
#' Add an user
#' Add an i2b2 user to the instance
#' @param admin The username to connect with
#' @param pass The password for the user
#' @param id The id (no spaces, unique) of the new user
#' @param name The full name of the new user
#' @param email The email of the new user
#' @param password The password for the new user
#' @param url The URL of the i2b2 cell to communicate with
#' @param domain The domain to act on
#' @return The XML return message as an httr::content() object
#' @export
add_user <- function(admin, pass, id, name, email, password, url = "", domain = "")
  base_msg() %>%
    add_header(admin, pass, domain) %>%
    add_body("pm:set_user", user_name = id, full_name = name, email = email, password = password, is_admin = 0) %>%

#' Add user roles
#' Add roles to an i2b2 user
#' @param admin The username to connect with
#' @param pass The password for the user
#' @param id The id (no spaces, unique) of the new user
#' @param project The project to add the user role to
#' @param roles A character vector of roles to add
#' @param url The URL of the i2b2 cell to communicate with
#' @param domain The domain to act on
#' @return The XML return message as an httr::content() object
#' @export
add_user_roles <- function(admin, pass, id, project, roles, url = "", domain = "")
  roles %>%
                  base_msg() %>%
                    add_header(admin, pass, domain) %>%
                    add_body("pm:set_role", user_name = id, role = role, project_id = project) %>%

#' Add multiple users
#' Add users in bulk from a dataframe
#' Add users in bulk from a dataframe containing the following columns:
#' * id: The unique user id to add for each user
#' * name: The name for each user
#' * email: The email address for each user
#' * password: The password for each user
#' * role: The role to give the user
#' Any role can be given from the ones defined
#' ADMIN gives all roles for the project, and ADMIN role to project @
#' MANAGER gives all roles down from DATA_DEID for the project
#' USER gives USER and DATA_OBFSC roles for the project
#' Any DATA_* role gives USER and roles down from the DATA_* role given to the project
#' @param admin The username to connect with
#' @param pass The password for the user
#' @param users The dataframe containing the users to add
#' @param url The URL of the i2b2 cell to communicate with
#' @param domain The domain to act on
#' @return The XML return message as an httr::content() object
#' @export
add_users <- function(admin, pass, users, url = "", domain = "")
  apply(users, 1, function(user)
          add_user(admin, pass, user["id"], user["name"], user["email"], user["password"], url, domain)

          if (user["role"] == "ADMIN")
            roles <- c("MANAGER", "USER", "DATA_PROT", "DATA_DEID", "DATA_LDS", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
            add_user_roles(admin, pass, user["id"], "@", "ADMIN", url, domain)
          else if (user["role"] == "MANAGER")
            roles <- c("MANAGER", "USER", "DATA_DEID", "DATA_LDS", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "USER")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "DATA_PROT")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_PROT", "DATA_DEID", "DATA_LDS", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "DATA_DEID")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_DEID", "DATA_LDS", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "DATA_LDS")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_LDS", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "DATA_AGG")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_AGG", "DATA_OBFSC")
          else if (user["role"] == "DATA_OBFSC")
            roles <- c("USER", "DATA_OBFSC")

          add_user_roles(admin, pass, user["id"], user["project"], roles, url, domain)

#' Delete users
#' Delete i2b2 users from the instance
#' @param host The host to connect to
#' @param admin The admin account for the PostgreSQL database
#' @param pass The password for the database admin
#' @param users A character vector of user ids
#' @export
delete_users <- function(users, host = "", admin = "", pass = "")
  pm   <- RPostgreSQL::dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(), host = host, dbname = "i2b2pm",   user = admin, password = pass)

  user <- users %>% stringr::str_c(collapse = "','") %>% stringr::str_c("'", . ,"'")
  RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(pm, stringr::str_c("DELETE FROM pm_user_data WHERE (user_id IN (", user, "));"))
  RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(pm, stringr::str_c("DELETE FROM pm_project_user_roles WHERE (user_id IN (", user, "));"))


#' List users
#' Delete i2b2 users from the instance
#' @param host The host to connect to
#' @param admin The admin account for the PostgreSQL database
#' @param pass The password for the database admin
#' @export
list_users <- function(host = "", admin = "", pass = "")
  dplyr::src_postgres("i2b2pm", host = host, user = admin, pass = pass) %>%
    dplyr::tbl("pm_user_data") %>%
    dplyr::select(user_id, full_name, email, project_path) %>%

#' List user roles
#' Delete i2b2 users from the instance
#' @param user An user id
#' @param host The host to connect to
#' @param admin The admin account for the PostgreSQL database
#' @param pass The password for the database admin
#' @export
list_user_roles <- function(user, host = "", admin = "", pass = "")
  dplyr::src_postgres("i2b2pm", host = host, user = admin, pass = pass) %>%
    dplyr::tbl("pm_project_user_roles") %>%
    dplyr::filter(user_id == user) %>%
    dplyr::select(project_id, user_id, user_role_cd) %>%
MaximeWack/R2b2 documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:52 a.m.