
Defines functions filter_variants

Documented in filter_variants

#' Filter raw genotypes based on quality
#' @param variant_assay Assay object of type dna
#' @param gqc Genotype quality cutoff (default 30)
#' @param dpc Read depth cutoff (default 10)
#' @param afc Allele frequency cutoff (default 20)
#' @param mv Remove variants with < mv of known values (default 50)
#' @param mc Remove variants with < mc of known values (default 50)
#' @param mm Remove variants mutated in < mm of cells (default 1)
#' @param gt.mask mask low quality GT as missing (if GQ/DP/AF lower than cutoff, default FALSE)
#' @param filetype the dna_variant layer differs based on whether we are using h5 or loom file, default h5
#' @return Filtered genotypes
#' @export
filter_variants <- function(variant_assay, gqc = 30, dpc = 10, afc = 20, mv = 50, mc = 50, mm = 1, gt.mask = FALSE, filetype="h5") {
  warning('This method will not return identical results to Tapestri Insights. Export filtered results from Tapestri Insights or use the Tapestri SDK to filter before importing into R.')
  # variant_assay = variants
  # gqc = 30
  # dpc = 10
  # afc = 20
  # mv = 50
  # mc = 50
  # mm = 1
  # gt.mask = FALSE
  data = variant_assay@data_layers
    gt <- as.matrix(data$NGT)
    mask <- (gt < 3)
    mutated <- (gt == 1 | gt ==2)
    not_mutated <- (gt == 0 | gt ==3) 
    gq <- (data$GQ >= gqc)
  dp <- as.matrix(data$DP)
  if (filetype == "loom") {
  needed_layers = c("AD","DP","GQ","NGT")
  check_assay = needed_layers %in% names(variant_assay@data_layers)
  if(sum(check_assay)!=4) {
    stop("Assay must contain four layers, AD, DP, GQ, and NGT.")
  ad <- as.matrix(data$AD)
  af <- matrix(100, nrow = nrow(dp), ncol = ncol(dp))
  af[mutated] <- ad[mutated] * 100 / dp[mutated]
  af[is.na(af)] <- 0
  if (filetype == "h5") {
  needed_layers = c("AF","DP","GQ","NGT")
    check_assay = needed_layers %in% names(variant_assay@data_layers)
    if(sum(check_assay)!=4) {
      stop("Assay must contain four layers, AF, DP, GQ, and NGT.")
  af <- as.matrix(data$AF)
  af[not_mutated] <- 100
  af <- (af >= afc)
  dp <- (dp >= dpc)
  ngt_filter <- gq & dp & af & mask
  mv.c <- base::colMeans(ngt_filter, na.rm = T) * 100
  kept_variants <- base::which(mv.c >= mv)
  mc.c <- base::rowMeans(ngt_filter[, kept_variants], na.rm = T) * 100
  kept_cells <- base::which(mc.c >= mc)
  ngt_mutated <- mutated & ngt_filter
  ngt_mutated <- ngt_mutated[kept_cells, kept_variants]
  mm.c <- base::colMeans(ngt_mutated, na.rm = T) * 100
  mv.f <- (mv.c < mv)
  mm.f <- (mm.c < mm)
  mv.f[!mv.f] <- mm.f
  kept_variants <- base::which(!mv.f)
  if (!(length(kept_variants) & length(kept_cells))) {
    stop("All cells/variants are filtered. Try different filtering settings.")
  ######## start making changes to tapestri object
  if (gt.mask == TRUE) {
    variant_assay@data_layers$NGT[!ngt_filter] <- 3
  filtered_variant_assay = subset_assay(
    assay = variant_assay,
    keep_cell_ids = variant_assay$cell_annotations$id[kept_cells],
    keep_feature_ids = variant_assay$feature_annotations$id[kept_variants]
MissionBio/tapestriR documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 8:29 p.m.