
Defines functions evolve itn_evolve itn_initPop itn_chkFtrType itn_chkDpdc


#you should make sure popSize is at least 4 so that top 25% would at least be 1 individual
#end consts

# if dependency is satisfied: TRUE
# else:                       FALSE
itn_chkDpdc <- function(ftrs, ftrLst) {
  dependencyVal <- sapply(ftrLst$dependency, function(dependency) {
    if (is.na(dependency)) {
    } else {
      ftrs[match(dependency, ftrLst$name)]

  dependencyMin <- ifelse(is.na(ftrLst$dependency_min), 0, ftrLst$dependency_min)

  dependencyVal >= dependencyMin

itn_chkFtrType <- function(ftrs, ftrLst) {
  #chk type
  ftrs <- case_when(
    ftrLst$type == 'integer' ~ round(ftrs),
    ftrLst$type == 'odd' ~ floor(ftrs / 2) * 2 + 1,
    TRUE ~ ftrs

#ftrs is dataframe
#with each row represent a feature
#a min col and a max col represent the min and max values
#and a type col represents value type
# integer
# numeric
itn_initPop <- function(popSize, ftrs) {
  pop <- list()
  numFtrs <- nrow(ftrs)

  for (i in 1:popSize) {
    pop[[i]] <- vector(length = numFtrs)

    for (fi in 1:numFtrs) {
      pop[[i]][fi] <- runif(1, min = ftrs$min[fi], max = ftrs$max[fi])

    #check each type if type is integer, round to integer
    #pop[[i]] <- ifelse(ftrs$type == 'integer', round(pop[[i]]), pop[[i]])
    pop[[i]] <- itn_chkFtrType(pop[[i]], ftrs)


itn_evolve <- function(pop, lastBest, highestScore, dupGens, dupTrack, ftrs, genCnt, maxGens, cd) {
  ftrCnt <- nrow(ftrs)
  winner <- c()
  popSize <- length(pop)

  topCnt <- round(ITN_TOP_PCTG * popSize)
  randCnt <- round(.05 * popSize)

  #since the top 25% will always survive
  #the true mutation population is only 75% at maximum
  #mutation rate depend on life span
  #for a short life span but rapidly reproducing organism
  #they can afford to do lots of experimental mutations
  #here we represent reproduction as population size
  #and because 25% always survives, we use pop size / 75%
  #and life span as number of features per test subject
  #life span
  mutateRate_ls <- 100 / (100 + ftrCnt)

  reprodSze <- popSize / (1 - ITN_TOP_PCTG)
  #pop sze
  mutateRate_ps <- reprodSze / (reprodSze + 50)

  glbMutateRate <- mutateRate_ls * mutateRate_ps

  while (dupTrack < dupGens) {
    if (genCnt > 0) {
      #pick winners and some random loser, breed next gen, random mutate
      nextGen <- list()

      #our number 1 winner automatically survives as immortal until his score gets beaten
      #nextGen[[1]] <- winner

      #then we pick top 25%, and random 5% from the remaining and breed for the next gen pop size - 1
      #each child is then randomly mutated
      scoreIdx <- data.frame(
        score = scores
      ) %>%
        mutate(idx = row_number())

      topIdx <- scoreIdx %>%
        top_n(topCnt, score) %>%

      btmIdx <- scoreIdx %>%
        top_n(-(popSize - topCnt), score)

      randIdx <- sample(btmIdx$idx, randCnt)

      breedPool <- list()

      for (i in 1:topCnt) {
        #top winners automatically survives into next generation
        #this is for efficiency purposes in case the children from new generation was worse than
        #the previous generation
        idx <- topIdx$idx[i]

        nextGen[[i]] <- pop[[idx]]
        breedPool[[i]] <- pop[[idx]]

      #if population ia too small, randCnt  could be 0
      if (randCnt > 0) {
        for (i in 1:randCnt) {
          breedPool[[topCnt + i]] <- pop[[randIdx[i]]]

      #randomly pick 2 and make 1 to 3 child limited by popSize, until pop size is full
      breedPoolSize <- length(breedPool)

      while (length(nextGen) < popSize) {
        parentsIdxs <- sample(1:breedPoolSize, 2)

        father <- breedPool[[parentsIdxs[1]]]
        mother <- breedPool[[parentsIdxs[2]]]

        nextGenSizeRemain <- popSize - length(nextGen)

        childCnt <- pmin(sample(1:3, 1), nextGenSizeRemain)

        for (ci in 1:childCnt) {
          #create child and add to next gen
          #for each feature, randomly select from father or mother, then mutate for no more than 50% from the original figure
          #the mutate can either increase or decrease
          ni <- length(nextGen) + 1

          nextGen[[ni]] <- vector(length = ftrCnt)

          for (fi in 1:ftrCnt) {
            #choose father or mother
            #if only father meets dependency, then inherit from father
            #if only mother meets dependency, then inherit from mother
            #else randomly choose 1
            isMetDpdc_f <- itn_chkDpdc(father, ftrs)
            isMetDpdc_m <- itn_chkDpdc(mother, ftrs)

            if (xor(isMetDpdc_f[fi], isMetDpdc_m[fi])) {
              if (isMetDpdc_f[fi]) {
                nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- father[fi]
              } else {
                nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- mother[fi]
            } else {
              if(sample(1:2, 1) == 1) {
                nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- father[fi]
              } else {
                nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- mother[fi]

            #limit to min max
            #must limit before mutation and chking ftrs
            nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- pmin(pmax(nextGen[[ni]][fi], ftrs$min[fi]), ftrs$max[fi])

            #stop mutation if dependency is not met
            #because that mutation can never be tested
            if (itn_chkDpdc(nextGen[[ni]], ftrs)[fi]) {
              #mutation chance is dependent on if the father trait is similar to mother trait
              #this happens if inbreeding and father and mother share similar traits
              #mutation chance = similarity rate
              ttlFtrSze <- ftrs$max[fi] - ftrs$min[fi]

              if (ttlFtrSze == 0) {
                simRate <- 1
              } else {
                simRate <- pmax(1 - abs(father[fi] - mother[fi]) / ttlFtrSze, 0)

              mutateProb <- simRate * glbMutateRate

              if (sample(1:0, 1, prob = c(mutateProb, 1 - mutateProb)) == 1) {
                #radomly choose between min and max
                mutated <- runif(
                  min = ftrs$min[fi],
                  max = ftrs$max[fi]

                #limit to 50% change from the original
                #60% allows mutation still be possible if rounding round up
                #and removed the 50% mutation
                maxChg <- .6 * ttlFtrSze

                nextGen[[ni]][fi] <- pmax(
                  pmin(mutated, nextGen[[ni]][fi] + maxChg),
                  nextGen[[ni]][fi] - maxChg

          #nextGen[[ni]] <- pmin(pmax(ifelse(ftrs$type == 'integer', round(nextGen[[ni]]), nextGen[[ni]]), ftrs$min), ftrs$max)
          nextGen[[ni]] <- itn_chkFtrType(nextGen[[ni]], ftrs)

      pop <- nextGen

    genCnt <- genCnt + 1

    #test each individual within the pop
    #but only test the new test subjects
    #not the ones survived from previous generation
    scores <- vector(length = popSize)

    for (i in 1:popSize) {
        'generation', genCnt, 'test subject', i,
        sep = ' '

        'required dup gens', dupGens, 'crt dup gens', dupTrack,
        sep = ' '

        'highest score', highestScore,
        sep = ' '

        'global mutation rate', glbMutateRate,
        sep = ' '

          name = ftrs$name,
          val = pop[[i]]


      if ((genCnt == 1) | (i > topCnt)) {
        #if an error is generated
        #we assume the evolved setting is faulty
        #this maybe that the model is too large or other reasons
        #in that case, we just return a very small number so that
        #the setting gets ignored by evolution
        scores[i] <- tryCatch({
        }, error = function(e) {
          print('test failed, test subject assigned -Inf score')


        #if test is run
        #apply cooldown
        #cooldown maybe 0
      } else {
        scores[i] <- topIdx$score[i]

      log_row_df <- data.frame(
        val = c(genCnt, i, dupGens, dupTrack, highestScore, pop[[i]], scores[i])

      row.names(log_row_df) <- c('genNbr', 'tsNbr', 'dupGenCnt_rqd', 'dupGenCnt_crt', 'highestScore', ftrs$name, 'score')

      log_row_df <- t(log_row_df)

      if (exists('log_df')) {
        log_df <- rbind(log_df, log_row_df)
      } else {
        log_df <- log_row_df

      #opt log file
        row.names = FALSE

    #compare best score with last best, if same, increase dup track, if not reset
    bestScore <- max(scores)

    winner <- pop[[which.max(scores)]]

    #not only the ftrs identical, but if the score doesn't get better
    #then it's also considered duplicate generation
    if (
      identical(winner, lastBest)
      | (bestScore <= highestScore)
      | ((maxGens > 0) & ((genCnt - dupTrack + dupGens) > maxGens))
    ) {
      dupTrack <- dupTrack + 1

      highestScore <- pmax(highestScore, bestScore)
    } else {
      dupTrack <- 0

      lastBest <- winner

      highestScore <- bestScore

      dupGens <- pmax(genCnt, dupGens)


# features:
#   a list of features to evolve
#   each individual in the population will have a set of evolved features
#   the features are then fed to the test function to test
#   each feature must have a min value and max value, the evolution will only happen within this limit
# test:
#   a function that will take the features as argument and test them
#   must return a score, the higher the score the better
#   you must define how the test function works, and how it utilizes the features
# duplicate generations:
#   number of generations which the best score hasn't improved
#   when this is reached, the evolution stops and assumes that no improvements can be made
# pop:
#   you can pre-supply a population, if pop not supplied
#   if will be randomly initialized
# popSize:
#   if pop is not pre-supplied, popSize is needed to randomly inistialize a population
#   obivously, a minimum of 2 is required per Christianity Adams and eve
#   but science seems to suggest the min is much larger
#   one school of thought is that it depends on how many hyper-parameters you are trying to evolve
#   this makes sense as the more parameters you have the bigger the search space
#   we recommend at least a 1:1 ratio between population size and number of params
#   here we set the default to 50
# maxGens:
#   max generations the algorithm will try to evolve,
#   after that all generations are considered duplicated generations
#   and will evolve for specified duplicate generations allowed
#   set to 0 to disable
# cd:
#   a cool down period between each test subject in seconds
#   default 0 means no cooldown
# the features list with the highest score
evolve <- function(ftrs, test, dupGens = 4, pop = NULL, popSize = 50, maxGens, cd = 0) {
  dupTrack <- 0
  #init to false because used in boolean comparison later
  lastBest <- c()
  highestScore <- 0
  genCnt <- 0

  #randomly pick from max and min for each feature
  #pop is a list of individuals, each individual is a list of features
  if (is.null(pop)) {
    pop <- itn_initPop(popSize, ftrs)

  itn_evolve(pop, lastBest, highestScore, dupGens, dupTrack, ftrs, genCnt, maxGens, cd)
MinglunZhu/gaht documentation built on July 9, 2020, 8:11 p.m.