
Defines functions met_filter dim_filter is.met_filter is.met_filter_clause is.dim_filter is.dim_filter_clause is.ganalytics filter_clause_ga4

Documented in dim_filter filter_clause_ga4 met_filter

#' Make a dimension or metric filter clause object
#' @param filters a list of [dim_filter] or [met_filter]. Only one type allowed.
#' @param operator combination of filter.
#' @details If you have dimension and metric filters,
#'   make the clauses in two separate calls
#' @return An object of class `dim_fil_ga4` or `met_fil_ga4`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googleAnalyticsR)
#' ## authenticate,
#' ## or use the RStudio Addin "Google API Auth" with analytics scopes set
#' ga_auth()
#' ## get your accounts
#' account_list <- google_analytics_account_list()
#' ## pick a profile with data to query
#' ga_id <- account_list[23,'viewId']
#' ## create filters on metrics
#' mf <- met_filter("bounces", "GREATER_THAN", 0)
#' mf2 <- met_filter("sessions", "GREATER", 2)
#' ## create filters on dimensions
#' df <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","1",not = TRUE)
#' df2 <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","a",not = TRUE)
#' ## construct filter objects
#' fc2 <- filter_clause_ga4(list(df, df2), operator = "AND")
#' fc <- filter_clause_ga4(list(mf, mf2), operator = "AND")
#' ## make v4 request
#' ga_data1 <- google_analytics(ga_id,
#'                              date_range = c("2015-07-30","2015-10-01"),
#'                              dimensions=c('source','medium'),
#'                              metrics = c('sessions','bounces'),
#'                              met_filters = fc,
#'                              dim_filters = fc2,
#'                              filtersExpression = "ga:source!=(direct)")
#' }
#' @export
#' @family filter functions
filter_clause_ga4 <- function(filters, operator = c("OR", "AND")){
  operator <- match.arg(operator)

  stopifnot(inherits(filters, "list"))

  ## get class names to seee if all the same
  types <- unlist(lapply(filters, class))

  stopifnot(all(types[1] == types), types[1] %in% c("dim_fil_ga4","met_fil_ga4"))
  class_name <- types[1]

      operator = operator,
      filters = filters
    class = class_name


is.ganalytics <- function(x){
  attr(class(x),"package") =="ganalytics"

is.dim_filter_clause <- function(x){
  inherits(x, ".filter_clauses_ga4") && 
    all(unlist(lapply(x, is.dim_filter)))

is.dim_filter <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "dim_fil_ga4") || is.ganalytics(x)

is.met_filter_clause <- function(x){
  inherits(x, ".filter_clauses_ga4") && all(unlist(lapply(x, is.met_filter)))

is.met_filter <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "met_fil_ga4") || is.ganalytics(x)

#' Make a dimension filter object
#' @param dimension dimension name to filter on.
#' @param operator How to match the dimension.
#' @param expressions What to match.  A character vector if operator is "IN_LIST"
#' @param caseSensitive Boolean.
#' @param not Logical NOT operator. Boolean.
#' @return An object of class `dim_fil_ga4` for use in [filter_clause_ga4()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googleAnalyticsR)
#' ## authenticate,
#' ## or use the RStudio Addin "Google API Auth" with analytics scopes set
#' ga_auth()
#' ## get your accounts
#' account_list <- google_analytics_account_list()
#' ## pick a profile with data to query
#' ga_id <- account_list[23,'viewId']
#' ## create filters on metrics
#' mf <- met_filter("bounces", "GREATER_THAN", 0)
#' mf2 <- met_filter("sessions", "GREATER", 2)
#' ## create filters on dimensions
#' df <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","1",not = TRUE)
#' df2 <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","a",not = TRUE)
#' ## construct filter objects
#' fc2 <- filter_clause_ga4(list(df, df2), operator = "AND")
#' fc <- filter_clause_ga4(list(mf, mf2), operator = "AND")
#' ## make v4 request
#' ga_data1 <- google_analytics_4(ga_id,
#'                                date_range = c("2015-07-30","2015-10-01"),
#'                                dimensions=c('source','medium'),
#'                                metrics = c('sessions','bounces'),
#'                                met_filters = fc,
#'                                dim_filters = fc2,
#'                                filtersExpression = "ga:source!=(direct)")
#' }
#' @export
#' @family filter functions
dim_filter <- function(dimension,
                       operator = c("REGEXP","BEGINS_WITH","ENDS_WITH",
                       caseSensitive = FALSE,
                       not = FALSE){

  operator <- match.arg(operator)

  stopifnot(inherits(dimension, "character"),
            inherits(expressions, "character"))
  dimension <- sapply(dimension, checkPrefix, prefix = "ga")

  if (tolower(dimension) %in% tolower(allowed_metric_dim("METRIC", callAPI = FALSE))) {
    stop("Oops..looks like you've used a metric in a dimension filter!",
         call. = FALSE
  if (!(tolower(dimension) %in% tolower(allowed_metric_dim("DIMENSION", callAPI = FALSE)))) {
    stop("Oops...looks like you've entered an invalid dimension filter name!",
         call. = FALSE
  if(all(operator != "IN_LIST", length(expressions) > 1)) {
    warning("Only first expression used if operator not 'IN_LIST'")
    expressions <- expressions[[1]]

      dimensionName = dimension,
      not = not,
      operator = operator,
      expressions = as.list(expressions),
      caseSensitive = caseSensitive
    class = "dim_fil_ga4"

#' Make a metric filter object
#' @param metric metric name to filter on.
#' @param operator How to match the dimension.
#' @param comparisonValue What to match.
#' @param not Logical NOT operator. Boolean.
#' @return An object of class `met_fil_ga4` for use in [filter_clause_ga4()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googleAnalyticsR)
#' ## authenticate,
#' ## or use the RStudio Addin "Google API Auth" with analytics scopes set
#' ga_auth()
#' ## get your accounts
#' account_list <- google_analytics_account_list()
#' ## pick a profile with data to query
#' ga_id <- account_list[23,'viewId']
#' ## create filters on metrics
#' mf <- met_filter("bounces", "GREATER_THAN", 0)
#' mf2 <- met_filter("sessions", "GREATER", 2)
#' ## create filters on dimensions
#' df <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","1",not = TRUE)
#' df2 <- dim_filter("source","BEGINS_WITH","a",not = TRUE)
#' ## construct filter objects
#' fc2 <- filter_clause_ga4(list(df, df2), operator = "AND")
#' fc <- filter_clause_ga4(list(mf, mf2), operator = "AND")
#' ## make v4 request
#' ga_data1 <- google_analytics_4(ga_id,
#'                                date_range = c("2015-07-30","2015-10-01"),
#'                                dimensions=c('source','medium'),
#'                                metrics = c('sessions','bounces'),
#'                                met_filters = fc,
#'                                dim_filters = fc2,
#'                                filtersExpression = "ga:source!=(direct)")
#' }
#' @export
#' @family filter functions
met_filter <- function(metric,
                       operator = c("EQUAL","LESS_THAN","GREATER_THAN","IS_MISSING"),
                       not = FALSE){
  operator <- match.arg(operator)

  stopifnot(inherits(metric, "character"))

  metric <- sapply(metric, checkPrefix, prefix = "ga")
  if (tolower(metric) %in% tolower(allowed_metric_dim("DIMENSION", callAPI = FALSE))) {
    stop("Oops...looks like you've used a dimension in a metric filter!",
         call. = FALSE
  if (!(tolower(metric) %in% tolower(allowed_metric_dim("METRIC", callAPI = FALSE)))) {
    stop("Oops...looks like you've entered an invalid metric filter name!",
         call. = FALSE
      metricName = metric,
      not = not,
      operator = operator,
      comparisonValue = as.character(comparisonValue)
    class = "met_fil_ga4"

MarkEdmondson1234/googleAnalyticsR_public documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 2:21 a.m.