
#' @title
#' getLSTMmodel
#' @description
#' Constructs a custom \code{\link{mxLSTM}} model for use in the caret 
#' \code{\link[caret]{train}} logic. It behaves slightly different than the usual 
#' caret models as retrieved by \code{\link[caret]{getModelInfo}}. See details.
#' @details
#' \strong{model setup} \cr {The model is an LSTM recurrent neural network model with rmsprop optimizer.\cr }
#' \strong{Purpose}\cr 
#' The purpose of the custom model is the following:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Allow multiple y}{Allow a regression within caret that predicts multiple y in one model.}
#'   \item{Scaling of y}{Allow for scaling of y. Possible options are \code{c('scale', 'center', 'minMax')}}
#'   \item{scale x variables again}{If e.g. a PCA is conducted in the preprocessing, the resulting inputs can be scaled again
#'                                  by preProcessing options \code{c('scaleAgain', 'centerAgain')}}
#' }
#' \strong{Usage}\cr 
#' The model differs from 'usual' caret models in its usage. 
#' Differences when using it in \code{\link[caret]{train}}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Different formula for model specification}{Usually, the formula would be for example \code{y1+y2+y3 ~ x1+x2+x3}.
#'                                                   Caret does not allow this specification, therefore a hack is used:
#'                                                   \itemize{
#'                                                     \item {construct a column \code{dummy = y1}}
#'                                                     \item {Specify the formula as \code{dummy~x1+x2+x3+y1+y2+y3}.}
#'                                                     \item {Determine x and y variables with the arguments \code{xVariables = c('x1', 'x2', 'x3')}
#'                                                     and \code{yVariables = c('y1','y2','y3')}}}}
#' \item{Different pre-processing arguments}{\itemize{
#'                                            \item{Don't us the caret \code{preProcess} argument. Use \code{preProcessX} and 
#'                                                  \code{preProcessY} instead}
#'                                            \item{Don't specify \code{preProcOptions} in the \code{\link[caret]{trainControl}} call.
#'                                                 Specify them in the call to \code{\link[caret]{train}}. 
#'                                                 They will be valid for preProcessX only since y pre-processing does not require further arguments.
#'                                                 preProcessX can be anything that caret allows plus \code{c('scaleAgain', 'centerAgain')} 
#'                                                 for scaling as a last preProcessing step. \code{preProcessY} can include
#'                                                 \code{c('scale', 'center', 'minMax')}.}}}
#' \item{Additional mandatory arguments to fit function} {For transforming the input to the LSTM, the following additional arguments 
#'                                       must be specified to the train function:
#'                                       \itemize{
#'                                            \item{\code{seqLength}: The sequence length (number of rows in input)}
#'                                            \item{\code{seqFreq}: frequency of sequence starts (in rows). 
#'                                                                  If smaller than seqLength, sequences are overlapping}
#'                                       }}
#' }
#' \strong{Additional argumets to fit function:}
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item{testData:}{ dataset for evaluating performance after each epoch}
#'          \item{initialModel:} { can be specified if the aim is to continue 
#'                               training on an existing model. \cr
#'                               Has to be the output of a call to \code{\link{fitLSTMmodel}}. \cr
#'                               ATTENTION! Be sure, to specify the same xVariables, yVariables, hidden layers, and
#'                               preProcessing steps as in the original training.\cr
#'                            }
#'          \item{seed:} {Optional random seed that is set before model training for reproducibility.}
#'       }
#' \strong{Additional argumets to predict function:}
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item{fullSequence:}{ Boolean. If FALSE, only the last output of a sequence is returned.
#'                                         If TRUE, the output for the whole sequence is returned.}
#'       }
#' \item{Different prediction function}{For predicting from the model as returned by caret's \code{\link[caret]{train}},
#'                                      you have to use the \code{\link{predictAll}} function. This will call the internal
#'                                      predict function of \code{getLSTMmodel} returning predictions for all y-variables.}
#' \strong{tuning parameters\cr}
#'                        \itemize{
#'                          \item{num.epoch:}{ number of training epochs}
#'                          \item{batch.size:}{ batch size}
#'                          \item{layer1}{ number of hidden units in LSTM layer 1.}
#'                          \item{layer2}{ number of hidden units in LSTM layer 2.}
#'                          \item{layer3}{ number of hidden units in LSTM layer 3.}
#'                          \item{dropout1}{ dropout probability for LSTM layer 1}
#'                          \item{dropout2}{ dropout probability for LSTM layer 2}
#'                          \item{dropout3}{ dropout probability for LSTM layer 3}
#'                          \item{activation}{ Activation function for the update layers in the LSTM cells. "relu" or "tanh"}
#'                          \item{shuffle}{ Boolean. Should the training batches be randomly reordered? 
#'                                Each sequence of course stays in its native order}
#'                          \item{weight_decay:} { defaults to 0}
#'                          \item{learningrate_momentum:} { gamma1. See API description of mx.opt.rmsprop}
#'                          \item{momentum:} { gamma2. See API description of mx.opt.rmsprop.}
#'                          \item{clip_gradients:} { See API description of mx.opt.rmsprop}
#'                        }
#' \strong{Other specific features}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\strong{plot training history}} {It is possible to plot the training history
#'       of an mxLSTM model with \code{\link{plot_trainHistory}}}
#'     \item{\strong{restore checkpoint from specified epoch}}{ It is possible to restore
#'      the model weights after a given epoch with the function \code{\link{restoreLstmCheckpoint}}.}
#'   }
#' @return A list of functions similar to the output of caret's \code{\link[caret]{getModelInfo}}:\cr
#' @seealso \code{\link{saveCaretLstmModel}}, \code{\link{loadCaretLstmModel}},
#' \code{\link{plot_trainHistory}}, \code{\link{fitLSTMmodel}}, 
#' \code{\link{predictLSTMmodel}}, \code{\link{getPreProcessor}}, 
#' \code{\link{predictPreProcessor}}, \code{\link{invertPreProcessor}}
#' @examples 
#' library(mxLSTM)
#' library(data.table)
#' library(caret)
#' ###########################################################
#' ## perform a regression with nxLSTM
#' ## on dummy data
#' ## simple data: one numeric output as a function of two numeric inputs.
#' ## including lag values
#' ## with some noise.
#' set.seed(200)
#' mx.set.seed(200)
#' nObs <- 20000
#' dat <- data.table(x = runif(n = nObs, min = 1000, max = 2000),
#'                   y = runif(n = nObs, min = -10, max = 10))
#' ## create target
#' dat[, target := 0.5 * x + 0.7 * lag(y, 3) - 0.2 * lag(x, 5)]
#' dat[, target2 := 0.1 * x + 0.3 * lag(y, 1) - 0.4 * lag(x, 2)]
#' dat[, target := target + rnorm(nObs, 0, 10)]
#' dat[, target2 := target2 + rnorm(nObs, 0, 10)]
#' ## convert to nxLSTM input
#' dat <- transformLSTMinput(dat = dat, targetColumn = c("target", "target2"), seq.length = 5)
#' ## convert to caret input
#' dat <- lstmInput2caret(dat)
#' ## split into train and test set
#' trainIdx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dat)), as.integer(nrow(dat) / 3))
#' evalIdx  <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dat))[-trainIdx], as.integer(nrow(dat) / 3))
#' testIdx  <- seq_len(nrow(dat))[-c(trainIdx, evalIdx)]
#' datTrain <- dat[trainIdx,]
#' datEval  <- dat[evalIdx,]
#' datTest  <- dat[testIdx,]
#' ## define caret trainControl
#' thisTrainControl  <- trainControl(method = "cv",
#'                                   number = 2,
#'                                   verboseIter = TRUE)
#' ## do the training
#' ## grid for defining the parameters of the mxNet model
#' lstmGrid <- expand.grid(layer1 = 64, layer2 = 0, layer3 = 0,
#'                         weight.decay = 0, dropout1 = 0, dropout2 = 0, dropout3 = 0,
#'                         learningrate.momentum = 0.95,
#'                         momentum = 0.1, num.epoch = 50,
#'                         batch.size = 128, activation = "relu", shuffle = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ## construct formula with all variables on rigth-hand-side
#' form <- formula(paste0("dummy~", paste0(setdiff(names(datTrain), "dummy"), collapse = "+")))
#' caret_lstm <- train(form = form,
#'                     data = datTrain,
#'                     testData = datEval,
#'                     method = getLSTMmodel(), ## get our custom model
#'                     xVariables = c("x", "y"), ## define predictors
#'                     yVariables = c("target", "target2"), ## define outcomes
#'                     preProcessX = c("pca", "scaleAgain", "centerAgain"),
#'                     preProcessY = c("scale", "center"), ## in case of multiple y, this makes sense imho
#'                     debugModel = FALSE,
#'                     trControl = thisTrainControl,
#'                     tuneGrid = lstmGrid,
#'                     learning.rate = c("1" = 0.02, "40" = 0.0002), ## adaptive learningrate that changes at epoch 40
#'                     optimizeFullSequence = FALSE
#' )
#' ## get nice output of training history
#' plot_trainHistory(caret_lstm$finalModel)
#' ## get predictions for the datasets
#' predTrain <- predictAll(caret_lstm, newdata = datTrain, fullSequence = FALSE)
#' predEval  <- predictAll(caret_lstm, newdata = datEval, fullSequence = FALSE)
#' predTest  <- predictAll(caret_lstm, newdata = datTest, fullSequence = FALSE)
#' ## get nice goodness of fit plots.
#' plot_goodnessOfFit(predicted = predTrain$target, observed = datTrain$target_seq5Y)
#' plot_goodnessOfFit(predicted = predTrain$target2, observed = datTrain$target2_seq5Y)
#' plot_goodnessOfFit(predicted = predTest$target, observed = datTest$target_seq5Y)
#' plot_goodnessOfFit(predicted = predTest$target2, observed = datTest$target2_seq5Y)
#' ## save the model
#' saveCaretLstmModel(caret_lstm, "testModel")
#' }
#' @export getLSTMmodel

getLSTMmodel <- function(){

  lstmModel <- list()
  lstmModel$label <- "MXnet Long-short-term memory recurrent neural network with rmsProp optimizer"
  lstmModel$library <- "mxnet"
  lstmModel$type <- "Regression"
  lstmModel$tags <- "LSTM recurrent neural network"
  ## prob is not required for regression
  lstmModel <- c(lstmModel, prob = NA)
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
    data.frame(parameter = "layer1", class = "numeric", label = "Hidden nodes in LSTM layer 1")
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "layer2", class = "numeric", label = "Hidden nodes in LSTM layer 2"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "layer3", class = "numeric", label = "Hidden nodes in LSTM layer 3"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "num.epoch", class = "numeric", label = "number of passes over the full training set"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "activation", class = "character", label = "activation function for update layers"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "batch.size", class = "numeric", label = "batch size for training"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "dropout1", class = "numeric", label = "Dropout probability for inputs to LSTM layer 1"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "dropout2", class = "numeric", label = "Dropout probability for inputs to LSTM layer 2"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "dropout3", class = "numeric", label = "Dropout probability for inputs to LSTM layer 3"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "shuffle", class = "logical", label = "switch for activating reshuffling of training events"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "weight.decay", class = "numeric", label = "Weight decay"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "learningrate.momentum", class = "numeric", label = "Factor for adjusting moving average for gradient^2 (gamma1)"))
  lstmModel$parameters <- 
          data.frame(parameter = "momentum", class = "numeric", label = "Momentum (gamma2)"))

  lstmModel$grid <- 
    function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid"){
      if(search != "grid") stop("Only grid search implemented so far for mxLSTM")
      out <- expand.grid(seq.length = 12, layer1 = ((1:len) * 2) - 1, layer2 = 0, layer3 = 0, 
                         num.epoch = 10, activation = "relu", batch.size = 128, 
                         dropout1 = 0, dropout2 = 0, dropout3 = 0, shuffle = TRUE,
                         weight.decay = 0, learningrate.momentum = 0.9, 
                         momentum = 0.9)

  ## add scaling of predictors and target to the fit function
  lstmModel$fit <- function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, xVariables, yVariables,
                             preProcessX = NULL,
                             preProcessY = NULL,
                             preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.95, ICAcomp = 3, k = 5, freqCut = 95/5,
                                                   uniqueCut = 10, cutoff = 0.9),
                             debugModel = FALSE,
                             testData = NULL, ## data frame with the same format as x for validation
                             initialModel = NULL, 
                             seed = NULL,
    ## set global option for debug so that also the predict function will be in debug mode.
    if(debugModel) options(mxLSTM.debug = TRUE)
      cat("#################Preprocessing x and y        #################\n")
      cat("###########input data##############\n")
      cat("###########input xVariables##############\n")
      cat("###########input yVariables##############\n")
      cat("###########preProcessing options##############\n")
    ## do the preProcessing

    ## transform the data to pre-processable data.frame
    dat <- caret2lstmInput1(x)
      cat("#################input after caret2lstmInput1 #################\n")
    if(any(!xVariables %in% names(dat))) stop("xVariables contains variables that are not in x or on
                                              the right hand side of the formula")
    if(any(!yVariables %in% names(dat))) stop("yVariables contains columns that are not in x or that also appear on the right hand side of the formula. 
                                               Make sure that the left hand side of the formula
                                               contains a copy of y that is called 'dummy'. 
                                               The right hand side of the formula should contain the real y variables")

    seq.length <- max(dat$sequenceId)
    ## split data into id,  x and y
    datX <- data.frame(dat[, xVariables, with = FALSE])
    datY <- data.frame(dat[, yVariables, with = FALSE])
    ## preProcess x and y
    preProcessX <- getPreProcessor(dat = datX,
                                   preProcess     = preProcessX,
                                   preProcOptions = preProcOptions)
    datX <- predictPreProcessor(preProcess = preProcessX, dat = datX)
    preProcessY <- getPreProcessor(dat = datY,
                                   preProcess     = preProcessY,
                                   preProcOptions = preProcOptions)
    datY <- predictPreProcessor(preProcess = preProcessY, dat = datY)

    dat <- transformLSTMinput(cbind(datX, datY), targetColumn = yVariables, seq.length = seq.length)

      cat("#################x and y after preProcessing #################\n")
    ## same for test data if applicable
      testData <- caret2lstmInput1(testData)
      testX    <- data.frame(testData[, xVariables, with = FALSE])
      testY    <- data.frame(testData[, yVariables, with = FALSE])
      testX    <- predictPreProcessor(preProcessX, testX)
      testY    <- predictPreProcessor(preProcessY, testY)
      testData <- transformLSTMinput(cbind(testX, testY), targetColumn = yVariables, seq.length = seq.length)
    } else {
      testData <- list(x = NULL, 
                       y = NULL)

      cat("#################input data right before model fit #################\n")
    ## fit the model
    model <- fitLSTMmodel(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, test.x = testData$x, test.y = testData$y, 
                           initialModel = initialModel, seed = seed, param = param, ...)
    ## add the preProcessing information, so that it can be used in predict.
    model$preProcessX <- preProcessX
    model$preProcessY <- preProcessY
    model$xVariables  <- xVariables
    model$yVariables  <- yVariables

    ## if it's the last training, reset debug option
    if(last == TRUE) options(mxLSTM.debug = FALSE)
  ## add scaling to the predict function
  lstmModel$predict <- function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL, allY = FALSE, debugModel = FALSE, fullSequence = FALSE){
    ## set debugging option.
    if(debugModel) options(mxLSTM.debug = TRUE)

    ## get x and y variable names
    xVariables <- modelFit$xVariables
    names(xVariables) <- xVariables
    yVariables <- modelFit$yVariables
    names(yVariables) <- yVariables
      cat("#################Starting prediction          #################\n")
      cat("#################newdata before transformation#################\n")
      cat("x: ")
      cat("y: ")
    newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

    ## transform newdata
    newdata <- as.data.frame(caret2lstmInput1(newdata))
      cat("###########newdata after caret2lstmInput1##############\n")
    seq.length <- max(newdata$sequenceId)
    newdataX <- newdata[, xVariables, drop = FALSE]
    newdataY <- newdata[, yVariables, drop = FALSE]
    ## apply the scaling to xVariables
    newdataX <- predictPreProcessor(modelFit$preProcessX, newdataX)
      cat("###########newdata after predictPreprocessor##############\n")
      print(summary(cbind(newdataX, newdataY)))
    newdata <- transformLSTMinput(dat          = cbind(newdataX, newdataY), 
                                  targetColumn = yVariables, 
                                  seq.length   = seq.length)
      cat("###########newdata right before prediction##############\n")
    ## now do the real prediction. Since we have one row per event in the input, 
    ## we take the alst sequence element for each event as prediction
    out <- predictLSTMmodel(model = modelFit, dat = newdata$x, fullSequence = fullSequence)
      cat("###########predicted y before retransformation##############\n")
    out$rowIndex <- NULL
    names(out) <- yVariables

    ## invert transformation on y.
    out <- invertPreProcessor(preProcessor = modelFit$preProcessY, dat = out)
    if(!allY) {
      ## select first yVariable if required  
      out <- as.numeric(out[,1])
      cat("###########predicted y after retransformation##############\n")
    ## reset global debugging option
    options(mxLSTM.debug = FALSE)

MarkusBonsch/mxLSTM documentation built on May 28, 2019, 6:40 a.m.