
Defines functions interaction_measure safely_detect_interactions

Documented in safely_detect_interactions

#' @title Detecting Interactions via Permutation Approach
#' @description The safely_detect_interactions() function detects second-order interactions based on predictions
#' made by a surrogate model. For each pair of features it performs values permutation in order
#' to evaluate their non_additive effect.
#' @param explainer DALEX explainer created with explain() function
#' @param inter_param numeric, a positive value indicating which of single observation non-additive effects
#' are to be regarded as significant, the higher value the higher non-additive effect has to be to be taken
#' into account
#' @param inter_threshold numeric, a value from `[0,1]` interval indicating which interactions should be returned
#' as significant. It corresponds to the percentage of observations for which interaction measure is greater
#' than inter_param - if this percentage is less than inter_threshold then interaction effect is ignored.
#' @param verbose logical, if progress bar is to be printed
#' @return dataframe object containing interactions effects greater than or equal to the specified inter_threshold
#' @seealso \code{\link{safe_extraction}}
#' @examples
#' library(DALEX)
#' library(randomForest)
#' library(rSAFE)
#' data <- apartments[1:500,]
#' set.seed(111)
#' model_rf <- randomForest(m2.price ~ construction.year + surface + floor +
#'                            no.rooms + district, data = data)
#' explainer_rf <- explain(model_rf, data = data[,2:6], y = data[,1])
#' safely_detect_interactions(explainer_rf, inter_param = 0.25,
#'                           inter_threshold = 0.2, verbose = TRUE)
#' @importFrom  utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export

safely_detect_interactions <- function(explainer, inter_param = 0.5, inter_threshold = 0.5, verbose = TRUE) {

  if (!inherits(explainer, "explainer")) {
    stop(paste0("No applicable method for 'safely_detect_interactions' applied to an object of class '", class(explainer), "'."))
  if (!is.numeric(inter_param) | inter_param<=0) {
    warning("Wrong inter_param value - using default one.")
    inter_param <- 0.5
  if (!is.numeric(inter_threshold) | inter_threshold<0 | inter_threshold>1) {
    warning("Wrong inter_threshold value - using default one.")
    inter_threshold <- 0.5

  #explainer$data might contain also a response variable - we use model attributes to get only the predictors
  term_names <- attr(explainer$model$terms, "term.labels")
  if (is.null(term_names)) {
    term_names <- explainer$model$feature_names #xgboost
  if (is.null(term_names)) {
    term_names <- colnames(explainer$data) #we take column names from dataset (the output variable should not be there)

  p <- length(term_names)

  #if there is only one feature we omit searching for interactions
  if (p <= 1) {

  #creating all 2-elements subsets of term_names vector
  no_pairs <- p*(p-1)/2
  #interaction_strength is a dataframe with two columns storing names of all vaiable pairs
  interactions_strength <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep("", 2*no_pairs), ncol = 2))
  levels(interactions_strength[,1]) <- term_names
  levels(interactions_strength[,2]) <- term_names
  #interaction_values is a column with values that specify the strength between pairs of variables from interaction_strength
  interaction_values <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(0, no_pairs), ncol = 1))

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    #progress bar - to let the user know how many interactions have been already processed
    cat("Interactions processing...\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = no_pairs, style = 3)

  i <- 1
  #for each of the p*(p-1)/2 variable pairs we check how strong is an interaction between them
  for (j1 in 1:(p-1)) {
    for (j2 in (j1+1):p) {
      temp_interaction <- interaction_measure(explainer, term_names[j1], term_names[j2], inter_param)
      #percentage of observations for which interaction measure is greater than inter_param
      interaction_values[i,] <- mean(temp_interaction)
      interactions_strength[i,] <- c(term_names[j1], term_names[j2])
      #updating progress bar
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      i <- i + 1

  #closing progress bar
  if (verbose == TRUE) {

  #combining pairs of feature names with their corresponding interaction strengths
  interactions_strength <- cbind(interactions_strength, interaction_values)
  colnames(interactions_strength) <- c("variable1", "variable2", "strength")
  #choosing only those pairs for which the overall strength is not less than chosen inter_threshold
  interactions_strength <- interactions_strength[interactions_strength["strength"] >= inter_threshold,]
  if (nrow(interactions_strength) == 0) {
    interactions_strength <- NULL
  } else {
    #sorting interactions by their strength
    interactions_strength <- interactions_strength[order(interactions_strength$strength, decreasing = TRUE),]
    rownames(interactions_strength) <- 1:nrow(interactions_strength)


interaction_measure <- function(explainer, var1, var2, inter_param) {

  data <- explainer$data
  pred_function <- explainer$predict_function
  model <- explainer$model

  #permutations of var1 and var2 columns
  var1_permutation <- sample(data[,var1])
  var2_permutation <- sample(data[,var2])

  #predictions for original data
  y_pred <- pred_function(model, data)

  #the difference in predictions after var1 was permuted
  data_perm1 <- data
  data_perm1[,var1] <- var1_permutation
  y_pred_perm1 <- pred_function(model, data_perm1)
  diff_pred_perm1 <- y_pred_perm1 - y_pred

  #the difference in predictions after var2 was permuted
  data_perm2 <- data
  data_perm2[,var2] <- var2_permutation
  y_pred_perm2 <- pred_function(model, data_perm2)
  diff_pred_perm2 <- y_pred_perm2 - y_pred

  #the difference in predictions after both var1 and var2 were permuted
  data_perm12 <- data
  data_perm12[,var1] <- var1_permutation
  data_perm12[,var2] <- var2_permutation
  y_pred_perm12 <- pred_function(model, data_perm12)
  diff_pred_perm12 <- y_pred_perm12 - y_pred

  #a non-additive effect of var1 and var2 for all observations
  #(if two features do not interact with each other the change in prediction triggered by the pair of them
  # should be equal to the sum of changes caused by these features separately)
  non_additive_effect <- diff_pred_perm12 - (diff_pred_perm1 + diff_pred_perm2)

  #returning the information for which observation the non-additive effect is significant
  return(abs(non_additive_effect)>=inter_param*abs(diff_pred_perm1 + diff_pred_perm2))

ModelOriented/rSAFE documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 2:54 a.m.