
Defines functions plot.funnel_measure

Documented in plot.funnel_measure

#' Funnel plot for difference in measures
#' Function \code{plot.funnel_measure} creates funnel plot of differences in measures for two models across variable areas.
#' It uses data created with 'funnel_measure' function.
#' @param x - funnel_measure object created with \code{\link{funnel_measure}} function.
#' @param ... - other parameters
#' @param dot_size - size of the dot on plots. Passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @rdname plot.funnel_measure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library("mlr")
#' library("DALEXtra")
#' task <- mlr::makeRegrTask(
#'   id = "R",
#'   data = apartments,
#'   target = "m2.price"
#' )
#' learner_lm <- mlr::makeLearner(
#'   "regr.lm"
#' )
#' model_lm <- mlr::train(learner_lm, task)
#' explainer_lm <- explain_mlr(model_lm, apartmentsTest, apartmentsTest$m2.price, label = "LM")
#' learner_rf <- mlr::makeLearner(
#'   "regr.ranger"
#' )
#' model_rf <- mlr::train(learner_rf, task)
#' explainer_rf <- explain_mlr(model_rf, apartmentsTest, apartmentsTest$m2.price, label = "RF")
#' learner_gbm <- mlr::makeLearner(
#'   "regr.gbm"
#' )
#' model_gbm <- mlr::train(learner_gbm, task)
#' explainer_gbm <- explain_mlr(model_gbm, apartmentsTest, apartmentsTest$m2.price, label = "GBM")
#' plot_data <- funnel_measure(explainer_lm, list(explainer_rf, explainer_gbm),
#'                             nbins = 5, measure_function = DALEX::loss_root_mean_square)
#' plot(plot_data)
#' }

plot.funnel_measure <- function(x, ..., dot_size = 0.5){
  funnel_measure <- x
  Variable <- Measure <- Measure_min <- Measure_max <- Category <- Text <- L <- NULL
  if(!"funnel_measure" %in% class(funnel_measure)) stop("Data is not a funnel_measure object")
    champion_label <- funnel_measure$models_info[funnel_measure$models_info$type == "Champion",]$label
    challenger_label <- funnel_measure$models_info[funnel_measure$models_info$type == "Challenger",]$label
    funnel_measure$data$Measure_min <- unlist(lapply(funnel_measure$data$Measure, function(x){
      list("Measure_min" = min(0, x))
    funnel_measure$data$Measure_max <- unlist(lapply(funnel_measure$data$Measure, function(x){
      list("Measure_max" = max(0, x))
    p <- lapply(challenger_label, function(y){
      data <- funnel_measure$data
      data = data[data$Challenger == y, ]
      data$Text <- unlist(lapply(unique(data$Variable), function(x){
        tmp <- data[data$Variable == x, ]
        ifelse(tmp$Measure == max(tmp$Measure), 1,
               ifelse(tmp$Measure == min(tmp$Measure) & tmp$Measure != max(tmp$Measure), -1, 0))
      data$L <- ifelse(data$Text == -1 | data$Text == 1, data$Label, "")

      ggplot(data, aes(x = Variable, y = Measure)) +
        geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Measure_min, ymax = Measure_max, color = Category),
                        position = position_dodge2(width = 0.75), size =
                          dot_size) +
        scale_color_manual(values = c(colors_discrete_drwhy(3))) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "#371ea3", size=1) +
        ylim(c(-max(abs(data$Measure))-0.05*max(abs(data$Measure)), max(abs(data$Measure))+0.05*max(abs(data$Measure)))) +
        ylab(paste("Champion (", champion_label, ") and Challengers measure difference", sep = "")) +
        xlab("") +
        labs(title = "Funnel Plot",
             subtitle = paste("For every category, dot on the right side of violet line means that Champion (",
                              ") is better. \nDot on the left means that one of the Challengers is better than Champion (",
                              sep = "")) +
        theme_drwhy() +
        theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = seq(1.5, 1.5 + length(unique(data$Variable))), linetype = "dotdash", color = "#371ea3")+
        geom_text(aes(y = Text * max(abs(Measure)), label = L),
                  hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
                  position = position_dodge2(width = 0.75),
                  color = "#371ea3") +

    names(p) <- unlist(lapply(challenger_label, function(x){paste0("challanger_", x)}))
ModelOriented/DALEXtra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 5:01 p.m.