
Defines functions addGoogleElevation

Documented in addGoogleElevation

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @import MazamaCoreUtils
#' @title Add Elevation Data to a Dataframe
#' @param df dataframe with geolocation information (\emph{e.g.} those created by \code{wrcc_qualityControl()} or \code{airsis_qualityControl})
#' @param lonVar name of longitude variable in the incoming dataframe
#' @param latVar name of the latitude variable in the incoming dataframe
#' @param existingMeta existing 'meta' dataframe from which to obtain metadata for known monitor deployments
#' @description Google APIs are used to determine elevation associated with the locations specified by the
#' \code{lonVar} and \code{latVar} columns of the incoming dataframe.
#' Address information is obtained by using the \pkg{ggmap} package.
#' @return Input dataframe with (possibly) additional column: \code{elevation}.
#' @references \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/elevation/overview}

addGoogleElevation <- function(
  lonVar = "longitude",
  latVar = "latitude",
  existingMeta = NULL
) {

  logger.debug(" ----- addGoogleElevation() ----- ")

  # Sanity check -- make sure df does not have class "tbl_df" or "tibble"
  df <- as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Sanity check -- names
  if ( !lonVar %in% names(df) || !latVar %in% names(df) ) {
    logger.error("Dataframe does not contain columns lonVar='%s' or latVar='%s'", lonVar, latVar)
    logger.error("Please specify lonVar and latVar arguments")
    stop(paste0("Dataframe does not contain columns lonVar='",lonVar,"' or latVar='",latVar,"'"))

  # Initialize the elevation column if it doesn't exist
  if ( is.null(df$elevation) ) df$elevation <- as.numeric(NA)

  # ----- Add elevation data (meters) from Google API ---------------------------

  if ( !is.null(existingMeta) ) {

    # NOTE:  If existingMeta is passed in, assume we are in an operational environment where we want to minimize web service calls.

    amendedDF <- df

    for ( i in seq_len(nrow(amendedDF)) ) {
      monitorID <- amendedDF[i,'monitorID']
      if ( monitorID %in% existingMeta$monitorID ) {
        amendedDF$elevation[i] <- round(existingMeta[monitorID,'elevation'], 0) # round to whole meters
      } else {
        amendedDF$elevation[i] <- as.numeric(NA)

  } else {

    # NOTE:  No existingMeta so go ahead and query the google elevation service

    logger.trace("Getting Google elevation data for %s location(s)", nrow(df))

    # NOTE:  Check and loop to see if we need to use addGoogleMetadata multiple
    # NOTE:  times due to google's per-query limit
    loopCount <- nrow(df) %/% 300
    if ( nrow(df) %% 300 > 0) {
      loopCount <- loopCount + 1

    dfList <- list()
    for (i in 1:loopCount) {

      startIndex <- (i - 1) * 300 + 1
      if (i != loopCount) {
        endIndex <- i * 300
      } else {
        endIndex <- nrow(df)

      dfSub <- df[startIndex:endIndex,]

      # Create url
      #           https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=39.7391536,-104.9847034&key=YOUR_API_KEY
      urlBase <- 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations='
      locations <- paste(dfSub[[latVar]], dfSub[[lonVar]], sep = ',', collapse = '|')
      keyString <- NULL
      if ( !is.null(getGoogleApiKey()) ) {
        keyString <- paste0("&key=", getGoogleApiKey())
      url <- paste0(urlBase, locations, keyString)

      # NOTE:  For now (2017-08-15) we aren't hitting Google limits because this service
      # NOTE:  accepts a vector of locations in a single web service call.

      # Get and parse the return
      r <- httr::GET(url)
      if ( httr::http_error(r) ) {
        logger.error("Google elevation service failed with: %s", httr::content(r))
        logger.error("Google elevation service failed for URL: %s", url)
        df$elevation <- as.numeric(NA)

      returnObj <- httr::content(r)

      # Check results
      if ( returnObj$status != 'OK' ) {

        logger.warn("Google status was %s", returnObj$status)
        dfSub$elevation <- as.numeric(NA)

      } else {

        # Convert list of lists to list of dataframes
        tempList <- lapply(returnObj$results, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # Combine individual dataframes
        elevationDF <- dplyr::bind_rows(tempList)

        # Sanity check that things came back in the same order
        if ( !all(dfSub[[latVar]] == elevationDF$location.lat) || !all(dfSub[[lonVar]] == elevationDF$location.lon) ) {
          logger.warn("Something is wrong with station elevation ordering")
          dfSub$elevation <- as.numeric(NA)
        } else {
          dfSub$elevation <- round(elevationDF$elevation, 0) # Round to whole meters


      dfList[[i]] <- dfSub


    amendedDF <- dplyr::bind_rows(dfList)

  } # end of !is.null(existingMetadata)


MazamaScience/PWFSLSmoke documentation built on July 3, 2023, 11:03 a.m.