepo}). Function stores artifacts on the same
#' way as \link{saveToLocalRepo} function. 
#' This function is well explained on this \href{http://r-bloggers.com/r-hero-saves-backup-city-with-archivist-and-github}{http://r-bloggers.com/r-hero-saves-backup-city-with-archivist-and-github} blog post.
#' @references 
#' More about \pkg{archivist.github} can be found on 
#' \href{http://marcinkosinski.github.io/archivist.github/}{marcinkosinski.github.io/archivist.github/} 
#' and about \pkg{archivist} in posts' history on \href{http://pbiecek.github.io/archivist/Posts.html}{http://pbiecek.github.io/archivist/Posts.html}
#' @details
#' To learn more about  \code{Archivist Integration With GitHub} visit \link{agithub}.
#' @param artifact An artifact to be archived on Local and Github \link{Repository}.
#' @param commitMessage A character denoting a message added to the commit while archiving \code{artifact} on GitHub Repository.
#' By default, an artifact's \link{md5hash} is added to the commit message when it is specified to \code{NULL}.
#' @param repo A character denoting GitHub repository name and synchronized local existing directory in which an artifact will be saved.
#' @param user A character denoting GitHub user name. Can be set globally with \code{aoptions("user", user)}.
#'  See \link{agithub}.
#' @param password A character denoting GitHub user password. Can be set globally with \code{aoptions("password", password)}.
#' See \link{agithub}.
#' @param artifactName The name of the artifact with which it should be archived. If \code{NULL} then object's MD5 hash will be used instead.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \link{saveToLocalRepo} function.
#' @param alink Logical. Whether the result should be put into \link{alink} function. If you would like to pass further arguments to \code{alink} then
#' you should specify them with \link{aoptions} in this case.
#' @param verbose A logical value. If TRUE then additional messages will be printed out.
#' @author 
#' Marcin Kosinski, \email{m.p.kosinski@@gmail.com}
#' @note 
#' Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to \href{https://github.com/MarcinKosinski/archivist.github/issues}{https://github.com/MarcinKosinski/archivist.github/issues}
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # empty GitHub Repository creation
#' authoriseGitHub(ClientID, ClientSecret) -> github_token
#' # authoriseGitHub also does: aoptions("github_token", github_token)
#' aoptions("user", user.name)
#' aoptions("password", user.password)
#' createGitHubRepo("archive-test4", default = TRUE)
#' ## artifact's archiving
#' exampleVec <- 1:100
#' # archiving
#' archive(exampleVec) -> md5hash_path
#' ## proof that artifact is really archived
#' showGithubRepo() # uses options from setGithubRepo
#' # let's remove exampleVec
#' rm(exampleVec)
#' # and load it back from md5hash_path
#' aread(md5hash_path)
#' # clone example
#' unlink("archive-test", recursive = TRUE)
#' cloneGithubRepo('https://github.com/MarcinKosinski/archive-test')
#' setRemoteRepo(aoptions("user"), "archive-test")
#' data(iris)
#' archive(iris)
#' showRemoteRepo()
#' ## alink() option
#' vectorLong <- 1:100
#' vectorShort <- 1:20
#' # archiving
#' alink(archive(vectorLong))
#' archive(vectorShort, alink = TRUE)
#' showRemoteRepo()
#' }
#' @family archivist.github
#' @rdname archive
#' @export
archive <- function(artifact, 
										commitMessage = aoptions("commitMessage"),
										repo = aoptions("repo"), 
										user = aoptions("user"),
										password = aoptions("password"),
										alink = aoptions("alink"),
										artifactName = deparse(substitute(artifact)),
										verbose = FALSE,
	stopifnot(is.character(c(repo, user, password)))
	stopifnot(is.null(commitMessage) | (length(commitMessage) == 1 & is.character(commitMessage)))
	stopifnot(length(repo) == 1, length(user) == 1,	length(password) == 1)
	stopifnot(is.logical(alink) & length(alink) == 1)
	# archive Locally
	# assign(x = artifactName, value = artifact)
	if(verbose) cat(" - archive Locally\n")
	archivist::saveToRepo(artifact = artifact, artifactName = artifactName, ...) -> md5hash
	# commit
	# new rows in backpack.db
	# and new files for artifact
	if(verbose) cat(" - and new files for artifact\n")
	repoName <- repo
	repo <- git2r::repository(repo)
	git2r::add(repo, c("backpack.db",  
										 		 x = file.path("gallery",
										 		 							list.files(file.path(repoName, "gallery"))),
										 		 value = TRUE)))
	if(verbose) cat(" - commit\n")
	if (is.null(commitMessage)){
		commitMessage <- paste0("archivist: add ", md5hash)
	new_commit <- git2r::commit(repo, commitMessage)

	# authentication with GitHub
	cred <- cred_user_pass(user, password)
	# push to github
	if(verbose) cat(" - push to github\n")
	git2r::push(repo, refspec = "refs/heads/master", credentials = cred)
	urh <- paste0(user,"/",repoName,"/",md5hash)
  if (alink) {
	} else {
MarcinKosinski/archivist.github documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:48 p.m.