
# added to comply with SF issue 7
# Tue Jul 24 10:24:35 BST 2007 @433 /Internet Time/

test.sf7 <- function( ){
  # example data
  myData <- expand.grid( X = 1:2, Y = 1:2, Z = 1:2 )

  # function example
  out1 <- createResponse(data = myData,
    equation = function(data) with(data, X+Y+Z),
    covariance = 1, range = "RESP < 3", seed = 9)

  # same example using a character representation
  out2 <- createResponse(data = myData,
    equation   = "X+Y+Z",
    covariance = 1, range = "RESP < 3", seed = 9)
  checkEquals( out1, out2,
    msg = "checking the function/character versions of createResponse")
MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 5:32 p.m.