
# I'm using the normal pseudo residuals to test the absolute fit of the model
# I'm getting the pseudo residuals of the SL and the TA independently
# and this is because I'm assuming that SL and TA are independent
# This assumption is not quite true for the CCRW
# But I still think it's ok because th dependence is mainly
# associated with the behaviour and in both case the behaviour
# is estimated with both the SL and TA
# There are some special tricks with the CCRW see below for more info

# I'm using Zucchini and MAcDonald 2009 definition of pseudoresiduals
# The general idea is:
# 1. I'm getting the uniform pseudo residuals
# Which are simply the cummulative density function value for observation x_t
# u_t = F(x_t) = Pr[X_t<=x_t]
# in the case of CCRW it is more complicated
# they are defined as u_t = F(x_t) = Pr[X_t<=x_t | X^{-t}=x^{-t}]
# So it is based on the conditional distribution

# 2. I'm transforming the unfirom pseudo residuals into normal pseudo residual
# which is simply using inverse function of a standard normal (or quantile fx)
# z_t = phi{-1}(u_t)

# 3. I'm using a shapiro test of normality to test whether the normal 
# pseudo-residuals are normal

# Functions needed

# test of uniformity based on G-test

pseudo.u.test <- function(U, nP, n, graph, movMes){

  # Binning the uniform pseudo residuals
  # Dividing the uniform distribution in as many bins as possible
  # that will have 5 expected values.
  # Since the degrees of freedom depends on the number
  # of bins and the number of parameters estimated
  # df = nB - nP -1
  # and the biggest number of parameter estimated is 3
  # we need a minium of 5 bins with 10 expected
  # so a minimum of 50 data points.
  # Constant size bin
  nB <- floor(n/10)
  U_E <- n/nB
  U_B <- seq(0,1,length.out=(nB+1))
  U_B <- hist(U,breaks=U_B,plot=FALSE)$counts
  # The actual G-test
  # According to Sokal and Rohlf (1995)
  # GVal <- 2*sum(O*log(O/E))
  GVal <- U_B*log(U_B/U_E)
  GVal[U_B==0] <- 0
  GVal <- 2*sum(GVal)
  # The df depends only on the non-empty bins
  nB <- nB - sum(U_B==0)
  # According to Sokal and Rohlf 1995
  # the degrees of freedom depends on whether 
  # there is an intrinsic hypothesis
  # (a hypothesis based on the data) or not
  # But since I'm doing the analysis on the pseudo residuals
  # I'm not sure whether I should penalise
  # the test for the number of parameters
  dfGT <- nB - nP - 1
  # Williams correction according to Sokal and Rohlf (1995)
  # q=1+(a^2-1)/6* n*dfGT, where a is number of category
  wc <- 1 + (nB^2 -1)/(6 * n * dfGT)
  pValGT <- pchisq(GVal/wc,dfGT,lower.tail=FALSE)
  pValGT <- rbind(Gcor=(GVal)/wc,pValGT)
    hist(U, nB, xlab = "Uniform pseudo-residuals", ylab=paste("Frequency",movMes), main="")
    acf(U, xlab="Lag (steps)", ylab=paste("ACF",movMes), main="")

# Function to combine p-values from the 2 test of fit (SL & TA)

# According to Quinn & Keough, you can combined p-value
# with comb_stat = -2* sum_{i=1}^{c}(ln(p_c)),
# where p_c is the p value of the test c
# and comb_stat is chi squared distributed with 2*c degrees of freedom
# This is often refered as the Fisher's method

combP <- function(p1,p2){
	h <- -2*(log(p1)+log(p2))
	pc <- pchisq(h,df=4,lower.tail=F)
	res <- cbind(h,pc)
	colnames(res) <- c('combStat','pval')

# For most function there is a function to get the cummulative
# density function but for some of them I had to write the function

# Probability density function of TE
dtexp <- function(SL,SLmin,SLmax,parTE){
  parTE * exp(-parTE *SL)/ (exp(-parTE*SLmin) - exp(-parTE*SLmax))

ptexp <- function(SL,SLmin,SLmax,parTE){

         function(x) integrate(dtexp,SLmin,x,SLmin=SLmin,SLmax=SLmax,parTE=parTE)[[1]])

# Probability density function of truncated pareto
dtpar <- function(SL, SLmin, SLmax, mu){
  if(mu == 1){
    pp <- (1/(log(SLmax) - log(SLmin)))*SL^{-mu}
    pp <- ((mu-1)/(SLmin^(1-mu) - SLmax^(1-mu)))*SL^{-mu}

ptpar <- function(SL,SLmin,SLmax,mu){
         function(x) integrate(dtpar,SLmin,x,SLmin=SLmin,SLmax=SLmax,mu=mu)[[1]])

pwrcauchy <- function(TA,mu,rho){
         function(x) integrate(dwrpcauchy,-pi,x,mu=mu,rho=rho)[[1]])


# I'm using the ordinary pseudo residuals for CCRW defined by Zucchini and MacDonald 2009
# The only difference is that I'm using both SL and TA
# to get the w associated with the conditional probabilities
# but only p(x_t) appropriate to the good measure (SL or TA)
# when I'm calculating the pseudo-residuals

# function that test the absolut fit

pseudo <- function(SL,TA_C,TA,SLmin,SLmax,missL,notMisLoc,n,mleMov,PRdetails,graph, Uinfo=FALSE,
                   dn=FALSE, ww=FALSE, hs=FALSE, hsl=FALSE, hsp=FALSE, hspo=FALSE){
	# Pseudo residuals

  # If graph=TRUE get the best model
  # since only the pseudo residuals of the best model are shown
  mods <- unlist(mleMov)[grep("AICc",names(unlist(mleMov)))]
  # Order: CCRW, LW, TLW, BW, CRW, TBW, TCRW, (CCRWww)
    graphL <- rep(FALSE,length(mods))
    bestM <- which.min(mods)
    graphL[bestM] <- TRUE
    graphL <- rep(FALSE,length(mods))
  # By definition the SL that are corresponding to SLmin and SLmax
  # will be outliers because it is very unlikely o have values that are
  # exactly at the truncation value
  # Because the truncation values are set to be the smallest and greatest observed
  # It cause issues with normality test,
  # It is because the normal pseudo residuals of SLmin and SLmax
  # will be -Inf and Inf
  # SO the easiest way around this is to remove these to outliers
  Z <- matrix(NA,2,8)
  colnames(Z) <- c('SL_CCRW', 'SL_LW', 'SL_TLW','SL_E','SL_TE',
                   'TA_CCRW', 'TA_U','TA_VM')
  rownames(Z) <- c('W','pval')
    gamm <- matrix(c(mleMov$CCRW[1], 1-mleMov$CCRW[2], 1-mleMov$CCRW[1], mleMov$CCRW[2]),2)
      w <- HMMwi(SL,TA,missL,SLmin,
                 mleMov$CCRW[3:4], mleMov$CCRW[5], gamm, mleMov$CCRW[8:9], notMisLoc)
      w <- HMMwi(SL,TA,missL,SLmin,
                            mleMov$CCRW[3:4], mleMov$CCRW[5], gamm, mleMov$CCRW[6:7], notMisLoc)
    U_SL_CCRW <- w[1,notMisLoc] * pexp(SL-SLmin,mleMov$CCRW[3]) +
      w[2,notMisLoc] * pexp(SL-SLmin,mleMov$CCRW[4])
    U_TA_CCRW <- w[1,notMisLoc] * pvonmises(TA_C, circular(0), 0) +
      w[2,notMisLoc] * pvonmises(TA_C, circular(0), mleMov$CCRW[5])
    # Although I'm estimated 7 parameters in total for the CCRW
    # and all parameters are used to identify the expected behavioral state
    # I'm only taking into acount the parameters that trully are associated with
    # each set of pseudo-residuals.
    # SO for SL, you have 3 parameters: minSL, lambda_T, lambda_F
    # SO for TA, you have 1 parameter: kappa_T
    Z[,1] <- pseudo.u.test(U_SL_CCRW, 3, n, graphL[1], "SL")
    Z[,6] <- pseudo.u.test(U_TA_CCRW, 1, n, graphL[1], "TA")
  # Weibull and wrapped Cauchy
    gammww <- matrix(c(mleMov$CCRWww[1], 1-mleMov$CCRWww[2], 1-mleMov$CCRWww[1], mleMov$CCRWww[2]),2)
    www <- HMMwiww(SL, TA, missL, 
                   mleMov$CCRWww[5:6], mleMov$CCRWww[3:4], mleMov$CCRWww[7], gammww, mleMov$CCRWww[9:10],
    U_SL_CCRWww <- www[1,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$CCRWww[5],mleMov$CCRWww[3]) +
      www[2,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$CCRWww[6],mleMov$CCRWww[4])
    U_TA_CCRWww <- www[1,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, 0) +
      www[2,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, mleMov$CCRWww[7])
    # Although I'm estimated 7 parameters in total for the CCRWww
    # and all parameters are used to identify the expected behavioral state
    # I'm only taking into acount the parameters that trully are associated with
    # each set of pseudo-residuals.
    # SO for SL, you have 4 parameters: scI, scE, shI, shE
    # SO for TA, you have 1 parameter: rE
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_SL_CCRWww, 4, n, graphL[8], "SL"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "SL_CCRWww"
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_TA_CCRWww, 1, n, graphL[8], "TA"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "TA_CCRWww"
  # Weibull and wrapped Cauchy
    whs <- HSMMwi(SL, TA, missL, notMisLoc, mleMov$HSMM[1:2], mleMov$HSMM[3:4], mleMov$HSMM[5:6], mleMov$HSMM[7:8], mleMov$HSMM[9])
    U_SL_HSMM <- whs[1,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMM[7],mleMov$HSMM[5]) +
      whs[2,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMM[8],mleMov$HSMM[6])
    U_TA_HSMM <- whs[1,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, 0) +
      whs[2,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, mleMov$HSMM[9])
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_SL_HSMM, 4, n, graphL[8], "SL"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "SL_HSMM"
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_TA_HSMM, 1, n, graphL[8], "TA"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "TA_HSMM"

    whs <- HSMMwi(SL, TA, missL, notMisLoc, mleMov$HSMMl[1:2], mleMov$HSMMl[rep(3,2)], mleMov$HSMMl[4:5], mleMov$HSMMl[6:7], mleMov$HSMMl[8])
    U_SL_HSMMl <- whs[1,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMMl[6],mleMov$HSMMl[4]) +
      whs[2,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMMl[7],mleMov$HSMMl[5])
    U_TA_HSMMl <- whs[1,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, 0) +
      whs[2,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, mleMov$HSMMl[8])
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_SL_HSMMl, 4, n, graphL[8], "SL"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "SL_HSMMl"
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_TA_HSMMl, 1, n, graphL[8], "TA"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "TA_HSMMl"
    whp <- tryCatch(HSMMpwi(SL, TA, missL, notMisLoc, mleMov$HSMMp[1:2], mleMov$HSMMp[3:4], mleMov$HSMMp[5:6], mleMov$HSMMp[7]),
            error=function(e){matrix(0, nrow=2,ncol=notMisLoc[length(notMisLoc)])})
    U_SL_HSMMp <- whp[1,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMMp[5],mleMov$HSMMp[3]) +
      whp[2,notMisLoc] * pweibull(SL,mleMov$HSMMp[6],mleMov$HSMMp[4])
    U_TA_HSMMp <- whp[1,notMisLoc] * pwrcauchy(TA, 0, 0) +
      whp[2,notMisLoc] * tryCatch(pwrcauchy(TA, 0, mleMov$HSMMp[7]),error=function(e){NA})
    pP <- which(substring(names(mods), 1,nchar(names(mods))-5) == "HSMMp")
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_SL_HSMMp, 4, n, graphL[pP], "SL"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "SL_HSMMp"
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_TA_HSMMp, 1, n, graphL[pP], "TA"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "TA_HSMMp"
    whpo <- tryCatch(HSMMpowi(SL, TA, missL, notMisLoc, mleMov$HSMMpo[1:2], mleMov$HSMMpo[3:4], mleMov$HSMMpo[5]),
                    error=function(e){matrix(0, nrow=2,ncol=notMisLoc[length(notMisLoc)])})
    U_SL_HSMMpo <- whpo[1,notMisLoc] * pexp(SL-SLmin,mleMov$HSMMpo[3]) +
      whpo[2,notMisLoc] * pexp(SL-SLmin,mleMov$HSMMpo[4])
    U_TA_HSMMpo <- whpo[1,notMisLoc] * pvonmises(TA_C, circular(0), 0) +
      whpo[2,notMisLoc] * pvonmises(TA_C, circular(0), mleMov$HSMMpo[5])
    # SO for SL, you have 3 parameters: lI, lE, a
    # SO for TA, you have 1 parameter: lE
    pP <- which(substring(names(mods), 1,nchar(names(mods))-5) == "HSMMpo")
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_SL_HSMMpo, 3, n, graphL[pP], "SL"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "SL_HSMMpo"
    Z <- cbind(Z, pseudo.u.test(U_TA_HSMMpo, 1, n, graphL[pP], "TA"))
    colnames(Z)[ncol(Z)] <- "TA_HSMMpo"
  # SL
	# LW

	U_LW <- ppareto(SL,SLmin,mleMov$LW[1]-1)

	# TLW

	U_TLW <- ptpar(SL,SLmin,SLmax,mleMov$TLW[1]) # Used to be ptpareto

	# E
	# For both BW and CRW

	U_E <- pexp(SL-SLmin,mleMov$BW[1])

	# TE
	# For both TBW and TCRW
	U_TE <- ptexp(SL,SLmin,SLmax,mleMov$TBW[1])

	# TA
	# U
	# Circular uniform
	# For LW, TLW, BW, and TBW

  U_U <- pvonmises(TA_C,circular(0),0)
	# VM
	# von Mises
	# For CRW and TCRW

  U_VM <- pvonmises(TA_C,circular(0),mleMov$CRW[2])
	# Normal pseudo residuals

	# SL
  # nP = SLmin + mu
	Z[,2] <- pseudo.u.test(U_LW,2,n,graphL[2],"SL")
  # nP = SLmin + mu + SLmax
	Z[,3] <- pseudo.u.test(U_TLW,3,n,graphL[3],"SL")
  # nP = SLmin + lambda
	Z[,4] <- pseudo.u.test(U_E,2,n,graphL[4]|graphL[5],"SL")
  # nP = SLmin + lambda + SLmax
	Z[,5] <- pseudo.u.test(U_TE,3,n,graphL[6]|graphL[7],"SL")

	# TA
  # nP = nothing!
	Z[,7] <- pseudo.u.test(U_U,0,n,graphL[2]|graphL[3]|graphL[4]|graphL[6],"TA")
  # nP = kapa
	Z[,8] <- pseudo.u.test(U_VM,1,n,graphL[5]|graphL[7],"TA")

	PR <- matrix(NA,2,7)
	colnames(PR) <- c('CCRW', 'LW', 'TLW', 'BW', 'CRW', 'TBW', 'TCRW')
	rownames(PR) <- c('CombStat','pval')
	PR[,1] <- combP(Z[2,1],Z[2,6]) # CCRW
	PR[,2] <- combP(Z[2,2],Z[2,7]) # LW
	PR[,3] <- combP(Z[2,3],Z[2,7]) # TLW
	PR[,4] <- combP(Z[2,4],Z[2,7]) # BW
	PR[,5] <- combP(Z[2,4],Z[2,8]) # CRW
	PR[,6] <- combP(Z[2,5],Z[2,7]) # TBW
	PR[,7] <- combP(Z[2,5],Z[2,8]) # TCRW
	  PR <- cbind(PR, t(combP(Z[2,"SL_CCRWww"],Z[2,"TA_CCRWww"])))
	  colnames(PR)[ncol(PR)] <- "CCRWww"
	  PR <- cbind(PR, t(combP(Z[2,"SL_HSMM"],Z[2,"TA_HSMM"])))
	  colnames(PR)[ncol(PR)] <- "HSMM"
	  PR <- cbind(PR, t(combP(Z[2,"SL_HSMMl"],Z[2,"TA_HSMMl"])))
	  colnames(PR)[ncol(PR)] <- "HSMMl"
	  PR <- cbind(PR, t(combP(Z[2,"SL_HSMMp"],Z[2,"TA_HSMMp"])))
	  colnames(PR)[ncol(PR)] <- "HSMMp"
	  PR <- cbind(PR, t(combP(Z[2,"SL_HSMMpo"],Z[2,"TA_HSMMpo"])))
	  colnames(PR)[ncol(PR)] <- "HSMMpo"

  if(PRdetails & Uinfo){
    res <- list('PR'=PR,'Z'=Z, 
         'U'= cbind(U_SL_CCRW, U_LW, U_TLW, U_E, U_TE,
                    U_TA_CCRW, U_U, U_VM))
    if(exists("U_SL_CCRWww")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_CCRWww,U_TA_CCRWww)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMM")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMM,U_TA_HSMM)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMs")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMs,U_TA_HSMMs)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMl")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMl,U_TA_HSMMl)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMp")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMp,U_TA_HSMMp)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMpo")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMpo,U_TA_HSMMpo)}
  }else if(PRdetails){
  }else if(Uinfo){
    res <- list('PR'=PR, 
                'U'= cbind(U_SL_CCRW, U_LW, U_TLW, U_E, U_TE,
                           U_TA_CCRW, U_U, U_VM))
    if(exists("U_SL_CCRWww")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_CCRWww,U_TA_CCRWww)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMM")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMM,U_TA_HSMM)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMs")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMs,U_TA_HSMMs)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMl")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMl,U_TA_HSMMl)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMp")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMp,U_TA_HSMMp)}
    if(exists("U_SL_HSMMpo")){res$U <- cbind(res$U,U_SL_HSMMpo,U_TA_HSMMpo)}
MarieAugerMethe/CCRWvsLW documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:50 p.m.