
Defines functions getGenCov

Documented in getGenCov

# y1=y; y2=x; X=Z=U=d=NULL; K=G; mc.cores=5; scale=TRUE
getGenCov <- function(y1, y2, X = NULL, Z = NULL, K = NULL, U = NULL,
           d = NULL, scale = TRUE, mc.cores = 1, ...)
    stop("Object 'y2' must be a matrix with 'nrow(y2)' equal to the number of elements in 'y1'")

  sdy1 <- sd(y1)
  sdy2 <- apply(y2,2,sd)
    y1 <- as.vector(y1/sdy1)
    y2 <- scale(y2,FALSE,sdy2)
    #y1 <- as.vector(scale(y1))
    #y2 <- scale(y2)
    if(any(abs(sdy1 -sdy2) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
      warning("Variances of y1 and y2 are not equal",immediate.=TRUE)

  if(length(y1) != nrow(y2))
    stop("The number of elements in 'y1' must be equal to the number of rows in 'y2'")

  if(is.null(U) & is.null(d))
          K <- diag(length(y1))
      G <- K
      if(!is.matrix(Z)) stop("Object 'Z' must be a matrix")
        G <- tcrossprod(Z)  # K = ZIZ'
        G <- Z%*%K%*%t(Z)

    stopifnot(nrow(G) == length(y1))
    stopifnot(ncol(G) == length(y1))
    out <- eigen(G)
    d <- out$values
    U <- out$vectors
    if(is.null(U)) stop("You are providing the eigenvalues, but not the eigenvectors")
    if(is.null(d)) stop("You are providing the eigenvectors, but not the eigenvalues")

  fm1 <- fitBLUP(y1,BLUP=FALSE,X=X,U=U,d=d, ...)   # Model for variable 1

  compApply <- function(j)
     fm2 <- fitBLUP(y2[,j],BLUP=FALSE,X=X,U=U,d=d,...)       # Model for variable 2
     fm3 <- fitBLUP(y1 + y2[,j],BLUP=FALSE,X=X,U=U,d=d,...)  # Model for variable 3

     cat(1, file = con, append = TRUE)

     c(varU2=fm2$varU, covU=0.5*(fm3$varU - fm1$varU - fm2$varU),
        	varE2=fm2$varE, covE=0.5*(fm3$varE - fm1$varE - fm2$varE))

  pb = utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3); con <- tempfile()
  if(mc.cores == 1L){
    out = lapply(X=1:ncol(y2), FUN=compApply)
    out = parallel::mclapply(X=1:ncol(y2), FUN=compApply, mc.cores=mc.cores)

  out <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,out))
  list(varU1=fm1$varU, varE1=fm1$varE, varU2=out$varU2,
      varE2=out$varE2, covU=out$covU,covE=out$covE)
MarcooLopez/SFSI_data documentation built on April 15, 2021, 10:53 a.m.