
Defines functions imputeEmbedding

Documented in imputeEmbedding

#' Impute values using StabMap joint embedding
#' Performs naive imputation of values from the list of mosaic data
#' and joint embedding from StabMap.
#' @param assay_list List of mosaic data from which to perform imputation.
#' @param embedding Joint embedding from which to extract nearest neighbour
#' relationships.
#' @param reference Character vector of cell names to treat as reference cells.
#' @param query Character vector of cell names to treat as query cells.
#' @param neighbours Number of nearest neighbours to consider (default 5).
#' @param fun function (default `mean`) to aggregate nearest neighbours'
#' imputed values.
#' @return List containing imputed values from each assay_list
#' data matrix which contains reference cells.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2021)
#' assay_list = mockMosaicData()
#' lapply(assay_list, dim)
#' # stabMap
#' out = stabMap(assay_list,
#'               ncomponentsReference = 20,
#'               ncomponentsSubset = 20)
#' # impute values
#' imp = imputeEmbedding(assay_list, out)
#' # inspect the imputed values
#' lapply(imp, dim)
#' imp[[1]][1:5,1:5]
#' @export
imputeEmbedding = function(assay_list,
                           reference = Reduce(union, lapply(assay_list, colnames)),
                           query = Reduce(union, lapply(assay_list, colnames)),
                           neighbours = 5,
                           fun = mean) {

  # naive imputation given a (potentially batch corrected) StabMap embedding
  # input:
  # assay_list (typically the original input to StabMap)
  # which are the query cells
  # which are the reference cells
  # number of nearest neighbours
  # combining function: mean by default
  # default behaviour is to output a smoothed assay_list object


  has_reference = lapply(assay_list, function(x) any(reference %in% colnames(x)))

  imputed_list = list()

  for (assayName in names(assay_list)) {

    if (!has_reference[[assayName]]) next

    assayMat = assay_list[[assayName]]

    referenceCells = intersect(reference, colnames(assayMat))

    knn_out = queryNamedKNN(embedding[referenceCells, ], embedding[query,], neighbours)

    imputedList = apply(knn_out, 2, function(knnval) {
    }, simplify = FALSE)

    if (!is(imputedList[[1]], "matrix")) {
      # message("only simple (non-sparse) matrix data currently supported, converting to dense matrix")
      # imputedArray = abind(lapply(imputedList, as.matrix), along = 3)
      imputedArray <- as.simple_sparse_array(do.call(cbind, imputedList))
      dim(imputedArray) <- c(dim(imputedList[[1]]), length(imputedList))

      imputedMeans = drop_simple_sparse_array(rollup(imputedArray, 3, NULL, fun))
      imputedMeans = as(as(as(as(imputedMeans, "array"), "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
    } else {
      imputedArray = abind(imputedList, along = 3)

      imputedMeans = apply(imputedArray, 1:2, fun)

    colnames(imputedMeans) <- rownames(knn_out)
    rownames(imputedMeans) <- rownames(assayMat)

    imputed_list[[assayName]] <- imputedMeans

MarioniLab/StabMap documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 2:28 a.m.