Man pages for Maxim-Ivanov/TranscriptomeReconstructoR
Data-driven Annotation of the Transcriptome

adjust_exons_of_long_readsAdjust internal exons of full-length RNA-seq reads by...
call_TCsCall TSS or PAS sites as clusters of reads from 5'- or 3'-tag...
call_transcribed_intervalsCall continuous intervals of nascent transcription from...
call_transcripts_and_genesCall transcript and gene models from corrected full-length...
detect_alignment_errorsDetect the most common type of alignment errors in...
extend_long_reads_to_TSS_and_PASAdjust outer borders of full-length RNA-seq reads to the...
flip_strand_infoFlip strand orientation of a GenomicRanges object
load_BAM_filesBatch load BAM files
merge_GRangesMerge coverage of GRanges objects
process_nascent_intervalsClassify intervals of nascent transcription and add them to...
refine_transcripts_by_annotationRefine called transcripts by an existing transcript model
save_GRanges_as_bedGraphSave stranded GRanges object as bedGraph file with strand...
write_grl_as_bed12Save GRangesList object as BED12 file
Maxim-Ivanov/TranscriptomeReconstructoR documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 11:19 p.m.