
Defines functions cohort cohortGroup make_cohort_group cohort_dimension_check cohort_metric_check

Documented in make_cohort_group

#' Check the request has cohort metrics
#' @param metrics A vector of metrics
#' @family v4 cohort functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
cohort_metric_check <- function(metrics){
  metrics <- sapply(metrics, checkPrefix, prefix="ga", USE.NAMES = F)
  allowed_metrics <- c("ga:cohortActiveUsers",
  if(all(metrics %in% allowed_metrics)){
    out <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop(metrics, " not in cohort metric list: ", allowed_metrics)
    out <- FALSE

#' Check the request has cohort dimensions
#' @param metrics A vector of dimensions
#' @family v4 cohort functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
cohort_dimension_check <- function(dimensions){
  dimensions <- sapply(dimensions, checkPrefix, prefix="ga", USE.NAMES = F)
  allowed_dims <- c("ga:cohort",
  if(all(dimensions %in% allowed_dims)){
    out <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop(dimensions, " not in cohort metric list: ", allowed_dims)
    out <- FALSE

#' Create a cohort group
#' @param cohorts A named list of start/end date pairs
#' @param lifetimeValue lifetimeValue TRUE or FALSE.  Only works for webapps.
#' @param cohort_types placeholder, does nothing as only FIRST_VISIT_DATE supported.
#' @details
#' Example: `list("cohort 1" = c("2015-08-01", "2015-08-01"), 
#'                     "cohort 2" = c("2015-07-01","2015-07-01"))`
#' @return A cohortGroup object
#' @seealso <https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/advanced#cohort_and_lifetime_value_ltv_dimensions_and_metrics>
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googleAnalyticsR)
#' ## authenticate, 
#' ## or use the RStudio Addin "Google API Auth" with analytics scopes set
#' ga_auth()
#' ## get your accounts
#' account_list <- google_analytics_account_list()
#' ## pick a profile with data to query
#' ga_id <- account_list[23,'viewId']
#' ## first make a cohort group
#' cohort4 <- make_cohort_group(list("cohort 1" = c("2015-08-01", "2015-08-01"), 
#'                                   "cohort 2" = c("2015-07-01","2015-07-01")))
#' ## then call cohort report.  No date_range and must include metrics and dimensions
#' ##   from the cohort list
#' cohort_example <- google_analytics(ga_id, 
#'                                    dimensions=c('cohort'), 
#'                                    cohort = cohort4, 
#'                                    metrics = c('cohortTotalUsers'))
#' ### Lifetime Value report - just a variation of the cohort report 
#' # with lifetimeValue = TRUE
#' ### and ltv specific metrics
#' ### The view MUST be an app view at the moment
#' ## make a cohort group with lifetimeValue = TRUE
#' cohort_ltv <- make_cohort_group(list("cohort 1" = c("2018-12-01", "2018-12-31"), 
#'                                      "cohort 2" = c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-31")),
#'                                      lifetimeValue = TRUE)
#' ## call a cohort report with ltv metrics
#' ltv_example <- google_analytics(ga_id, 
#'      dimensions = c('cohort', "acquisitionTrafficChannel"), 
#'      cohorts = cohort_ltv, 
#'      metrics = c("cohortGoalCompletionsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria"))              
#' }
#' @family v4 cohort functions
#' @export
make_cohort_group <- function(cohorts, lifetimeValue=FALSE, cohort_types=NULL){
  cs <- lapply(names(cohorts), function(x) {
    cohort(name = x, dateRange = date_ga4(cohorts[[x]]))
  cohortGroup(cs, lifetimeValue=lifetimeValue)

#' Cohort Group object
#' @param cohorts A list of cohort objects
#' @param lifetimeValue Boolean. Has to be an app. 
#' @family v4 cohort functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
cohortGroup <- function(cohorts,

      cohorts = cohorts,
    class = "cohortGroup_ga4"

#' Cohort object
#' @param name A unique name for the cohort
#' @param type Type of cohort.  Only FIRST_VISIT_DATE is support at the moment. 
#' @param dateRange A [date_ga4] object
#' @family v4 cohort functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @import assertthat
#' @noRd
cohort <- function(name,
                   type = c("FIRST_VISIT_DATE"),
  type <- match.arg(type)
              inherits(dateRange, "date_ga4"))
      name = name,
      type = type,
      dateRange = dateRange
    class = "cohort_ga4"
MarkEdmondson1234/googleAnalyticsR_public documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 6:27 a.m.