#' Show memory usage, by object, or from workspace
#' @param df_input input data. Can be a df, a list of objects, or a vector of characters. If empty, will evaluate ls()
#' @param is_ls Is 'df_input' actually a list of characters (if yes, runs get() first)
#' @param all.names Whether should use all.names when calling ls()
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat_show_mem()
#' mat_show_mem(freeny)
#' library(purrr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' iris_regs <- nest(iris, data=-Species) %>%
#' mutate(reg_out = map(data, ~lm(Petal.Width~Petal.Length, data=as_tibble(.)))) %>%
#' select(-data)
#' # mat_show_mem(iris_regs$reg_out)
#' ## Check a workspace
#' #mat_show_mem(ls(), is_ls=TRUE)
mat_show_mem <- function(df_input, is_ls=FALSE, all.names=TRUE) {
if(missing(df_input)|is_ls) {
if(missing(df_input)) df_input <- ls(.GlobalEnv, all.names=all.names)
df_size <- tibble(object = df_input) %>%
mutate(obj_size = map(.data$object, ~pryr::object_size(get(., envir = .GlobalEnv)))) %>%
mutate(class_first = map_chr(.data$object, ~ class(get(., envir = .GlobalEnv))[1]))
} else {
if(is.data.frame(df_input)) {
nam <- colnames(df_input)
} else if(is.list(df_input)){
nam <- names(df_input)
if(is.null(nam)) nam <- paste("object", 1:length(df_input), sep="_")
df_size <- tibble(object = nam,
class_first = map_chr(df_input, ~class(.)[1]),
obj_size = map(df_input , pryr::object_size))
df_size %>%
mutate(object_size = map_dbl(.data$obj_size, ~.),
unit = map_chr(.data$obj_size, ~class(.)),
size = map_chr(.data$obj_size, ~utils::capture.output(.))) %>%
arrange(desc(.data$object_size)) %>%
select(.data$object, .data$size, .data$object_size, .data$unit, .data$class_first)
# lsos_tidy <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, unit="MB"){
# names_df <- tibble::enframe(ls(all.names = TRUE, envir=envir),name = NULL, value = "object")
# sizes <- purrr::map_chr(names_df$object, ~utils:::format.object_size(pryr::object_size(get(., envir=envir)), units=unit))
# dplyr::mutate(names_df,
# size=sizes)
# }
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