
#' @title make_basemap
#' @description This function creates a simple basemap on which to plot data.  The plot consists of a (filled) coastline, with a labelled
#' lat-lon grid.  When a dataframe is provided, the extents of the plot will automatically match the extent of the supplied data (with a 15 percent buffer around the edges).
#' Additionally, the output projection of the plot can be specified (e.g. \code{"+init=epsg:2220"} would result in UTM Zone 20 N, while
#' \code{"+init=epsg:4326"} would be an unprojected WGS84 plot. Many values are possible and/or appropriate for the value of \code{crs.out},
#' depending on the data. Check \code{\link[sp]{CRS-class}} for more options.
#' @param df default is \code{NULL}.  You can optionally send a dataframe with values for \code{LATITUDE} and \code{LONGITUDE} to this function, which can be have the plot extent match
#' the data.
#' @param lat.field default is \code{LATITUDE}.  The field in the dataframe holding the latitudes
#' @param lon.field default is \code{LONGITUDE}.  The field in the dataframe holding the longitudes
#' @param crs.out default is \code{'+init=epsg:2220'} (UTM Zone 20 N).  This is the desired projection of the final plot.
#' @param x.limits default is \code{c(-70, -54)} but an appropriate value would be in the form of \code{c(-70,-54)}. These are the default
#' bounding longitudes.
#' @param y.limits default is \code{c(41, 50)} but an appropriate value would be in the form of  is \code{c(41,50)}. These are the default
#' bounding latitudes for extent.
#' @return a SpatialPolygons object corresponding to the bounding box of the plot.
#' @importFrom grDevices xy.coords colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics text par plot.default
#' @importFrom sp CRS gridlines gridat is.projected coordinates coordinates<- proj4string<- spTransform SpatialPolygons Polygon Polygons
#' @importFrom rgeos gBuffer gIntersection
#' @importFrom maps map
#' @importFrom maptools map2SpatialPolygons
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @import mapdata
#' @family plotting
#' @export
make_basemap = function(df = NULL,
                        lat.field = "LATITUDE",
                        lon.field = "LONGITUDE",
                        crs.out = '+init=epsg:2220',
                        x.limits = c(-70, -54),
                        y.limits = c(41, 50)

  crs.in = "+init=epsg:4326"
  if (!is.null(df)) {
    df2 = df_qc_spatial(df, lat.field, lon.field)
    cat(paste0("\nDropped ",nrow(df) - nrow(df2)," records where the coordinates were invalid."))
    df = df2
    x.limits = range(df[lon.field])
    y.limits = range(df[lat.field])

  if (diff(y.limits) <= 1) {
    #tiny map
    y.maj = 0.25
    y.min = 0.05
  } else if (diff(y.limits) <= 4) {
    y.maj = 0.5
    y.min = 0.25
  } else{
    y.maj = 1
    y.min = 0.5

  if (diff(x.limits) <= 1) {
    x.maj = 0.25
    x.min = 0.05
  } else if (diff(x.limits) <= 4) {
    x.maj = 0.5
    x.min = 0.25
  } else{
    x.maj = 1
    x.min = 0.5

  if (!is.null(df)) {
    #find range, pad it by amount determined above, and round to nice value
    x.limits = round(c((min(df[lon.field])-(0.5*x.maj)), (max(df[lon.field])+(0.5*x.maj)))/ x.maj) * x.maj
    y.limits = round(c((min(df[lat.field])-(0.5*y.maj)), (max(df[lat.field])+(0.5*y.maj))) / y.maj) * y.maj
  limits = data.frame(X = x.limits, Y = y.limits)
  sp::coordinates(limits) = c("X", "Y")
  sp::proj4string(limits) = sp::CRS(crs.in)

  boundbox = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(
      xx = c(
        seq(max(limits$X), min(limits$X), length = 200),
        seq(min(limits$X), max(limits$X), length = 200)
      yy = c(
        seq(min(limits$Y), min(limits$Y), length = 200),
        seq(max(limits$Y), max(limits$Y), length = 200)
  ID = "bb")),
  proj4string = sp::CRS(crs.in))
  boundbox.pr = sp::spTransform(boundbox, crs.out)
  boundbox2 = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(
      xx = c(
        max(limits$X) + x.min,
        seq(max(limits$X) + x.min, min(limits$X) - x.min, length = 200),
        seq(min(limits$X) - x.min, max(limits$X) + x.min, length = 200)
      yy = c(
        max(limits$Y) + x.min,
        seq(min(limits$Y) - x.min, min(limits$Y) - x.min, length = 200),
        seq(max(limits$Y) + x.min, max(limits$Y) + x.min, length = 200)
  ID = "bb2")),
  proj4string = sp::CRS(crs.in))
  boundbox2.pr = sp::spTransform(boundbox2, crs.out)
  #force tiny gridlines if necessary
  if (length(seq(boundbox@"bbox"[1], boundbox@"bbox"[3], by = x.maj)) <= 2) x.maj = x.maj/5
  if (length(seq(boundbox@"bbox"[2], boundbox@"bbox"[4], by = y.maj)) <= 2) y.maj = y.maj/5

  the.grid = sp::gridat(
    easts = seq(boundbox@"bbox"[1], boundbox@"bbox"[3], by = x.maj),
    norths = seq(boundbox@"bbox"[2], boundbox@"bbox"[4], by = y.maj)
  grid.pr = sp::spTransform(the.grid, sp::CRS(crs.out))
  these.gridlines = sp::gridlines(
    easts = seq(boundbox@"bbox"[1], boundbox@"bbox"[3], by = x.min),
    norths = seq(boundbox@"bbox"[2], boundbox@"bbox"[4], by = y.min)
  these.gridlines.pr = sp::spTransform(these.gridlines, sp::CRS(crs.out))

  coastline = -1
  coastline = tryCatch(
        regions = c("Canada", "USA", "France", "Greenland"),
        xlim = x.limits,
        ylim = y.limits,
        col = "blue",
        fill = T,
        plot = F,
        resolution = 0
      #this present since we'd get errors if plotting offshore areas
  if (class(coastline) == "map"){
    coastline.sp = maptools::map2SpatialPolygons(coastline,
                                                 IDs = coastline$names,
                                                 proj4string = sp::CRS(crs.in))
    coastline.sp = sp::spTransform(coastline.sp, sp::CRS(crs.out))
    coastline.sp.clip = rgeos::gIntersection(rgeos::gBuffer(coastline.sp, byid = TRUE, width = 0),
                                             #sp::spTransform(boundbox, sp::CRS(crs.out))
    mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
    xaxs = "i",
    yaxs = "i",
    cex.axis = 1.3,
    cex.lab = 1.4
           border = "transparent",
           add = F,
           lwd = 1) #add transparent boundbox first to ensure all data shown
  if (class(coastline.sp.clip)=="SpatialPolygons"){
      col = "navajowhite2",
      border = "navajowhite4",
      lwd = 0.5,
      axes = F,
      add = T
    col = "grey77",
    lty = 2,
    lwd = 0.5,
    add = T
    pos = grid.pr$pos,
    labels = parse(text = as.character(the.grid$labels)),
    offset = 0.2,
    col = "black",
    cex = 1
           border = "black",
           add = T,
           lwd = 1) #add actual boundbox
Maritimes/bio.plotting documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:22 a.m.