#' Primary energy and exergy aggregates
#' Calculates aggregate primary energy from a data frame of Supply-Use matrices.
#' By default, this function adds a single column of primary energy aggregates
#' with the name `aggregate_primary`.
#' If `add_net_gross_cols` is `TRUE` (default is `FALSE`),
#' two columns are created:
#' `net_aggregate_primary` and `gross_aggregate_primary`.
#' With net and gross output (`add_net_gross_cols = TRUE`),
#' the columns contain identical values.
#' Use `add_net_gross_cols = TRUE` if you later wish to combine with
#' results from `finaldemand_aggregates()`,
#' which provides both net and gross outputs.
#' @param .sutdata A data frame with columns of matrices from a supply-use analysis.
#' @param p_industries A vector of names of industries to be aggregated as "primary."
#' If `.sutdata` is a data frame, `p_industries` should be the name of a column in the data frame.
#' If `.sutdata` is `NULL`, `p_industries` can be a single vector of industry names.
#' These industries in `p_industries` will appear in rows of the resource (`R`) and make (`V`) matrices and
#' columns of the final demand matrix (`Y`).
#' Entries in `Y_p` will be subtracted from entries in `R_p + V_p` to obtain
#' the total primary energy aggregate,
#' where `*_p` is the primary part of those matrices.
#' The function `find_p_industry_names()` might be helpful to find
#' primary industry names if they can be identified by prefixes.
#' @param add_net_gross_cols A boolean that tells whether to add net and gross columns (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`).
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param piece,notation,pattern_type,prepositions Arguments that control the way row and column matching
#' is accomplished when selecting parts of the **R**, **V**, and **Y**
#' matrices for primary aggregation.
#' These arguments are passed to
#' `matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname()` and eventually
#' `RCLabels::match_by_pattern()` and
#' `RCLabels::make_or_pattern()`.
#' Default values are
#' `piece = "all"`,
#' `notation = RCLabels::notations_list`,
#' `pattern_type = "exact"`, and
#' `prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list`.
#' @param R,V,Y See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param by One of "Total", "Product", "Industry", or "Flow" to indicate the desired aggregation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "Total": aggregation over both Product and Flow (the default),
#' \item "Product": aggregation by energy carrier (Crude oil, Primary solid biofuels, etc.), or
#' \item "Industry" or "Flow": aggregation by Industry (Production, Imports, Exports, etc.).
#' }
#' @param aggregate_primary,net_aggregate_primary,gross_aggregate_primary The names for aggregates of primary energy on output.
#' @return A list or data frame containing aggregate primary energy.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(matsbyname)
#' p_industries <- c("Resources - Crude", "Resources - NG")
#' # Calculate primary total aggregates
#' res <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "matrix.name", values_from = "matrix") %>%
#' Recca::primary_aggregates(p_industries = p_industries, by = "Total")
#' tibble::as_tibble(res)
#' res[[Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary]]
#' # Above, only 1 aggregate column is created, because there is no
#' # difference between net and gross aggregation for primary energy.
#' # Below, both net and gross aggregation columns are created,
#' # for compatibility with the [finaldemand_aggregates()] function.
#' # Net and gross primary aggregates are identical.
#' res2 <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "matrix.name", values_from = "matrix") %>%
#' Recca::primary_aggregates(p_industries = p_industries,
#' add_net_gross_cols = TRUE,
#' by = "Total")
#' tibble::as_tibble(res2)
#' res2[[Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_primary]]
#' res2[[Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_primary]]
primary_aggregates <- function(.sutdata = NULL,
# Vector of primary industries
add_net_gross_cols = FALSE,
piece = "all",
notation = RCLabels::notations_list,
pattern_type = c("exact", "leading", "trailing", "anywhere", "literal"),
prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list,
# Input names
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
by = c("Total", "Product", "Industry", "Flow"),
# Output names
aggregate_primary = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary,
net_aggregate_primary = Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_primary,
gross_aggregate_primary = Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_primary) {
pattern_type <- match.arg(pattern_type)
by <- match.arg(by)
prim_func <- function(R_mat = NULL, V_mat, Y_mat){
# Look for primary industries in each of R, V, and Y matrices
RT_p <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(R_mat) %>%
matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname(retain = p_industries,
piece = piece,
notation = notation,
pattern_type = pattern_type,
prepositions = prepositions,
margin = 2)
VT_p <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(V_mat) %>%
matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname(retain = p_industries,
piece = piece,
notation = notation,
pattern_type = pattern_type,
prepositions = prepositions,
margin = 2)
# Get the primary industries from the Y matrix.
Y_p <- Y_mat %>% matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname(retain = p_industries,
piece = piece,
notation = notation,
pattern_type = pattern_type,
prepositions = prepositions,
margin = 2)
# TPES in product x industry matrix format is RT_p + VT_p - Y_p.
RVT_p_minus_Y_p <- matsbyname::sum_byname(RT_p, VT_p) %>% matsbyname::difference_byname(Y_p)
# Use the right function for the requested aggregation
if (by == "Total") {
agg_primary <- matsbyname::sumall_byname(RVT_p_minus_Y_p)
} else if (by == "Product") {
agg_primary <- matsbyname::rowsums_byname(RVT_p_minus_Y_p)
} else if (by == "Industry" | by == "Flow") {
agg_primary <- matsbyname::colsums_byname(RVT_p_minus_Y_p)
# Check if gross and net columns are desired before returning.
if (add_net_gross_cols) {
out <- list(agg_primary, agg_primary) %>%
magrittr::set_names(c(net_aggregate_primary, gross_aggregate_primary))
} else {
out <- list(agg_primary) %>%
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = prim_func, R_mat = R, V_mat = V, Y_mat = Y)
#' Final demand energy and exergy aggregates
#' Calculates aggregate final demand energy from a data frame of Supply-Use matrices.
#' The calculation counts only `fd_sectors` in final demand aggregates.
#' If `.sutdata` is `NULL`, `fd_sectors` can be a single vector of industry names.
#' Net energy demand is calculated by `matsbyname::sum_byname(Y_fd)`, with sums across rows, columns, or total as needed.
#' Gross energy demand is calculated by `matsbyname::sum_byname(Y_fd) + matsbyname::sum_byname(U_EIOU)`,
#' with sums across rows, columns, or total as needed.
#' @param .sutdata A data frame with columns of matrices from a supply-use analysis.
#' @param fd_sectors A vector of names of sectors in final demand.
#' Names should include columns in the `Y` and `U_EIOU` matrices
#' to cover both net (in `Y`) and gross (in `Y` and `U_EIOU`) final demand.
#' @param piece,notation,pattern_type,prepositions Arguments that control the way row and column matching
#' is accomplished when selecting parts of the **U_EIOU** and **Y**
#' matrices for final demand aggregation.
#' These arguments are passed to
#' `matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname()` and eventually
#' `RCLabels::match_by_pattern()` and
#' `RCLabels::make_or_pattern()`.
#' Default values are
#' `piece = "all"`,
#' `notation = RCLabels::notations_list`,
#' `pattern_type = "exact"`, and
#' `prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list`.
#' @param U_eiou,Y Input matrices. See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param by One of "Product", "Sector", or "Total" to indicate the desired aggregation:
#' "Product" for aggregation by energy carrier (Crude oil, Primary solid biofuels, etc.),
#' "Sector" for aggregation by final demand sector (Agriculture/forestry, Domestic navigation, etc.), or
#' "Total" for aggregation over both Product and Sector (the default).
#' @param net_aggregate_demand,gross_aggregate_demand See `Recca::aggregate_cols`.
#' Defaults are `Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand` and
#' `Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand`.
#' @return A list or data frame containing `net_aggregate_demand` and `gross_aggregate_demand` columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(matsbyname)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "matrix.name", values_from = "matrix") %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(
#' fd_sectors = rep(list(c("Residential", "Transport")), times = nrow(.))
#' ) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(LastStage %in% c(IEATools::last_stages$final,
#' IEATools::last_stages$useful)) %>%
#' finaldemand_aggregates(fd_sectors = "fd_sectors", by = "Sector")
finaldemand_aggregates <- function(.sutdata = NULL,
piece = "all",
notation = RCLabels::notations_list,
pattern_type = c("exact", "leading", "trailing", "anywhere", "literal"),
prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list,
# Input names
U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
by = c("Total", "Product", "Sector", "Industry"),
# Output names
net_aggregate_demand = Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand,
gross_aggregate_demand = Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand) {
pattern_type <- match.arg(pattern_type)
by <- match.arg(by)
fd_func <- function(U_eiou_mat, Y_mat){
Y_mat_cols <- Y_mat %>%
matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname(retain = fd_sectors,
piece = piece,
notation = notation,
pattern_type = pattern_type,
prepositions = prepositions,
margin = 2)
U_eiou_mat_cols <- U_eiou_mat %>%
matsbyname::select_rowcol_piece_byname(retain = fd_sectors,
piece = piece,
notation = notation,
pattern_type = pattern_type,
prepositions = prepositions,
margin = 2)
# Use the right function for the requested aggregation
if (by == "Total") {
net <- Y_mat_cols %>%
gross <- U_eiou_mat_cols %>%
matsbyname::sumall_byname() %>%
} else if (by == "Product") {
net <- Y_mat_cols %>%
gross <- U_eiou_mat_cols %>%
matsbyname::rowsums_byname() %>%
} else if (by %in% c("Sector", "Industry")) {
net <- Y_mat_cols %>%
gross <- U_eiou_mat_cols %>%
matsbyname::colsums_byname() %>%
# No need for a last "else" clause, because match.arg ensures we have only one of
# "Total", "Product", or "Flow".
# When Y_mat_cols and U_mat_cols are NULL (i.e., no columns selected),
# we get NULL results above for net.
# That results should really be 0.
# So check for that condition.
if (is.null(net)) {
net <- 0
# We don't ever get null for gross, because sum_byname(NULL, NULL) is 0.
# if (is.null(gross)) {
# gross <- 0
# }
if (by == "Sector") {
net <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(net)
gross <- matsbyname::transpose_byname(gross)
list(net, gross) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(net_aggregate_demand, gross_aggregate_demand))
matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = fd_func, U_eiou_mat = U_eiou, Y_mat = Y)
#' Aggregate PSUT matrices into regions
#' Aggregates a data frame according to the regions given in a column of the data frame.
#' The data frame (`.sut_data`) should contain metadata columns (including `many_colname` and `few_colname`)
#' and be wide-by-matrices.
#' The argument `drop_na_few` controls what happens when an item `many_colname`
#' does not have a corresponding value in `few_colname`.
#' This condition can occur when, say, "WRLD" is a country.
#' "WRLD" (as a country in `many_colname`)
#' should not be aggregated to "World" (as a region in the `few_colname`).
#' In those circumstances,
#' a well-formed `aggregation_map` will leave `NA` in `few_colname`.
#' Setting `drop_na_few` to `TRUE` (default is `FALSE`)
#' will eliminate rows with `NA` in `few_colname`
#' before doing the aggregation so those `NA` rows do not end up as
#' `NA` in the outgoing data frame.
#' The default value for `drop_na_few` is `FALSE`,
#' because setting to `TRUE` will result in data loss.
#' You need to opt in to this behavior when you know it's what you want.
#' If all of `few_colname` entries are `NA` and
#' `drop_na_few` is `TRUE`,
#' a zero-row data frame of the same structure as `.sut_data` is returned.
#' This function works for both a data frame of PSUT matrices
#' and a data frame of details matrices.
#' @param .sut_data A wide-by-matrices `matsindf`-style data frame of PSUT matrices.
#' @param many_colname The name of the column in `.sut_data` that contains the "many" descriptions,
#' for example countries that need to be aggregated to continents.
#' Default is `IEATools::iea_cols$country`.
#' @param few_colname The of the column in `.sut_data` that contains the "few" descriptions,
#' for example continents into which countries are to be aggregated.
#' Default is `Recca::aggregate_cols$region`.
#' @param drop_na_few A boolean that tells whether to ignore (not aggregate) rows with `NA` values in `few_colname`.
#' See details.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param year,method,energy_type,last_stage See `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @param matrix_cols Names of columns in .sut_data containing matrices.
#' Default is a vector of names from `Recca::psut_cols`:
#' R, U, U_feed, U_eiou, r_eiou, V, Y, S_units,
#' Y_fu_details, and U_eiou_fu_details.
#' @param matrix_names,matrix_values Internal column names. See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @return An aggregated version of `.sut_data` wherein the `many_colname` column is replaced
#' by `few_colname` as specified by `aggregation_map`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(matsbyname)
#' library(tidyr)
#' mats_GBR <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matrix.name, values_from = matrix)
#' # Add other countries, by duplicating and renaming GBR
#' mats <- dplyr::bind_rows(mats_GBR,
#' mats_GBR %>% dplyr::mutate(Country = "USA"),
#' mats_GBR %>% dplyr::mutate(Country = "FRA"))
#' # Establish the aggregation map.
#' agg_df <- list(EUR = c("GBR", "FRA"), AMR = "USA") %>%
#' matsbyname::agg_map_to_agg_table(few_colname = "Continent", many_colname = "Country")
#' # Aggregate into continents
#' dplyr::left_join(mats, agg_df, by = "Country") %>%
#' region_aggregates(many_colname = "Country", few_colname = "Continent")
region_aggregates <- function(.sut_data,
many_colname = IEATools::iea_cols$country,
few_colname = Recca::aggregate_cols$region,
drop_na_few = FALSE,
year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
method = IEATools::iea_cols$method,
energy_type = IEATools::iea_cols$energy_type,
last_stage = IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
matrix_cols = c(R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
U_feed = Recca::psut_cols$U_feed,
U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
r_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
Y_fu_details = Recca::psut_cols$Y_fu_details,
U_eiou_fu_details = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou_fu_details),
matrix_names = Recca::psut_cols$matnames,
matrix_values = Recca::psut_cols$matvals) {
# Handle the cases when
# .sut_data has no rows
# or
# .sut_data has all NA values in few_colname AND drop_na_few is TRUE.
if (nrow(.sut_data) == 0 |
(all(.sut_data[[few_colname]] |> is.na()) & drop_na_few)) {
# Eliminate all rows
.sut_data <- .sut_data[0, ]
# Return .dat unmodified,
# except to eliminate the few_colname and ensure that the many_colname is present
out <- .sut_data %>%
# Eliminate many_colname.
"{many_colname}" := NULL
) %>%
"{many_colname}" := dplyr::all_of(few_colname)
) %>%
dplyr::relocate(dplyr::all_of(many_colname)) # Relocates to left, where it belongs.
U_present <- matrix_cols[["U"]] %in% colnames(.sut_data)
r_eiou_present <- matrix_cols[["r_eiou"]] %in% colnames(.sut_data)
S_units_present <- matrix_cols[["S_units"]] %in% colnames(.sut_data)
tidy_df <- .sut_data |>
# Get rid of columns we don't need.
# We'll re-calculate later.
"{matrix_cols[['U']]}" := NULL,
"{matrix_cols[['r_eiou']]}" := NULL
) |>
# Make the incoming data frame tidy.
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::any_of(unname(matrix_cols)),
names_to = matrix_names,
values_to = matrix_values)
# We need to re-calculate U and r_EIOU matrices after aggregation.
if (drop_na_few) {
# When drop_na_few is true, we eliminate
# rows with NA in few_colname.
tidy_df <- tidy_df |>
group_cols <- names(tidy_df) %>%
setdiff(many_colname) %>%
out <- tidy_df |>
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(group_cols)), .add = TRUE) %>%
# Summarise using the new .summarise argument to sum_byname.
dplyr::summarise("{matrix_values}" := matsbyname::sum_byname(.data[[matrix_values]], .summarise = TRUE)) %>%
# Rename few_colname to many_colname
"{many_colname}" := dplyr::all_of(few_colname)
) %>%
# And pivot wider again to give wide by matrices shape.
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = dplyr::all_of(matrix_names), values_from = dplyr::all_of(matrix_values)) %>%
# Remove the groupings we added.
if (U_present) {
# Recalculate U matrix
out <- out |>
"{matrix_cols[['U']]}" := matsbyname::sum_byname(.data[[ matrix_cols[["U_feed"]] ]],
.data[[ matrix_cols[["U_eiou"]] ]]))
if (r_eiou_present) {
# Recalculate r_eiou matrix
out <- out |>
"{matrix_cols[['r_eiou']]}" := matsbyname::quotient_byname(.data[[ matrix_cols[["U_eiou"]] ]],
.data[[ matrix_cols[["U"]] ]]) |>
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0))
if (S_units_present) {
out <- out |>
# Recalculate S_units matrices
# S_units will be summed to give (possibly) non-unity values.
# Divide by itself and replace NaN by 0 to
# get back to unity values when non-zero.
"{matrix_cols[['S_units']]}" := matsbyname::quotient_byname(.data[[ matrix_cols[["S_units"]] ]],
.data[[ matrix_cols[["S_units"]] ]]) %>%
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
# no_rows_helper <- function(.dat, few_colname, many_colname) {
# # Handle the cases when
# # .dat has no rows
# # or
# # .dat has all NA values in few_colname AND drop_na_few is TRUE.
# # Eliminate all rows
# .dat <- .dat[0, ]
# # Return .dat unmodified,
# # except to eliminate the few_colname and ensure that the many_colname is present
# .dat %>%
# dplyr::mutate(
# # Eliminate many_colname.
# "{many_colname}" := NULL
# ) %>%
# dplyr::rename(
# "{many_colname}" := dplyr::all_of(few_colname)
# ) %>%
# dplyr::relocate(dplyr::all_of(many_colname)) # Relocates to left, where it belongs.
# }
#' Despecify and aggregate PSUT matrices
#' PSUT matrices often have row and column names that been specified to
#' contain more information than simply the industry or product.
#' Examples include
#' "Resources \[of Coal\]" and
#' "Automobiles -> RoP".
#' It is sometimes helpful to despecify and aggregate these rows and columns
#' so that all "Resources" are summed together,
#' all "Automobiles" are summed together, etc.
#' This function performs that aggregation.
#' By default, the aggregation is made to the nouns of row and column names
#' as defined by the `RCLabels` package.
#' Which piece is to be aggregated is given in the `piece_to_keep` argument.
#' Internally, this function uses `matsbyname::aggregate_pieces_byname()`
#' to do the heavy lifting.
#' @param .sut_data A data frame of matrices to be despecified and aggregated.
#' @param piece_to_keep The piece of the label to retain before aggregation.
#' Default is "noun".
#' @param R,U,U_feed,U_eiou,r_eiou,V,Y,S_units Matrices or names of columns in `.sut_data` to be despecified and aggregated. See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param inf_notation A boolean that tells whether to infer the row and column label notation.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param notation The notation for row and column labels.
#' Default is `list(RCLabels::notations_list)`.
#' @param margin The margins over which aggregation is performed.
#' Default is `list(c(1, 2))`.
#' @param choose_most_specific A boolean that tells whether to choose the most-specific
#' notation if 2 or more notations match.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param prepositions A list of prepositions that could appear in row and column names.
#' Default is `list(RCLabels::prepositions_list)`.
#' @param R_aggregated_colname,U_aggregated_colname,U_feed_aggregated_colname,U_eiou_aggregated_colname,r_eiou_aggregated_colname,V_aggregated_colname,Y_aggregated_colname,S_units_aggregated_colname Names of
#' aggregated matrices or columns.
#' @param aggregated_suffix A string suffix used to form the names for aggregated matrices.
#' Default is "_aggregated".
#' @return A modified version of `.sut_data` where rows and columns of matrices
#' have been aggregated to their despecified parts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matrix.name, values_from = matrix) %>%
#' despecified_aggregates()
despecified_aggregates <- function(.sut_data = NULL,
piece_to_keep = "noun",
# Input matrix names
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
U_feed = Recca::psut_cols$U_feed,
U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
r_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
# Notation inference
inf_notation = TRUE,
notation = list(RCLabels::notations_list),
margin = list(c(1, 2)),
choose_most_specific = TRUE,
prepositions = list(RCLabels::prepositions_list),
# Names for the aggregated matrices
R_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$R, aggregated_suffix),
U_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U, aggregated_suffix),
U_feed_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U_feed, aggregated_suffix),
U_eiou_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou, aggregated_suffix),
r_eiou_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou, aggregated_suffix),
V_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$V, aggregated_suffix),
Y_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$Y, aggregated_suffix),
S_units_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$S_units, aggregated_suffix),
# Suffix for aggregated columns
aggregated_suffix = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregated_suffix) {
despecify_agg_func <- function(R_mat,
S_units_mat) {
despecified <- lapply(list(R_mat, U_mat, U_feed_mat, V_mat, Y_mat, S_units_mat), function(m) {
m %>%
matsbyname::aggregate_pieces_byname(piece = piece_to_keep,
margin = margin,
inf_notation = inf_notation,
notation = notation,
choose_most_specific = choose_most_specific,
prepositions = prepositions)
R_out <- despecified[[1]]
U_out <- despecified[[2]]
U_feed_out <- despecified[[3]]
U_eiou_out <- matsbyname::difference_byname(U_out, U_feed_out)
r_eiou_out <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(U_eiou_out, U_out) %>%
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
V_out <- despecified[[4]]
Y_out <- despecified[[5]]
S_units_out <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(despecified[[6]], despecified[[6]]) %>%
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
# Make a list and return the matrices
list(R_out, U_out, U_feed_out, U_eiou_out, r_eiou_out, V_out, Y_out, S_units_out) %>%
FUN = despecify_agg_func,
R_mat = R,
U_mat = U,
U_feed_mat = U_feed,
U_eiou_mat = U_eiou,
r_eiou_mat = r_eiou,
V_mat = V,
Y_mat = Y,
S_units_mat = S_units)
#' Perform grouping aggregations on PSUT matrices
#' It is often helpful to aggregate data into industry or product categories,
#' such as "Anthracite" and "Brown coal" to "Coal and coal products" or
#' "Domestic aviation" and "Domestic navigation" to "Transport".
#' With the help of an `aggregation_map`, this function
#' performs such aggregations for a set of PSUT matrices.
#' Internally, this function uses `matsbyname::aggregate_byname()`.
#' See its documentation for details on the format for the `aggregation_map`.
#' @param .sut_data A data frame of matrices to be despecified and aggregated.
#' @param aggregation_map Aggregation details. See documentation for `matsbyname::aggregate_byname()` for further information.
#' @param margin `1`, `2`, or `c(1, 2)` for row aggregation, column aggregation, or both.
#' Can be a row or column type.
#' Default is `c(1, 2)`.
#' @param pattern_type See `RCLabels::make_or_pattern()`.
#' Default is "exact".
#' @param R,U,U_feed,U_eiou,r_eiou,V,Y,S_units Matrices or names of columns in `.sut_data` to be despecified and aggregated. See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param R_aggregated_colname,U_aggregated_colname,U_feed_aggregated_colname,U_eiou_aggregated_colname,r_eiou_aggregated_colname,V_aggregated_colname,Y_aggregated_colname,S_units_aggregated_colname Names of
#' aggregated matrices or columns.
#' @param aggregated_suffix A string suffix used to form the names for aggregated matrices.
#' Default is "_aggregated".
#' @return PSUT matrices aggregated according to `aggregation_map`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matrix.name, values_from = matrix) %>%
#' grouped_aggregates(aggregation_map = list(`Oil and oil products` =
#' c("Crude", "Diesel", "Petrol")),
#' pattern_type = "leading",
#' margin = "Product")
grouped_aggregates <- function(.sut_data = NULL,
margin = c(1, 2),
pattern_type = "exact",
# Input matrix names
R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
U_feed = Recca::psut_cols$U_feed,
U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
r_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou,
V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
# Names for the aggregated matrices
R_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$R, aggregated_suffix),
U_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U, aggregated_suffix),
U_feed_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U_feed, aggregated_suffix),
U_eiou_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou, aggregated_suffix),
r_eiou_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou, aggregated_suffix),
V_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$V, aggregated_suffix),
Y_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$Y, aggregated_suffix),
S_units_aggregated_colname = paste0(Recca::psut_cols$S_units, aggregated_suffix),
# Suffix for aggregated columns
aggregated_suffix = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregated_suffix) {
group_agg_func <- function(R_mat,
S_units_mat) {
grouped <- lapply(list(R_mat, U_mat, U_feed_mat, V_mat, Y_mat, S_units_mat), function(m) {
m %>%
matsbyname::aggregate_byname(aggregation_map = aggregation_map,
margin = margin,
pattern_type = pattern_type)
R_out <- grouped[[1]]
U_out <- grouped[[2]]
U_feed_out <- grouped[[3]]
V_out <- grouped[[4]]
Y_out <- grouped[[5]]
U_eiou_out <- matsbyname::difference_byname(U_out, U_feed_out)
r_eiou_out <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(U_eiou_out, U_out) %>%
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
S_units_out <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(grouped[[6]], grouped[[6]]) %>%
matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
# Make a list and return the matrices
list(R_out, U_out, U_feed_out, U_eiou_out, r_eiou_out, V_out, Y_out, S_units_out) %>%
FUN = group_agg_func,
R_mat = R,
U_mat = U,
U_feed_mat = U_feed,
U_eiou_mat = U_eiou,
r_eiou_mat = r_eiou,
V_mat = V,
Y_mat = Y,
S_units_mat = S_units)
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