"boxcox.drc" <- function(object, lambda = seq(-2, 2, by = 0.25), plotit = TRUE,
bcAdd = 0, method = c("ml", "anova"), level = 0.95, eps = 1/50,
xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "log-Likelihood", ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
## Identifying the conditional or fixed-lambda approach
if (identical(length(lambda), 1))
method <- "fixed"
if (identical(method, "fixed"))
lv <- lambda
ci <- c(NA, NA)
if (identical(method, "ml"))
## Defining the likelihood function
llFct <- function(object, lv) {
yVec <- object$"data"[, 2]
N <- length(yVec) # df.residual(object)
Ji <- yVec^(lv - 1)
-N * log(sqrt(sum(residuals(object)^2)/N)) - N/2 + sum(log(Ji))
## Fitting the model over a grid of lambda values
lenlam <- length(lambda)
llVec <- rep(NA, lenlam)
for (i in 1:lenlam)
drcTemp <- try(update(object, bc = lambda[i], bcAdd = bcAdd), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(drcTemp, "try-error"))
llVec[i] <- llFct(drcTemp, lambda[i]) # logLik(drcTemp)
# print(llVec[i])
lv <- lambda[which.max(llVec)]
ci <- boxcoxCI(lambda, llVec, level)
# llv <- max(llVec, na.rm = TRUE)
## Plotting the profile log-likelihood
if (plotit) # based on boxcox.default
plot(lambda, llVec, type ="l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
plims <- par("usr")
y0 <- plims[3]
llv <- max(llVec, na.rm = TRUE)
lim <- llv - qchisq(level, 1)/2
segments(lv, llv, lv, y0, lty=3)
segments(ci[1], lim, ci[1], y0, lty = 3) # lower limit
segments(ci[2], lim, ci[2], y0, lty = 3) # upper limit
scal <- (1/10 * (plims[4] - y0))/par("pin")[2]
scx <- (1/10 * (plims[2] - plims[1]))/par("pin")[1]
text(lambda[1] + scx, lim + scal, " 95%")
abline(h = lim, lty = 3)
## ANOVA-based approach
if (identical(method, "anova"))
dose <- object$dataList$"dose"
resp <- object$dataList$"resp"
curveid <- object$dataList$"curve"
numCur <- length(unique(curveid))
if (any(unlist(tapply(resp, dose, length)) < 2))
stop("ANOVA-based TBS approach requires replicates for each dose value")
## Defining ANOVA formula
afList <- anovaFormula(dose, resp, curveid, bcAdd)
anovaForm <- afList$"anovaFormula"
anovaData <- afList$"anovaData"
profLik <- boxcox(anovaForm, lambda = lambda, plotit = plotit, data = anovaData)
# using boxcox in MASS
lamVec <- profLik$x
llVec <- profLik$y
lv <- lamVec[which.max(llVec)]
ci <- boxcoxCI(lamVec, llVec, level)
## Updating the model fit
retFit <- update(object, bc = lv, bcAdd = bcAdd)
retFit$"boxcox" <- list(lambda = lv, ci = ci, bcAdd = bcAdd)
retFit$call$bcVal <- lv
retFit$call$bcAdd <- bcAdd
# retFit$boxcox[c(2, 3)] <- ci
## future: make boxcox and lambda into one component in the fit
## Returning the result
"boxcoxCI" <-
function(x, y, level = 0.95)
## R lines taken from boxcox.default in the package MASS and then slightly modified
xl <- x
loglik <- y
llnotna <- !is.na(loglik)
xl <- xl[llnotna]
loglik <- loglik[llnotna]
m <- length(loglik)
mx <- (1:m)[loglik == max(loglik)][1]
Lmax <- loglik[mx]
lim <- Lmax - qchisq(level, 1)/2
ind <- range((1:m)[loglik > lim])
xx <- rep(NA, 2)
if(loglik[1] < lim)
i <- ind[1]
xx[1] <- xl[i - 1] + ((lim - loglik[i - 1]) *
(xl[i] - xl[i - 1]))/(loglik[i] - loglik[i - 1])
if(loglik[m] < lim)
i <- ind[2] + 1
xx[2] <- xl[i - 1] + ((lim - loglik[i - 1]) *
(xl[i] - xl[i - 1]))/(loglik[i] - loglik[i - 1])
## Defining ANOVA model formula
anovaFormula <- function(dose, resp, curveid, bcAdd)
bcc <- rep(bcAdd, length(resp))
numCur <- length(unique(curveid))
if (numCur > 1)
anovaForm <- (resp + bcc) ~ offset(bcc) + factor(dose) * factor(curveid)
alternative <- 2
} else {
anovaForm <- (resp + bcc) ~ offset(bcc) + factor(dose)
alternative <- 1
list(anovaFormula = anovaForm, anovaData = data.frame(dose, resp, curveid, bcc))
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