Man pages for MarioniLab/scran
Methods for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis

buildSNNGraphBuild a nearest-neighbor graph
clusterCellsCluster cells in a SingleCellExperiment
combineBlocksCombine blockwise statistics
combineMarkersCombine pairwise DE results into a marker list
combinePValuesCombine p-values
combineVarCombine variance decompositions
computeMinRankCompute the minimum rank
computeSumFactorsNormalization by deconvolution
convertToConvert to other classes
correlateGenesPer-gene correlation statistics
correlateNullBuild null correlations
correlatePairsTest for significant correlations
cycloneCell cycle phase classification
decideTestsPerLabelDecide tests for each label
defunctDefunct functions
denoisePCADenoise expression with PCA
DMCompute the distance-to-median statistic
findMarkersFind marker genes
fitTrendCV2Fit a trend to the CV2
fitTrendPoissonGenerate a trend for Poisson noise
fitTrendVarFit a trend to the variances of log-counts
fixedPCAPCA with a fixed number of components
gene_selectionGene selection
getClusteredPCsUse clusters to choose the number of PCs
getMarkerEffectsGet marker effect sizes
getTopHVGsIdentify HVGs
getTopMarkersGet top markers
logBHBH correction on log-p-values
modelGeneCV2Model the per-gene CV2
modelGeneCV2WithSpikesModel the per-gene CV2 with spike-ins
modelGeneVarModel the per-gene variance
modelGeneVarByPoissonModel the per-gene variance with Poisson noise
modelGeneVarWithSpikesModel the per-gene variance with spike-ins
multiMarkerStatsCombine multiple sets of marker statistics
pairwiseBinomPerform pairwise binomial tests
pairwiseTTestsPerform pairwise t-tests
pairwiseWilcoxPerform pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests
pseudoBulkDGEQuickly perform pseudo-bulk DE analyses
pseudoBulkSpecificLabel-specific pseudo-bulk DE
quickClusterQuick clustering of cells
quickSubClusterQuick and dirty subclustering
rhoToPValueSpearman's rho to a p-value
sandbagCell cycle phase training
scaledColRanksCompute scaled column ranks
scoreMarkersScore marker genes
summaryMarkerStatsSummary marker statistics
testLinearModelHypothesis tests with linear models
MarioniLab/scran documentation built on March 7, 2024, 1:45 p.m.