
Defines functions make_mel

Documented in make_mel

#' Write mel file
#' @param stl string Location of the stl file. Assumed to present in the
#' working directory
#' @param data data.frame Object with the data
#' @param shader_file string Either "default" to use the standard palette,
#' or the path to a csv file with colors for each muscle.
#' @param outfile string Name of file to write to. Defaults to the base name
#' of the stl file.
#' @param scale_radius boolean (default \code{TRUE}) Should the radius be
#' scaled based on the force variable?
#' @param use_stl boolean (default \code{FALSE}. Should scaling use the
#' maximum value automatically based on the stl centroid size?
#' @param max_radius numeric Maximum radius value. Ignored if
#' \code{scale_radius} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param rev_arrows boolean (default \code{TRUE}) Should the arrowheads be
#' reversed (you probably want \code{TRUE})
#' @param write_file boolean (default \code{TRUE}) Should the mel file be
#' written out
#' @export
make_mel <- function(stl,
                     shader_file = "default",
                     outfile = NULL,
                     scale_radius = TRUE,
                     use_stl = FALSE,
                     max_radius = 8,
                     rev_arrows = TRUE,
                     write_file = TRUE) {

  # Check column names
  col_needed <- c("x_origin", "y_origin", "z_origin",
                  "x_insertion", "y_insertion", "z_insertion", "muscle",
                  "force", "side")
  col_names <- names(data)
  if (length(intersect(col_needed, col_names)) != 9) {
    stop(strwrap('Columns must include "x_origin", "y_origin", "z_origin",
        "x_insertion", "y_insertion", "z_insertion", "muscle", "side",

  # Extract file info
  file_prefix <- stringr::str_sub(stl, start = 1L, end = -5L)
  stl_path <- file.path(getwd(), stl)
  if(is.null(outfile)) outfile <- paste0(file_prefix, ".mel")

  message("Assuming that the stl file is found at ", stl_path, "\n")
  message("Writing .mel file to ", outfile, "\n")
  if (rev_arrows) {
    message(strwrap("Reversing the arrowheads. If they point the wrong
                    direction, change rev_arrows to FALSE.",
                    prefix = " ", initial = ""), "\n")
  } else {
    message(strwrap("Not reversing the arrowheads. If they point the wrong
                    direction, change rev_arrows to TRUE.",
                    prefix = " ", initial = ""), "\n")

  # Set up radii for cylinder and cone
  if (scale_radius) {
    # Rescale max_radius based on centroid size
    if (use_stl) {
      # Read stl file and get centroid size
      centroid <- centroid_size(stl)
      max_radius <- 1.126e-01 + 6.488e-05 * centroid

    # Normalize to maximum force value
    data <- data |>
      mutate(cylinder_r = force / max(force) * max_radius)
  } else{
    data <- data |>
      mutate(cylinder_r = max_radius / 2)

  message("Note: the ratio of max to min forces is ",
          round(max(data$force) / min(data$force), 3), "\n")
    paste0("The maximum cylinder width is ",
           round(max(data$cylinder_r), 3),
           ". Adjust this based on the size of your model.\n")))

  data$cone_r <- data$cylinder_r * 2
  data$cone_hr <- 2  # cone_r / 2

  # Write header info
  if (write_file) {
    write(paste0("// File: ", outfile), file = outfile)
    write(paste0("// Generated: ",
                 format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")),
          file = outfile, append = TRUE)
    write(paste0("// Note: the ratio of max to min forces is ",
                 round(max(data$force) / min(data$force), 3)),
          file = outfile, append = TRUE)

    write('', file = outfile, append = TRUE)

  # Generate shader
  if (shader_file == "default") {
    shader <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
                                          package = "MuscleTernary"),
                              show_col_types = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (!endsWith(shader_file, "csv")) stop("shader_file should be csv.")
    shader <- readr::read_csv(shader_file) |>
      mutate(muscle = stringr::str_replace_all(muscle, " ", "_"))

  # Check that all muscle columns in data are found in shader
  missing_from_shader <- data$muscle[!(data$muscle %in% shader$muscle)]
  if (rlang::is_empty(missing_from_shader)) {
    if (write_file) generate_shader(shader, outfile)
  } else {
    if (!rlang::is_empty(missing_from_shader)) {
      message("Muscles in data missing from shader: \n")
      message(paste(missing_from_shader, collapse = "\n"))

  # Import model. Note need full path to stl.
  if (write_file) {
    write('\n// Import stl model', file = outfile, append = TRUE)
    write(paste0('file -import -type "STLImport" -ignoreVersion -ra true ',
                 '-mergeNamespacesOnClash false -namespace "',
                 file_prefix, '" -pr "', stl_path, '";'),
          file = outfile, append = TRUE)
    write(paste0('select -r ', file_prefix, ';'),
          file = outfile, append = TRUE)
    write('sets -e -forceElement BoneSG;',
          file = outfile, append = TRUE)
    write('', file = outfile, append = TRUE)

    # Iterate through rows of data and write code for making arrows
    nul <- pmap(data, write_arrows,
                outfile = outfile,
                rev_arrows = rev_arrows)
Middleton-Lab/MuscleTernary documentation built on April 26, 2024, 11:29 a.m.