
# test bulletproofing
file <- replicate(2, tempfile(fileext = ".rtf"))
file1 <- head(iris) |>
  rtf_body() |>
  rtf_encode() |>
file2 <- head(cars) |>
  rtf_page(orientation = "landscape") |>
  rtf_body() |>
  rtf_encode() |>

test_that("rtf_assemble: bulletproofing argument landscape", {
    input = file,
    output = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf"),
    landscape = "yes"

    input = file,
    output = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"),
    landscape = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)

test_that("rtf_assemble: bulletproofing argument input", {
  expect_error(assemble_rtf(input = c(TRUE, TRUE), output = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")))

test_that("rtf_assemble: bulletproofing argument output", {
  expect_error(assemble_rtf(input = file, output = TRUE))

# test functionality without officer
test_that("rtf_assemble: output without using officer", {
  file_tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")
  rtf_path <- assemble_rtf(input = file, output = file_tmp)

  expect_equal(rtf_path, file_tmp)

  tmp_rtf <- paste(readLines(rtf_path), collapse = "\n")

  expect_true(grepl(tmp_rtf, pattern = "Sepal"))
  expect_true(grepl(tmp_rtf, pattern = "speed"))

# test functionality with officer
test_that("rtf_assemble: output with using officer", {

  file_tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
  rtf_path <- assemble_docx(
    input = file,
    output = file_tmp,
    landscape = c(FALSE, TRUE)

  expect_equal(rtf_path, file_tmp)

  # Need to read in and expose document text for our test
  docx <- officer::read_docx(rtf_path)
  tmp_docx <- officer::docx_summary(docx)
  body_docx <- officer::docx_body_xml(docx)

  # Need to check if both "table seq table" texts are in the docx file.
  expect_true(grepl("Table SEQ Table", tmp_docx$text[1]))

    unlist(lapply(xml2::as_list(xml2::xml_find_all(body_docx, "//w:pgSz")), FUN = function(x) attr(x, "orient"))),
    c("portrait", "landscape")
Merck/r2rtf documentation built on April 18, 2024, 11:51 a.m.