
Defines functions summary.IMEC plot.IMEC computeIMEC contradict explain initializeNetwork setconnection

Documented in computeIMEC contradict explain initializeNetwork plot.IMEC summary.IMEC

#Package functions IMEC

#helper function for set edge matrix
setconnection <- function(m, x1, x2, weight)
    m[rownames(m) == x1, colnames(m) == x2] <- weight
    m[rownames(m) == x2, colnames(m) == x1] <- weight
#'Initialize the explanatory network
#'This function initializes the network in which explanatory relations can be stored later.
#'@param phenomena Vector of phenomena that are explained
#'@param theory1 Vector of propositions included in theory 1
#'@param theory2 Vector of propositions included in theory 2 (only set manually if theory comparison is intended)
#'@return An empty edge matrix (all edges 0)
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
initializeNetwork <- function(phenomena, theory1, theory2 = character()) {
    propositions <- c(theory1, theory2)
    size <- length(propositions) + length(phenomena)
    edgematrix <- matrix(rep(0, size^2), nrow = size)
    rownames(edgematrix) <- c(propositions, phenomena)
    colnames(edgematrix) <- c(propositions, phenomena)

#'Sets an explanatory relation between a set of propositions and a phenomenon.
#'If more than one proposition is used the edge weight will be reduced accordingly.
#'@param Explanation Vector of Explanations that explain the Explanadum
#'@param Explanandum A proposition or phenomenon that is explained
#'@param matrix Matrix of Explanatory relations that is modified
#'@param weight Strength of connection (i.e., quality of explanation)
#'@return Returns the explanatory matrix with the edge weights modified according
#'to the specified explanation
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
explain <- function(Explanation, Explanandum, matrix, weight = 1){
    if (length(Explanandum) > 1) {
        stop("Only one explanandum allowed")
    if (length(weight) > 1) {
        stop("only one weight allowed")
    weight <- weight/length(Explanation)
    print(paste("The used edge weight is", weight))
    for (i in 1:length(Explanation)) {
        matrix <- setconnection(matrix, Explanation[i], Explanandum, weight)

#'Sets a contradictory relation between a set of propositions and a phenomenon.
#'If more than one proposition is used the edge weight will be reduced accordingly.
#'@param Explanation Vector of explanations that explain the explanadum
#'@param Explanandum A proposition or phenomenon that is explained
#'@param matrix Matrix of explanatory relations that is modified
#'@param weight Strength of connection (i.e., strength of contradiction)
#'#'@return returns the explanatory matrix with the edge weights modified according
#'to the specified contradiction
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
contradict <- function(Explanation, Explanandum,  matrix, weight = 4){
    if (length(Explanandum) > 1) {
        stop("Only one explanandum allowed")
    if (length(weight) > 1) {
        stop("only one weight allowed")
    weight <- weight/length(Explanation)
    print(paste("The used edge weight is", -weight))
    for (i in 1:length(Explanation)) {
        matrix <- setconnection(matrix, Explanation[i], Explanandum, -weight)

#'Computes the Ising model of explanatory coherence.
#'Computes IMEC based on previously specified explanatory relations.
#'@param matrix matrix of explanatory relations.
#'@param evidence vector of evidence for phenomena.
#'@param phenomena vector of phenomena should be the same length as evidence.
#'@param theory1 vector of propositions in theory1.
#'@param theory2 vector of propositions in theory2.
#'@param analytic whether the result should be calculated analytically or (for large networks) estimated using
#'Metropolis-Hastings algorithm enhanced with Coupling from the past.
#'@param analogy this argument is only for purposes of adding analogy in the future and should currently not be used.
#'@return returns an IMEC object which contains the explanatory coherence of the propositions, the explanatory relations,
#'the evidence, and the phenomena
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
computeIMEC <- function(matrix, evidence, phenomena, theory1, theory2 = character() ,analytic = TRUE, analogy = numeric())
    propositions <- c(theory1, theory2)
    if (length(phenomena) != length(evidence)) {
        stop("Every phenomenon needs some evidence! Make sure the legth of evidence and phenomena is the same.")
    Labels <- c(propositions, phenomena)
    theory <- 1:length(propositions)
    if (length(analogy) == 0)        {
        thresholds <- c(rep(0, length(theory)), evidence) # Thresholds for propositions are zero and thresholds for phenomena specified by use
    else if (length(analogy) == length(theory)){
        thresholds <- c(analogy, evidence) # Thresholds for propositions are zero and thresholds for phenomena specified by use
    else {
        stop("Analogy must be length zero or length of theory")
    if (analytic == TRUE) {
        res <- IsingSampler::IsingLikelihood(matrix,thresholds, beta = 1, response = c(-1,1))
        coherenceT1 <- numeric()
        for (i in 1:length(theory1)) {
            cp <- subset(res, res[i+1] == 1)
            cp <-sum(cp$Probability)
            coherenceT1 <- c(coherenceT1, cp)
        startP <- length(propositions)+2
        coherencephenomena <- numeric()
        for (i in startP:ncol(res)) {
            cp <- subset(res, res[i] == 1)
            cp <-sum(cp$Probability)
            coherencephenomena <- c(coherencephenomena, cp)
        if (length(theory2) < 1)   {
            results <- list(list(theory1, as.numeric(coherenceT1)), phenomena, coherencephenomena,evidence, analogy, matrix)
            names(results) <- c("ExplanatoryCoherenceT1", "phenomena", "CredibilityOfphenomena", "Evidence", "Analogy", "Explanations")
        } else {
            coherenceT2 <- numeric()
            for (i in (length(theory1)+1):length(propositions)){
                cp <- subset(res, res[i+1] == 1)
                cp <-sum(cp$Probability)
                coherenceT2 <- c(coherenceT2, cp)
            results <- list(list(theory1, as.numeric(coherenceT1)), list(theory2, as.numeric(coherenceT2)), phenomena, coherencephenomena, evidence,analogy, matrix)
            names(results) <- c("ExplanatoryCoherenceT1","ExplanatoryCoherenceT2", "phenomena","CredibilityOfphenomena", "Evidence","Analogy", "Explanations")
    } else {
        res <- IsingSampler::IsingSampler(10000, matrix, thresholds, beta = 1, response = c(-1,1), method ="CFTP")
        coherenceT1 <- numeric()
        for (i in 1:length(theory1)) {
            cp <- subset(res, res[,i] == 1)
            cp <- nrow(cp)/10000
            coherenceT1 <- c(coherenceT1, cp)
        startP <- length(propositions)+1
        coherencephenomena  <- numeric()
        for (i in startP:ncol(res)) {
            cp <- subset(res, res[,i] == 1)
            cp <- nrow(cp)/10000
            coherencephenomena <- c(coherencephenomena, cp)

        if (length(theory2) < 1)   {
            results <- list(list(theory1, as.numeric(coherenceT1)), phenomena, coherencephenomena, evidence,analogy, matrix)
            names(results) <- c("ExplanatoryCoherenceT1", "phenomena","CredibilityOfphenomena", "Evidence","Analogy", "Explanations")
        } else {
            coherenceT2 <- numeric()
            for (i in (length(theory1)+1):length(propositions)){
                cp <- subset(res, res[,i] == 1)
                cp <- nrow(cp)/10000
                coherenceT2 <- c(coherenceT2, cp)
            results <- list(list(theory1, as.numeric(coherenceT1)), list(theory2, as.numeric(coherenceT2)), phenomena, coherencephenomena, evidence,analogy, matrix)
            names(results) <- c("ExplanatoryCoherenceT1","ExplanatoryCoherenceT2", "phenomena","CredibilityOfphenomena", "Evidence","Analogy", "Explanations")

    class(results) <- "IMEC"

#'Plots the explanatory relations
#'Plot the explanatory relations between data and phenomena. A window will open where you
#'can drag the nodes in the intended position. Then press enter to plot the network.
#'@param x Object of the class IMEC as returned by computeIMEC
#'@param nodesize size of vertices in the plotted network
#'@param ... other parameters passed on to S3 method.
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
plot.IMEC <- function(x, nodesize = 10,...) {
    IMEC <- x
    matrix <- IMEC$Explanations
    phenomena <- IMEC$phenomena
    evidence <- IMEC$Evidence
    theory1 <- IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT1[[1]]
    if (length(IMEC) > 4) {
        theory2 <- IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT2[[1]]
    } else {
        theory2 <- character()
    propositions  <- c(theory1, theory2)
    g  <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(matrix, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
    colorsphenomena <- rep("cadetblue1", length(phenomena))
    for (i in 1:length(phenomena)) {
        if(evidence[i] < 0) {
            colorsphenomena[i] <- c("red")
    colors <- c(rep("yellow", length(theory1)), rep("green", length(theory2)), colorsphenomena)
    shapes <- c(rep("circle", length(theory1)), rep("circle", length(theory2)), rep("square", length(phenomena)))
    yp <- c(rep(1, length(theory1)), rep(10, length(theory2)), rep(5, length(phenomena)))
    if (length(theory2) > 0) {
        xp <- c(1:length(theory1),1:length(theory2),1:length(phenomena))*20
    } else {
        xp <- c(1:length(theory1),1:length(phenomena))*200
    positions <- as.matrix(cbind(xp, yp))
    tk <- igraph::tkplot(g, vertex.color = colors, canvas.width = 1000)
    igraph::tk_set_coords(tk, positions)
    readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")
    co <- igraph::tkplot.getcoords(tk)
    qgraph::qgraph(matrix, layout = co, color = colors, shape = shapes, vsize = nodesize, theme = "colorblind")

#'Summary of an IMEC object.
#'@param object IMEC object.
#'@param ... other parameters passed on from S3 method.
#'# simple example comparing two hypotheses one of them with more explanatory breadth##
#'T1 <- c("H1", "H2")
#'Phenomena <- c("E1", "E2")
#'Thresholds <- c(2,2)
#'explanations <- initializeNetwork(Phenomena, T1)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E1", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H1", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- explain("H2", "E2", explanations)
#'explanations <- contradict("H1", "H2", explanations)
#'coherence <- computeIMEC(explanations, Thresholds, Phenomena, T1)
summary.IMEC <- function(object,...) {
    IMEC <- object
    if (length(IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT2) > 0) {
        ret1 <- data.frame(IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT1[[1]], IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT1[[2]])
        names(ret1) <- c("T1", "EC_T1")
        ret2 <- data.frame(IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT2[[1]], IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT2[[2]])
        names(ret2) <- c("T2", "EC_T2")
        return(list(ret1, ret2))
    } else {
        ret <- data.frame(IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT1[[1]], IMEC$ExplanatoryCoherenceT1[[2]])
        names(ret) <- c("T1", "EC_T1")
MaxMaier42/IMEC documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 2:28 a.m.