Man pages for MingweiWilliamTang/BMIthreshCount
Counting label transitions in phylogenetic stochastic mapping

brownian_crossing_post2Posterior probability for the number of crossing given tip...
brownian_crossing_post3Posterior probability for the number of crossing given tip...
brown_tree_prior2Prior probability for the number of crossing on phylogenetic...
brown_tree_prior_gridGenerating libility value on each node of the phylogenetic...
brown_tree_prior_nodeGenerating libility value on each node of the phylogenetic...
crossingCounting the number of Crossing of a process
CTMC.line.sampleSample the number of gaining traits on a line based on CTMC
fastpost2Posterior probability for the number of crossing given the...
fills_inGenerating the number of crossings given the nodes liabilties...
helloHello, World!
MLEphy.logCalculate the two-state CTMC likelihood with rate in log...
mx_countslink CTMC with brownian motion
OUbridgesimulating and counting the sample path of OU bridge or...
OUpathsimulate the sample path of OU-process or Brownian motion
MingweiWilliamTang/BMIthreshCount documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:57 p.m.