#' This function performs the differential expression analysis with limma including all pairwise comparisons
#' using the condition provided
#' @export
#' @import limma
#' @import foreach
#' @import Biobase
#' @importFrom stringr str_order str_c str_sort
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist dcast.data.table as.data.table
limma_stats_fun <- function(ID_type,
pairwise.comp = NULL,
all.comparisons = TRUE,
fix_distr = FALSE) {
# # DEBUG Vars
# ID_type = "id"
# int_type = "log2NInt"
# condition_col_name = "experiment"
# rep_col_name = "Replicate"
# run_id_col_name = "run_id"
# funDT = copy(dt_int)
# all.comparisons = TRUE
# fix_distr = FALSE
# pairwise.comp = NULL # pairwisecom
# pairwise.comp <- data.table(
# left = c('12AS_NMPP1', "13AS_NMPP1", "D2AS_NMPP1", "WT_NMPP1"),
# right = c("12AS_DMSO", "13AS_DMSO", "D2AS_DMSO", "WT_DMSO")
# )
# all.comparisons <- TRUE # if true it will test all pairwise comparisons
if (all.comparisons) {
comination_mat <- combn(x = funDT[, unique(get(condition_col_name))], 2)
pairwise.comp <- foreach (i = 1:ncol(comination_mat)) %do% {
left = comination_mat[1,i],
right = comination_mat[2,i]
pairwise.comp <- rbindlist(pairwise.comp)
funDT <- funDT[str_order(get(run_id_col_name), numeric = T)]
funDT[, ID := str_c("ID.", get(ID_type))]
# Filter for IDs that are not present in at least one experiment
filterDT <- unique(funDT[, .(get(condition_col_name), run_id)])[, .(max_count = .N), by = .(V1)]
filterDT <- merge(funDT, filterDT, by.x = condition_col_name, by.y = "V1", all.x = T)
filterDT <- filterDT[Imputed == 0, .(count_rep = .N, max_count = max(max_count, na.rm = T)), by = c(condition_col_name, "ID")][, repPC := count_rep/max_count]
isPresent <- filterDT[repPC >= 0.5, unique(ID)]
funDT <- funDT[ID %in% isPresent]
fun.formula <- as.formula(str_c("ID ~ ", run_id_col_name))
int_matrix <-
dcast.data.table(funDT, fun.formula, value.var = int_type)
int_matrix <- int_matrix[str_order(ID, numeric = T)]
intrawnames <- int_matrix[, ID]
intcolnames <- colnames(int_matrix[, 2:ncol(int_matrix)])
intcolnames <- str_sort(intcolnames, numeric = TRUE)
int_matrix <- as.matrix(int_matrix[, intcolnames, with = FALSE])
rownames(int_matrix) <- intrawnames
### Imputed value mask matrix ------
imputed_matrix <-
dcast.data.table(funDT, fun.formula, value.var = "Imputed")
imputed_matrix <- imputed_matrix[str_order(ID, numeric = T)]
imp_mat_rawnames <- imputed_matrix[, ID]
imp_mat_colnames <- colnames(imputed_matrix[, 2:ncol(imputed_matrix)])
imp_mat_colnames <- str_sort(imp_mat_colnames, numeric = TRUE)
imputed_matrix <- as.matrix(imputed_matrix[, imp_mat_colnames, with = FALSE])
rownames(imputed_matrix) <- imp_mat_rawnames
isZ <- imputed_matrix == 1
sample_dt <- as.data.frame(unique(funDT[, .(
run_id = get(run_id_col_name),
condition = get(condition_col_name),
Replicate = get(rep_col_name)
rownames(sample_dt) <- sample_dt$run_id
# feature_dt <- as.data.frame(unique(funDT[, .(ID,
# otherinfo = NA)]))
feature_dt <- data.frame(ID = rownames(int_matrix), otherinfo = NA)
rownames(feature_dt) <- feature_dt$ID
# Create ExpressionSet object
eset <- ExpressionSet(
assayData = int_matrix,
phenoData = Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(sample_dt),
featureData = Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(feature_dt)
design.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + condition,
data = Biobase::pData(eset))
myContrasts = NULL
for (irow in 1:pairwise.comp[, .N]) {
left <- pairwise.comp[irow, left]
right <- pairwise.comp[irow, right]
myContrasts = c(myContrasts,
str_c("condition", left, " - ", "condition", right))
contrast.matrix <- eval(as.call(c(
levels = list(design.mat)
fit <- lmFit(eset, design.mat)
# exper.cond <- "UPS1"
# fix_distr <- TRUE
if (fix_distr) {
for (exper.cond in pairwise.comp[, c(left, right)]) {
Runs <- Biobase::pData(eset)[Biobase::pData(eset)$condition == exper.cond, "run_id"]
i <- which(rowSums(isZ[,colnames(isZ) %in% Runs]) == length(Runs))
eset_fix <- exprs(eset[i,])
eset_fix[,colnames(isZ) %in% Runs] <- NA
fit3 <- lmFit(eset_fix, design.mat)
fit$sigma[i] <- fit3$sigma
fit$df.residual[i] <- fit3$df.residual
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts = contrast.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, robust = TRUE, trend = TRUE)
stats <-
number = nrow(fit2),
sort.by = "none"
stats <- as.data.table(stats)
stats <- stats[, .(ID, AveExpr, F, adj.P.Val)]
#ipair = 1
#### pairwise comparisons
for (ipair in 1:pairwise.comp[, .N]) {
subsecting <- funDT[get(condition_col_name) %in% pairwise.comp[ipair, c(left, right)], unique(run_id)]
# Filter for IDs that are not present in at least one experiment in pairwise manner
isPresent <- filterDT[get(condition_col_name) %in% pairwise.comp[ipair, c(left, right)] & repPC >= 0.5, unique(ID)]
if (length(isPresent) > 3) {
eset_pair <- eset[rownames(eset) %in% isPresent, colnames(eset) %in% subsecting]
design.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + condition,
data = Biobase::pData(eset_pair))
myContrasts = NULL
left <- pairwise.comp[ipair, left]
right <- pairwise.comp[ipair, right]
condition.seperator = " - "
myContrasts = c(myContrasts,
str_c("condition", left, condition.seperator,
"condition", right))
contrast.matrix <- eval(as.call(c(
levels = list(design.mat)
fit <- lmFit(eset_pair, design.mat)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts = contrast.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, robust = TRUE, trend = TRUE)
s_dt <-
number = nrow(fit2),
sort.by = "p",
confint = 0.95,
coef = myContrasts
s_dt <- s_dt[, .(ID, logFC, CI.L, CI.R, P.Value, adj.P.Val)]
#q_vals <- qvalue(s_dt[, P.Value])
#s_dt[, Q.Value := q_vals$qvalues]
comparison <- str_replace_all(myContrasts, "condition", "")
colnames(s_dt)[colnames(s_dt) != "ID"] <-
str_c(colnames(s_dt)[colnames(s_dt) != "ID"], comparison, sep = " ")
stats <- merge(stats, s_dt, by = "ID", all = T)
pairwise.comp = assembleComparisonConditionMapping(pairwise.comp,
stats[, ID := str_replace_all(ID, "ID.", "")]
setnames(stats, "ID", ID_type)
return(list(stats = stats,
pairwise.comp = pairwise.comp))
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