
Defines functions fgsProcrustes.list fgsProcrustes.Ldk fgsProcrustes.default fgsProcrustes fgProcrustes.list fgProcrustes.Ldk fgProcrustes.Out fgProcrustes.default fgProcrustes fProcrustes pProcrustes

Documented in fgProcrustes fgsProcrustes fProcrustes pProcrustes

# pProcrustes-----------------
#' Partial Procrustes alignment between two shapes
#' Directly borrowed from Claude (2008), and called \code{pPsup} there.
#' @param coo1 Configuration matrix to be superimposed onto the centered preshape of coo2.
#' @param coo2 Reference configuration matrix.
#' @return a list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{coo1} superimposed centered preshape of coo1 onto the centered preshape of coo2
#' \item \code{coo2} centered preshape of coo2
#' \item \code{rotation} rotation matrix
#' \item \code{DP} partial Procrustes distance between coo1 and coo2
#' \item \code{rho} trigonometric Procrustes distance.
#' }
#' @references Claude, J. (2008). Morphometrics with R. Analysis (p. 316). Springer.
#' @family procrustes functions
#' @export
pProcrustes <- function(coo1, coo2) {
  # directly borrowed from Claude
  k <- ncol(coo1)
  Z1 <- coo_center(coo_scale(coo1))
  Z2 <- coo_center(coo_scale(coo2))
  sv <- svd(t(Z2) %*% Z1)
  U <- sv$v
  V <- sv$u
  Delt <- sv$d
  sig <- sign(det(t(Z2) %*% Z1))
  Delt[k] <- sig * abs(Delt[k])
  V[, k] <- sig * V[, k]
  Gam <- U %*% t(V)
  beta <- sum(Delt)
  list(coo1 = Z1 %*% Gam, coo2 = Z2, rotation = Gam, DP = sqrt(sum(edm(Z1 %*%
                                                                         Gam, Z2)^2)), rho = acos(beta))

# fProcrustes-----------------

#' Full Procrustes alignment between two shapes
#' Directly borrowed from Claude (2008), called there the \code{fPsup} function.
#' @param coo1 configuration matrix to be superimposed onto the centered preshape of coo2.
#' @param coo2 reference configuration matrix.
#' @return a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{coo1} superimposed centered preshape of coo1 onto the centered preshape of coo2
#' \item \code{coo2} centered preshape of coo2
#' \item \code{rotation} rotation matrix
#' \item \code{scale} scale parameter
#' \item \code{DF} full Procrustes distance between coo1 and coo2.
#' }
#' @family procrustes functions
#' @references Claude, J. (2008). Morphometrics with R. Analysis (p. 316). Springer.
#' @export
fProcrustes <- function(coo1, coo2) {
  # directly borrowed from Claude
  k <- ncol(coo1)
  Z1 <- coo_center(coo_scale(coo1))
  Z2 <- coo_center(coo_scale(coo2))
  sv <- svd(t(Z2) %*% Z1)
  U <- sv$v
  V <- sv$u
  Delt <- sv$d
  sig <- sign(det(t(Z2) %*% Z1))
  Delt[k] <- sig * abs(Delt[k])
  V[, k] <- sig * V[, k]
  Gam <- U %*% t(V)
  beta <- sum(Delt)
  DF <- ifelse((1 - beta^2) > 0, sqrt(1 - beta^2), NA)
  list(coo1 = beta * Z1 %*% Gam, coo2 = Z2, rotation = Gam,
       scale = beta, DF = DF)

# fgProcrustes-----------------
#' Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes
#' Directly borrowed from Claude (2008), called there the \code{fgpa2} function.
#' If performed on an \link{Out} or an \link{Opn} object, will try to use the \code{$ldk} slot,
#' if landmarks have been previousy defined, then (with a message) on the \code{$coo} slot,
#' but in that case, all shapes must have the same number of coordinates (\link{coo_sample} may help).
#' @param x an array, a list of configurations, or an \link{Out}, \link{Opn} or \link{Ldk} object
#' @param tol numeric when to stop iterations
#' @param coo logical, when working on \code{Out} or \code{Opn}, whether to use \code{$coo} rather than \code{$ldk}
#' @return a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{rotated} array of superimposed configurations
#' \item \code{iterationnumber} number of iterations
#' \item \code{Q} convergence criterion
#' \item \code{Qi} full list of Q
#' \item \code{Qd} difference between successive Q
#' \item \code{interproc.dist} minimal sum of squared norms of pairwise differences between
#' all shapes in the superimposed sample
#' \item \code{mshape} mean shape configuration
#' \item \code{cent.size} vector of centroid sizes.
#' } or an \link{Out}, \link{Opn} or an \link{Ldk} object.
#' @note Slightly less optimized than procGPA in the shapes package (~20% on my machine).
#' Will be optimized when performance will be the last thing to improve!
#' Silent message and progress bars (if any) with `options("verbose"=FALSE)`.
#' @references Claude, J. (2008). Morphometrics with R. Analysis (p. 316). Springer.
#' @family procrustes functions
#' @examples
#' # on Ldk
#' w <- wings %>% slice(1:5) # for the sake of speed
#' stack(w)
#' fgProcrustes(w, tol=0.1) %>% stack()
#' # on Out
#' h <- hearts %>% slice(1:5) # for the sake of speed
#' stack(h)
#' fgProcrustes(h) %>%  stack()
#' @export
fgProcrustes <- function(x, tol, coo) {

#' @export
fgProcrustes.default <- function(x, tol = 1e-05,  coo=NULL) {
  if (is.list(x))
    A <- l2a(x)
    A <- x
  A <- ldk_check(A)
  # directly borrowed from Claude
  p <- dim(A)[1]
  k <- dim(A)[2]
  n <- dim(A)[3]
  if (p <= 2)
    stop("fgProcrustes makes sense with at least 3 points")
  # we prepare an array to save results
  temp2 <- temp1 <- array(NA, dim = c(p, k, n))
  Siz <- numeric(n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    Siz[i] <- coo_centsize(A[, , i])
    temp1[, , i] <- coo_center(coo_scale(A[, , i]))
  sf <- NA
  M <- temp1[, , 1]
  # we do the procrustes alignment on every shape
  for (i in 1:n) {
    temp1[, , i] <- fProcrustes(temp1[, , i], M)$coo1
  M <- MSHAPES(temp1)
  Qm1 <- dist(t(matrix(temp1, k * p, n)))
  Qd <- Qi <- Q <- sum(Qm1)
  # we initialize the counter
  iter <- 0
  sc <- rep(1, n)
  # and we loop
  while (abs(Q) > tol) {
    for (i in 1:n) {
      Z1 <- temp1[, , i]
      sv <- svd(t(M) %*% Z1)
      U <- sv$v
      V <- sv$u
      Delt <- sv$d
      sig <- sign(det(t(Z1) %*% M))
      Delt[k] <- sig * abs(Delt[k])
      V[, k] <- sig * V[, k]
      phi <- U %*% t(V)
      beta <- sum(Delt)
      temp1[, , i] <- X <- sc[i] * Z1 %*% phi
    M <- MSHAPES(temp1)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      sf[i] <- sqrt(
        sum(diag(temp1[, , i] %*% t(M))) / (sum(diag(M %*% t(M))) *
                                              sum(diag(temp1[, , i] %*% t(temp1[, , i])))))
      temp2[, , i] <- sf[i] * temp1[, , i]
    M <- MSHAPES(temp2)
    sc <- sf * sc
    Qm2 <- dist(t(matrix(temp2, k * p, n)))
    Qd[iter] <- Q <- sum(Qm1) - sum(Qm2)
    Qm1 <- Qm2
    Qi[iter] <- sum(Qm2)
    iter <- iter + 1
    if (.is_verbose()) {
      cat("iteration: ", iter, "\tgain:", signif(abs(Q), 5), "\n")
    temp1 <- temp2
  } # end of the big loop
  list(rotated = temp2,
       iterationnumber = iter, Q = Q, Qi = Qi,
       Qd = Qd,
       intereuclidean.dist = Qm2,
       mshape = coo_centsize(MSHAPES(temp2)),
       cent.size = Siz)

#' @export
fgProcrustes.Out <- function(x, tol = 1e-10, coo=FALSE) {
  Coo <- verify(x)
  # if no $ldk defined, we convert Out into a Ldk and then
  # perform the fgProcrustes and return back an Out object.
  if (coo | (length(Coo$ldk) == 0)) {
    if (.is_verbose()) {
      if (coo){
        message("using $coo, not $ldk")
      } else {
        message("no landmarks defined in $ldk, so trying to work on $coo directly")}
    Coo2 <- Ldk(Coo$coo)
    Coo2 <- fgProcrustes(Coo2, tol = tol)
    Coo$coo <- Coo2$coo
  # case where coo=FALSE and we work on the ldk
  Coo2 <- coo_center(coo_scale(Coo))
  ref <- l2a(get_ldk(Coo2))
  nb_ldk <- dim(ref)[1]
  # case with one ldk
  if (nb_ldk == 1)
    stop("cannot apply fgProcrustes on less than three landmarks")
  # case with two ldks
  if (nb_ldk == 2) {
    message("cannot apply fgProcrustes on less than three landmarks. coo_bookstein is returned")

  tar <- fgProcrustes.default(ref, tol = tol)$rotated
  # would benefit to be handled by coo_baseline ?
  for (i in 1:length(Coo2)) {
    tari <- tar[, , i]
    refi <- ref[, , i]
    t1x <- tari[1, 1]
    t1y <- tari[1, 2]
    t2x <- tari[2, 1]
    t2y <- tari[2, 2]
    r1x <- refi[1, 1]
    r1y <- refi[1, 2]
    r2x <- refi[2, 1]
    r2y <- refi[2, 2]
    # translation
    t <- tari[1, ] - refi[1, ]
    refi <- coo_trans(refi, t[1], t[2])
    # rotation
    tx <- t2x - t1x
    ty <- t2y - t1y
    rx <- r2x - r1x
    ry <- r2y - r1y
    vi <- .vecs_param(rx, ry, tx, ty)
    coo_i <- Coo2$coo[[i]]
    coo_i <- coo_trans(coo_i, t[1] - t1x, t[2] - t1y)
    coo_i <- coo_i/vi$r.norms
    coo_i <- coo_rotate(coo_i, vi$d.angle)
    coo_i <- coo_trans(coo_i, t1x, t1y)
    Coo2$coo[[i]] <- coo_i

#' @export
fgProcrustes.Opn <- fgProcrustes.Out

#' @export
fgProcrustes.Ldk <- function(x, tol = 1e-10, coo=NULL) {
  # if (is_slidings(x))
  #   x %<>% get_curcoo_binded()
  Coo2 <- Coo <- x
  ref <- l2a(Coo2$coo)
  tar <- fgProcrustes(ref, tol = tol)$rotated
  Coo2$coo <- a2l(tar)
  Coo2$coe <- a2m(l2a(Coo2$coo))
  rownames(Coo2$coe) <- names(x)
  Coo2$method <- "fgProcrustes"
  names(Coo2$coo) <- names(Coo$coo)
  class(Coo2) <- c("LdkCoe", "Coe", class(Coo2))
  Coo2$cuts <- ncol(Coo2$coe)
  #we reseparate coo and cur
  # if (is_slidings(x)){
  #   coos <- lapply(Coo2$coo, m2ll, Coo2$nb_cur)
  #   Coo2$coo <- lapply(coos, "[[", 1)
  #   Coo2$cur <- lapply(coos, "[", -1)
  # }

#' @export
fgProcrustes.list <- function(x, ...){
  x %>% Ldk %>% fgProcrustes(...) %$% coo

# fgsProcrustes-----------------
#' Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes with sliding landmarks
#' Directly wrapped around \code{geomorph::gpagen}.
#' @param x Ldk object with some \code{$slidings}
#' @source See \code{?gpagen} in \code{geomorph} package
#' @note Landmarks methods are the less tested in Momocs. Keep in mind that some features
#' are still experimental and that your help is welcome.
#' @return a list
#' @family procrustes functions
#' @examples
#' ch <- chaff %>% slice(1:5) # for the sake of speed
#' chaffp <- fgsProcrustes(ch)
#' chaffp
#' chaffp %>% PCA() %>% plot("taxa")
#' @export
fgsProcrustes <- function(x){

#' @export
fgsProcrustes.default <- function(x){
  message("only defined on Ldk objects")

#' @export
fgsProcrustes.Ldk <- function(x){
  x2 <- x <- verify(x)
        "no slidings defined")
  g <- geomorph::gpagen(A=l2a(x$coo),
  x2$fac <- mutate(x2$fac, centsize=g$Csize)
  x2$coo <- a2l(g$coords)
  x2$coe <- a2m(g$coords)
  x2$method <- "fgsProcrustes"
  class(x2) <- c("LdkCoe", "Coe", class(x2))
  x2$cuts <- ncol(x2$coe)

#' @export
fgsProcrustes.list <- function(x, ...){
  lapply(x, fgsProcrustes, ...)
##### end Procrustes
MomX/Momocs documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 10:53 p.m.