correlateNull: Build null correlations

View source: R/correlateNull.R

correlateNullR Documentation

Build null correlations


Build a distribution of correlations under the null hypothesis of independent expression between pairs of genes. This is now deprecated as correlatePairs uses an approximation instead.


  iters = 1e+06,
  block = NULL,
  design = NULL,
  equiweight = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam()



An integer scalar indicating the number of cells in the data set.


An integer scalar specifying the number of values in the null distribution.


A factor specifying the blocking level for each cell.


A numeric design matrix containing uninteresting factors to be ignored.


A logical scalar indicating whether statistics from each block should be given equal weight. Otherwise, each block is weighted according to its number of cells. Only used if block is specified.


A BiocParallelParam object that specifies the manner of parallel processing to use.


The correlateNull function constructs an empirical null distribution for Spearman's rank correlation when it is computed with ncells cells. This is done by shuffling the ranks, calculating the correlation and repeating until iters values are obtained. No consideration is given to tied ranks, which has implications for the accuracy of p-values in correlatePairs.

If block is specified, a null correlation is created within each level of block using the shuffled ranks. The final correlation is then defined as the average of the per-level correlations, weighted by the number of cells in that level if equiweight=FALSE. Levels with fewer than 3 cells are ignored, and if no level has 3 or more cells, all returned correlations will be NA.

If design is specified, the same process is performed on ranks derived from simulated residuals computed by fitting the linear model to a vector of normally distributed values. If there are not at least 3 residual d.f., all returned correlations will be NA. The design argument cannot be used at the same time as block.


A numeric vector of length iters is returned containing the sorted correlations under the null hypothesis of no correlations.


Aaron Lun

See Also

correlatePairs, where the null distribution is used to compute p-values.


ncells <- 100

# Simplest case:
null.dist <- correlateNull(ncells, iters=10000)

# With a blocking factor:
block <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], ncells, replace=TRUE)
null.dist <- correlateNull(block=block, iters=10000)

# With a design matrix.
cov <- runif(ncells)
X <- model.matrix(~cov)
null.dist <- correlateNull(design=X, iters=10000)

MarioniLab/scran documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 6:25 a.m.