# sp500 symbols
symbols <- c("AAPL", "T") # for test
# get market data
prices <- BatchGetSymbols(symbols, = as.Date("1990-01-01"))
prices <-$df.tickers))
setnames(prices, c("ticker", ""), c("symbol", "date"))
# alfred data
permits <-"PERMIT"))[realtime_period == max(realtime_period), c(1, 3)]
tcu <-"TCU"))[realtime_period == max(realtime_period), c(1, 3)]
unrate <-"UNRATE"))[realtime_period == max(realtime_period), c(1, 3)]
# macro data
macro_data <- merge(permits, tcu, by = c('date'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
macro_data <- merge(macro_data, unrate, by = c('date'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
macro_vars_to_growth_rates <- colnames(macro_data)[c(2, 3)]
macro_data[, (macro_vars_to_growth_rates) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x / shift(x) - 1), .SDcols = macro_vars_to_growth_rates]
macro_data <- na.omit(macro_data)
# dependent variable
prices[, future_return := shift(price.adjusted, 23, type = 'lead') / price.adjusted - 1]
prices[, date_end_month := ceiling_date(date, "month") - days(1)]
dependent_variable <- prices[, .SD[which.max(date)], by = .(symbol, date_end_month)]
dependent_variable <- dependent_variable[, .(symbol, future_return, date_end_month)]
# realtime covariets
realtime_x <- prices[, .(symbol, date, ret.adjusted.prices, volume)]
# define estimation period
est.start <- as.Date("2005-01-01")
est.end <- as.Date("2016-01-01")
# parameters (this will go to function arguments later). I will filter only one firm.
y_data = dependent_variable[symbol == "AAPL", .(date_end_month, future_return)]
x_macro_data =
x_real_time =[symbol == "AAPL", .(date, ret.adjusted.prices, volume)])
horizon = 1L
macro_delay = 0 # always use realtime data!
est_end = est.end
est_start = est.start
x_lag = 5 # same lags for all covariates for simplicity
legendre_degree = 3L
disp_flag = FALSE
x.quarterly_group = NULL
group_ar_lags = FALSE
real_time_predictions = FALSE
# checks and init
dim_macro <- dim(x_macro_data)[2]-1
dim_real_time <- dim(x_real_time)[2]-1
# storage
x_str_out <- x_str <- NULL
x_unstr_out <- x_unstr <- NULL
x_average_out <- x_average <- NULL
group_index <- group_index_un <- group_index_av <- 0
ref_in <- ref_out <- NULL
# # macro covarites
# x_macro_date <- x_macro_data$date
# x_macro_data <- x_macro_data[,-1]
# data.refdate <- dependent_variable$date_end_month
# data.refdate <- data.refdate %m-% months(macro_delay)
# est.start_m <- est_start
# est.end_m <- est_end
# est.start_m <- est.start_m %m-% months(macro_delay)
# est.end_m <- est.end_m %m-% months(macro_delay)
# data.refdate <- data.refdate %m-% months(horizon)
# est.end_m <- est.end_m %m-% months(horizon)
# for (j_macro in seq(dim_macro)){
# j_data <- scale(x_macro_data[,j_macro], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# # get MIDAS structure:
# tmp <- mixed_freq_data_single(data.refdate = data.refdate, data.x = j_data, data.xdate = x_macro_date,
# x.lag = x_lag, horizon = 0, est_start, est.end_m, disp.flag = disp_flag)
# if(j_macro==1){
# ref_in <- tmp$est.refdate
# ref_out <- tmp$out.refdate
# ref_in <- ref_in %m+% months(macro_delay) %m+% months(horizon)
# if(!is.null(ref_out))
# ref_out <- ref_out %m+% months(macro_delay) %m+% months(horizon)
# }
# # get Legendre weights:
# tmp_w <- lb(legendre_degree,a=0,b=1,jmax=x_lag)
# # store aggregated case:
# x_str <- cbind(x_str, tmp$est.x%*%tmp_w)
# x_str_out <- cbind(x_str_out, tmp$out.x%*%tmp_w)
# # store unrestricted case:
# x_unstr <- cbind(x_unstr, tmp$est.x)
# x_unstr_out <- cbind(x_unstr_out, tmp$out.x)
# # store averages:
# x_average <- cbind(x_average, rowMeans(tmp$est.x))
# x_average_out <- cbind(x_average_out, rowMeans(tmp$out.x))
# # store group indices:
# group_index <- c(group_index, rep(max(group_index)+1,times=legendre_degree+1))
# group_index_un <- c(group_index_un, rep(max(group_index_un)+1,times=x_lag))
# group_index_av <- c(group_index_av, max(group_index_av)+1)
# }
# realtime covarites
x_realtime_date <- x_real_time$date
x_realtime_data <- x_real_time[,-1]
data.refdate <- dependent_variable$date_end_month
est_end <- est_end %m-% months(horizon)
data.refdate <- data.refdate %m-% months(horizon)
for (j_real_time in seq(dim_real_time)){
j_data <- scale(x_realtime_data[,j_real_time], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# get MIDAS structure:
tmp <- mixed_freq_data_single(data.refdate = data.refdate, data.x = j_data, data.xdate = x_realtime_date,
x.lag = x_lag, horizon = 0, est_start, est_end, disp.flag = disp_flag)
ref_in <- tmp$est.refdate
ref_out <- tmp$out.refdate
lubridate::month(ref_in) <- lubridate::month(ref_in)+horizon
lubridate::month(ref_out) <- lubridate::month(ref_out)+horizon
# get Legendre weights:
tmp_w <- lb(legendre_degree,a=0,b=1,jmax=x_lag)
# store aggregated case:
x_str <- cbind(x_str, tmp$est.x%*%tmp_w)
x_str_out <- cbind(x_str_out, tmp$out.x%*%tmp_w)
# store unrestricted case:
x_unstr <- cbind(x_unstr, tmp$est.x)
x_unstr_out <- cbind(x_unstr_out, tmp$out.x)
# store averages:
x_average <- cbind(x_average, rowMeans(tmp$est.x))
x_average_out <- cbind(x_average_out, rowMeans(tmp$out.x))
# store group indices:
group_index <- c(group_index, rep(max(group_index)+1,times=legendre_degree+1))
group_index_un <- c(group_index_un, rep(max(group_index_un)+1,times=x_lag))
group_index_av <- c(group_index_av, max(group_index_av)+1)
if(is.null(ref_in) || is.null(ref_out)) {
message("ref dates were not computed. likely that both macro and real time datasets where not inputed. at least one dataset must be inputed.")
# drop initializing zero:
group_index <- group_index[-1]
group_index_un <- group_index_un[-1]
group_index_av <- group_index_av[-1]
# sort quarterly group of covariates and lags
y.data_in <- y_data[as.Date(y_data$date_end_month) %in% ref_in,]
y.data_out <- y_data[as.Date(y_data$date_end_month) %in% ref_out,]
y_in <- y.data_in$future_return
y_in_dates <- y.data_in$date_end_month
y_out <- y.data_out$future_return
y_out_dates <- y.data_out$date_end_month
output <- list(y_in = y_in, y_in_dates = y_in_dates, y_out = y_out, y_out_dates = y_out_dates,
x_str = x_str, x_str_out = x_str_out, x_unstr = x_unstr, x_unstr_out = x_unstr_out, x_average = x_average, x_average_out = x_average_out,
group_index = group_index, group_index_un = group_index_un, group_index_av = group_index_av)
# FUNDAMENTAL DATA --------------------------------------------------------
# set api token
APIKEY = "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc"
# utils
trading_days_year <- 256
trading_days_halfyear <- trading_days_year / 2
trading_days_q <- trading_days_year / 4
# market capitalization
market_cap <- import_daily(path = 'D:/fundamental_data/market_cap', extension = 'csv')
market_cap <- market_cap[symbol %in% symbols]
# import daily data
# prices <- import_daily(path = 'D:/market_data/equity/usa/day/trades', extension = 'csv')
prices <- market_cap[prices, on = c('symbol', 'date'), roll = -Inf]
prices[, `:=`(year = year(date), month = month(date))]
# Average volumes
prices[, Advt_12M_Usd := frollmean(volume, trading_days_year, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(symbol)]
prices[, Advt_6M_Usd := frollmean(volume, trading_days_halfyear, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(symbol)]
prices[, Advt_3M_Usd := frollmean(volume, trading_days_q, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(symbol)]
# Rolling volatility
prices[, Vol1Y_Usd := roll_sd(adjusted, trading_days_year), by = list(symbol)]
prices[, Vol3Y_Usd := roll_sd(adjusted, trading_days_year * 3), by = list(symbol)]
tail(prices[, .(date, close, Vol1Y_Usd, Vol3Y_Usd)])
# Average market capitalization
prices[, Mkt_Cap_12M_Usd := frollmean(as.numeric(marketCap), trading_days_year, na.rm = TRUE), by = list(symbol)]
prices[, Mkt_Cap_6M_Usd := frollmean(as.numeric(marketCap), trading_days_halfyear, na.rm = TRUE), by = list(symbol)]
prices[, Mkt_Cap_3M_Usd := frollmean(as.numeric(marketCap), trading_days_q, na.rm = TRUE), by = list(symbol)]
tail(prices[, .(date, marketCap, Mkt_Cap_12M_Usd, Mkt_Cap_6M_Usd, Mkt_Cap_3M_Usd)], 10)
# filter last observation in month and convert it to end of month date
prices <- prices[, .SD[which.max(date)] , by = .(symbol, year, month)]
prices[, date := ceiling_date(date, "month") - days(1)]
# Momentum
prices[, Mom_11M_Usd := data.table::shift(close, 12)/data.table::shift(close, 1)-1, by = list(symbol)]
prices[, Mom_5M_Usd := data.table::shift(close, 5)/data.table::shift(close, 1)-1, by = list(symbol)]
head(prices[, c('date', 'close', 'Mom_11M_Usd', 'Mom_5M_Usd')], 15)
# Labels
prices <- prices[,`:=`(R1M_Usd = future_return(adjusted, 1),
R3M_Usd = future_return(adjusted, 3),
R6M_Usd = future_return(adjusted, 6),
R12M_Usd = future_return(adjusted, 12)), by = .(symbol)]
head(prices[, .(date, adjClose, R1M_Usd, R3M_Usd, R6M_Usd, R12M_Usd)])
# labels for classification
prices[, `:=`(R1M_Usd_C = as.factor(R1M_Usd > median(R1M_Usd, na.rm = TRUE)),
R12M_Usd_C = as.factor(R12M_Usd > median(R12M_Usd, na.rm = TRUE))), by = date]
# import balance sheet data
balance <- import_daily(path = "D:/fundamental_data/balance_sheet", extension = 'csv')
balance <-
balance <- balance[symbol %in% symbols]
# import ratios
ratios <- import_daily(path = "D:/fundamental_data/ratios", extension = 'csv')
ratios <-
ratios <- ratios[symbol %in% symbols]
ratios <- ratios[order(symbol, date)]
# ratios
ratios[, price := pbRatio * bookValuePerShare]
ratios[, eps_ttm := frollsum(netIncomePerShare, 4), by = .(symbol)]
ratios[, pe_ttm := price / eps_ttm]
# merge ratios and financial statements
ratios <- balance[ratios, on = .(symbol, date)]
# merge ratios and prices
ratios[, date_end_month := ceiling_date(fillingDate, "month") - days(1)]
data <- merge(prices, ratios, by.x = c('symbol', 'date'), by.y = c('symbol', 'date_end_month'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# define features and labels
labels_reg <- c("R1M_Usd", "R3M_Usd", "R6M_Usd", "R12M_Usd")
labels_clf <- c("R1M_Usd_C", "R12M_Usd_C")
features <- c(
"Advt_3M_Usd", "Advt_6M_Usd", "Advt_12M_Usd",
"cashPerShare", "dividendYield", "eps_ttm",
"Mkt_Cap_3M_Usd", "Mkt_Cap_6M_Usd", "Mkt_Cap_12M_Usd",
"Vol1Y_Usd", "Vol3Y_Usd",
"Mom_5M_Usd", "Mom_11M_Usd",
# 'netDebtToEBITDA',
"pbRatio", "pe_ttm",
# non ml factor features
# final table
cols <- c("symbol", "date", features, labels_reg, labels_clf)
DT <- data[, ..cols]
variables <- colnames(DT)[3:ncol(DT)]
DT <- DT[, (variables) := lapply(.SD, function(x) na.locf(x, na.rm = FALSE)), by = .(symbol), .SDcols = variables]
tail(DT, 20)
# TEST --------------------------------------------------------------------
est.start <- as.Date("1990-12-01")
est.end <- as.Date("2017-03-01") <- macro_midasml$ <-[$DATE<=as.Date("2017-06-01"),]
qtarget.sort_midasml( =, = macro_midasml$,
x.real.time = macro_midasml$, x.quarterly_group = macro_midasml$,
x.lag = 12, legendre_degree = 3,
horizon = 1, macro_delay = 1, est.start, est.end,
standardize = TRUE, group_ar_lags = FALSE, disp.flag = FALSE)
# params = = macro_midasml$
x.real.time = macro_midasml$
x.quarterly_group = macro_midasml$
x.lag = 12
legendre_degree = 3
horizon = 1
macro_delay = 1
standardize = TRUE
group_ar_lags = FALSE
disp.flag = FALSE
stop("both macro and real time data were not inputed. program stops as you need monthly data to compute nowcasts. please input either or x.real.time on the next run.")
dim_macro <- dim_real.time <- dim_quarterly <- 0
dim_macro <- dim([2]-1 # dimension od macro data; -1 because one column is date
dim_real.time <- dim(x.real.time)[2]-1
dim_x <- dim_macro + dim_real.time + 1
stop("x.lag variable, which defines the lag structure of each covariate, must be specified.")
if(length(x.lag)!=1 && length(x.lag)!=(dim_macro + dim_real.time)) # it is possible to define xlag for every covariate!!!
stop(paste0("x.lag variable length must be either of size 1 (the same lag structure for and/or x.real.time) or must be of the length size equal to the total number of high-frequency covariates: ",dim_macro + dim_real.time,"."))
x.lag <- rep(x.lag,times=(dim_macro + dim_real.time))
if(length(legendre_degree)!=1 && length(legendre_degree)!=dim_x){
message(paste0("Legendre polynomial degree must be specified the same for all covariates (one number) or a seperate value for each (the length size equals to the total number of covariates). the length of legendre_degree: ", length(legendre_degree), ", number of covaraites that are inputed: ", dim_x,". Legendre degree is set to (for all covariates): ", legendre_degree[1], " - the first entry in legendre_degree"))
legendre_degree <- legendre_degree[1]
if (length(legendre_degree)==1)
legendre_degree <- rep(legendre_degree,times=dim_x)
message("typically macro series is published with 1 month lag. please check if your inputed macro data has different publication lag. the program does not stop, you need to re-run by re-setting macro_delay input.")
# storage
# storage
x_str_out <- x_str <- NULL
x_unstr_out <- x_unstr <- NULL
x_average_out <- x_average <- NULL
group_index <- group_index_un <- group_index_av <- 0
ref_in <- ref_out <- NULL
# computing the macro data if inputed
x.macro_date <-$DATE
x.macro_data <-[,-1]
data.refdate <-$DATE
lubridate::month(data.refdate) <- lubridate::month(data.refdate)-macro_delay
est.start_m <- est.start
est.end_m <- est.end
lubridate::month(est.start_m) <- lubridate::month(est.start_m)-macro_delay
lubridate::month(est.end_m) <- lubridate::month(est.end_m)-macro_delay
lubridate::month(data.refdate) <- lubridate::month(data.refdate) - horizon
lubridate::month(est.end_m) <- lubridate::month(est.end_m) - horizon
tmp_date <- data.refdate[length(data.refdate)]
lubridate::month(tmp_date) <- lubridate::month(tmp_date) + 3
data.refdate <- c(data.refdate, tmp_date)
for (j_macro in seq(dim_macro)){
j_data <- scale(x.macro_data[,j_macro], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
} else {
j_data <- scale(x.macro_data[,j_macro], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# get MIDAS structure:
tmp <- mixed_freq_data_single(data.refdate = data.refdate, data.x = j_data, data.xdate = x.macro_date,
x.lag[j_macro], horizon = 0, est.start, est.end_m, disp.flag = disp.flag) #horizon is taken into account by shifting est.end_m back
ref_in <- tmp$est.refdate
ref_out <- tmp$out.refdate
lubridate::month(ref_in) <- lubridate::month(ref_in)+macro_delay+horizon
lubridate::month(ref_out) <- lubridate::month(ref_out)+macro_delay+horizon
# get Legendre weights:
tmp_w <- lb(legendre_degree[j_macro],a=0,b=1,jmax=x.lag[j_macro])
# aggregate in-sample:
x_str <- cbind(x_str, tmp$est.x%*%tmp_w)
x_str_out <- cbind(x_str_out, tmp$out.x%*%tmp_w)
# store unrestricted case:
x_unstr <- cbind(x_unstr, tmp$est.x)
x_unstr_out <- cbind(x_unstr_out, tmp$out.x)
# store averages:
x_average <- cbind(x_average, rowMeans(tmp$est.x))
x_average_out <- cbind(x_average_out, rowMeans(tmp$out.x))
# get group indices
group_index <- c(group_index, rep(max(group_index)+1,times=legendre_degree[j_macro]+1))
group_index_un <- c(group_index_un, rep(max(group_index_un)+1,times=x.lag[j_macro]))
group_index_av <- c(group_index_av, max(group_index_av)+1)
# library(httr)
# data <- content(GET(
# "",
# add_headers(origin = "")
# ), as = "parsed", type = "application/json")
# print(data)
# data <- content(GET(
# "",
# add_headers(origin = "")
# ), as = "parsed", type = "application/json")
# print(data)
# number = 5447310
# 13314810894620
# rand = 9048388
# randStr = as.character(rand)
# n = 0
# library(V8)
# ct <- v8()
# x <- ct$eval("(function() {return Math.floor(1e7 * Math.random())})()")
# ct$eval(paste0("(function(e,t){for(var n=0,i=0;i<e.length;i++)n=(n<<5)-n+e.charAt(i).charCodeAt(0),n&=n;return null==t&&(t=e),Math.abs(n).toString().substring(0,6)+(Number(t)<<1)})(",
# x,
# ", null)"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.