
Defines functions mat_print_tib mat_check_even intrl_p_vals mat_pval_cat mat_cor_na_df mat_cor_na mat_find_method mat_keep_first mat_check_0row is_true nan_to_na

Documented in is_true mat_check_0row mat_check_even mat_cor_na mat_cor_na_df mat_find_method mat_keep_first mat_print_tib mat_pval_cat nan_to_na

#' Convert Nan to NA
#' @param x Scalar/vector
#' @param na_val Value used for NA, default: \code{NA_real_}
#' @export
nan_to_na <-  function(x, na_val = NA_real_) ifelse(!is.finite(x), na_val, x)

#' @rdname nan_to_na
#' @export
mat_nan_to_na <- nan_to_na

#' is_true: vectorized isTRUE
#' @param x vector
is_true <-  function(x) map_lgl(x, isTRUE)

#' @rdname is_true
#' @export
mat_is_true <- is_true

#' Check 0 rows
#' @param df data
#' @param message_ok the ok message
#' @param warn_message message if only wants wanr
#' @param stop_message message when stopping
#' @param print_df print when error?
#' @param n_row number of rows to check for
#' @examples
#' mat_check_0row(df=subset(iris, Species=="aaa"))
#' mat_check_0row(df=subset(iris, Species=="setosa"), warn_message ="make sure no setosa?")
#' \dontrun{
#'   mat_check_0row(df=subset(iris, Species=="setosa"))
#'   mat_check_0row(df=subset(iris, Species=="setosa"), stop_message ="Should not have setosa")
#' }
mat_check_0row <-  function(df, message_ok ="OK", warn_message = NULL,
                            stop_message=NULL, print_df=TRUE,
                            n_row = 0) {
  if(nrow(df)==n_row) {
  } else if(!is.null(warn_message)) {
  } else {
    if(is.null(stop_message)) stop_message <- paste("Does not have", n_row, "rows!")
    if(print_df) print(df)

#' remove duplicated in vector
#' @param x vector
#' @param fill which value to use
#' @param warn SHould warn for non-sorted?
#' @examples
#' mat_keep_first(rep(1:3, 1:3))
#' @export
mat_keep_first <- function(x, fill="", warn = TRUE) {
  # if(is.factor(x)) x <-  as.character(x)
  x_char <- as.character(x)
  if(!all(sort(x_char)==x_char) & warn) warning("Make sure sorted output?")
  ifelse(duplicated(x_char), fill, x_char)

#' Show method called on object
#' @param generic the generic
#' @param \ldots the object on which to use the generic
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(iris_tb)
#' mat_find_method(print, iris)
#' mat_find_method(print, iris_tb)
mat_find_method <- function(generic, ...) {
  ch <- deparse(substitute(generic))
  f <- X <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("X")
  for(m in utils::methods(ch)) assign(sub(ch, "X", m, fixed = TRUE), "body<-"(f, value = m))

#' Cor with NA
#' @param x,y,use,method as in cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iris2 <- iris[, 1:4]
#' iris2[c(3, 8),1] <-  NA
#' mat_cor_na(iris2)
#' with(iris2, mat_cor_na(Sepal.Length, Petal.Width))
#' with(iris2, mat_cor_na_df(Sepal.Length, Petal.Width))
mat_cor_na <- function(x, y = NULL, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "pearson") {
  stats::cor(x=x, y = y, use = use, method = method)

#' @export
#' @rdname mat_cor_na
mat_cor_na_df <- function(x, y=NULL, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "pearson") {
  if(is.null(y)) stop("Need 2 univariate x, y. Use instead mat_cor_na() %>% mat_cor_to_df")
  stats::cor(x=x, y = y, use = use, method = method) %>%
    tibble::enframe(name=NULL, value="cor")

#' Add p-value and paste
#' @param estimate Parameters of interest
#' @param p_value p-values for the estimate
#' @param digits rounding before pasting
#' @param \ldots Currently unused
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{format.pval}}
#' @examples
#' p_vals <- c(0.01, 0.0001, 0.05, 0.09)
#' mat_pval_cat(p_vals, p_vals)
#' mat_pval_cat(p_vals, p_vals, digits=4)
mat_pval_cat <- function(estimate, p_value, digits=2, ...){
  p_stars <- intrl_p_vals(p_value, ...)
  paste(round(estimate, digits = digits), p_stars, sep="")

#' Add stars
#' just copied from gtools::stars.pval(), gtools 3.8.2
#' @noRd
intrl_p_vals <- function(p_value){
  unclass(stats::symnum(p_value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE,
                        cutpoints = c(0,0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
                        symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")))

#' Check number even
#' @param x vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vec <-  1:6
#' names(vec) <-  vec
#' mat_check_even(vec)
mat_check_even <- function(x) !as.logical(round(x)%%2)

  # should round first?
  # abs(sqrt(x)^2%%2-0)<0.0000001
  vec <-  1:6
  names(vec) <-  vec

  setNames(mat_check_even(vec), names(vec))
  setNames(mat_check_even(sqrt(vec)^2), names(vec))

### Print

#' Set options for tibble printing
#' @param min Arg to `pillar.print_min = min`
#' @param max Arg to `pillar.print_min = max`
#' @examples
#' mat_print_tib(2, 4)
#' tibble::as_tibble(iris) |> head(3)
#' tibble::as_tibble(iris) |> head(4)
#' tibble::as_tibble(iris) |> head(5)
#' @export
mat_print_tib <- function(min=3, max=6) {
  if(min>max) warning("min should be smaller than max")
  options(pillar.print_max = max, pillar.print_min = min)
MatthieuStigler/matPkg documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 5:19 a.m.