
Defines functions twigsWhere setParent query stump parent progeny children child numChildren newTwig delete setData blob ctime mtime copse `parent<-` childrenWhere stump parent delete.Twig blob.Twig ctime.Twig mtime.Twig copse.Twig childrenWhere.Twig children.Twig child.Twig progeny.Twig numChildren.Twig `parent<-.Twig` stump.Twig parent.Twig setData.Twig `[[<-.Twig` `$<-.Twig` `$.Twig` `[[.Twig` `[.Twig` as.list.Twig names.Twig print.Twig with.Copse query.Copse rewriteQuery Reval childrenWhere.Copse `[[.Copse` `$<-.Copse` `[[<-.Copse` `[<-.Copse` `[.Copse` setParent.Copse stump.Copse parent.Copse numChildren.Copse children.Copse child.Copse newTwig.Copse print.Copse Copse

Documented in childrenWhere.Copse Copse Reval setParent.Copse

#' Create a copse, a persistent structure for holding R objects with a tree
#' structure.
#' This function is a factory for an S3 class ("Copse") that uses an
#' SQLite database to store R objects of class ("Twig") which are
#' related as one or more trees.  Each Twig holds a named set of
#' plain-old-data R objects stored in a JSON field, and zero or more
#' user-specified fixed fields, stored as SQLite columns. Twig get/set
#' semantics use \code{$} and \code{$[[]]}; i.e. they work like
#' environments.  Within an R process, Twigs are copied by reference
#' so that there's really only one version of any Twig. Changes to
#' Twigs are recorded atomically to the SQLite database, so that other
#' processes also have access to them.  An atomic get/modify/set
#' operation can be performed on a Twig by using the \code{with()}
#' method.
#' The Copse implements concept of "job" for this package.  Job state
#' is stored persistently, and a job should be resumable if the server
#' dies due to power outage, bugs, or fixable errors in the data
#' submitted as a job.
#' The JSON fields are not indexed, so for fast lookup of simple
#' datatypes, the latter should be provided in the \code{...}  at
#' Copse creation time.  The JSON fields allow structured datatypes,
#' and allow new records to include data fields not specified when the
#' Copse was created.  So if new types of Jobs are implemented as the
#' motusServer package evolves, we don't need to modify the existing
#' jobs database.
#' The copse manages these functions:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item create the database table
#'  \item get Twigs from the DB
#'  \item put Twigs to the DB when they change in R
#'  \item record timestamps for Twig creation and modification
#' }
#' @param db path to sqlite database with the copse table.  This will
#' be created if it doesn't exist.
#' @param table name of sqlite table in the database.  This will be created
#' if it doesn't exist in \code{db}, with this schema:
#' \preformatted{
#'    CREATE TABLE <table> (
#'       pid   INTEGER REFERENCES <table> (id), -- ID of parent twig, if any
#'       stump INTEGER REFERENCES <table> (id), -- ID of ultimate ancestor, if any
#'       ctime FLOAT(53),                       -- twig creation time, unix timestamp
#'       mtime FLOAT(53),                       -- twig modification time, unix timestamp
#'       ...
#'       data  JSON                             -- JSON-serialized object data
#'    )
#' }
#' where \code{...} represents additional user-specified columns present in all twigs.
#' The \code{...} columns can be considered the structurally constant
#' part of a Copse, while the \code{data} column holds the
#' structurally variable part.
#' @return This function creates an object of class "Copse".  It has these S3 methods:
#' \itemize{
#' \item newTwig(Copse, ..., .parent=NULL): new twig with the named items in (...), and with parent Twig .parent
#' \item Copse[[TwigID]]: twig(s) with given ID(s) or NULL
#' \item Copse[query, sort]: twig(s) satisfying query, in order by sort criterion
#' \item child(Copse, Twig, n): nth child of given twig, or NULL
#' \item children(Copse, Twig): Twigs which are children of Twig
#' \item childrenWhere(Copse, Twig, expr): Twigs which are children of Twig and satisfy the expression
#' \item numChildren(Copse, Twig): number of children of Twig
#' \item parent(Copse, Twig): all Twigs which are parents to given Twig(s)
#' \item stump(Copse, Twig): Twigs which are ultimate ancestors to given Twig(s)
#' \item query(Copse, query): run an arbitrary sql query on the Copse
#' \item setParent(Copse, Twig1, Twig2): set parent of Twig1 to be Twig2
#' \item with(Copse, expr): evaluate \code{expr} within a transaction
#'       on the Copse database; this provides atomic get-modify-set semantics across
#'       processes accessing the same Copse.  If an error occurs while evaluating \code{expr},
#'       the transaction is rolled back.
#' }
#' Internally a Copse uses these symbols:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sql: safeSQL connection object to DB
#' \item db: path to db
#' \item table: name of table in DB
#' }
#' Twigs are S3 objects of class "Twig" with these S3 methods:
# S3 methods:
#' \itemize{
#' \item $(Twig, name): return value of name in Twig, with name an unquoted symbol
#' \item $<-(Twig, name, value): set value of name in Twig, with name an unquoted symbol
#' \item [(Twig, index): return a subset of Twigs, allowing the usual ways of indexing an integer vector
#' \item [[(Twig, name): return value of name in Twig, with name a quoted character scalar
#' \item [[<-(Twig, name, value): set value of name in Twig, with name a quoted character scalar
#' \item names(Twig): list names in Twig
#' \item as.list(Twig): list of named items in Twig and their values
#' \item parent(Twig): get parent Twig of Twig, or NULL if it has none
#' \item stump(Twig): ultimate ancestor of Twig, or NULL if none
#' \item parent<-(Twig, Twig): set parent of Twig to Twig with ID TwigID (can pass a Twig instead):
#' \item child(Twig, n): get nth child of Twig, or NULL if it doesn't exist
#' \item children(Twig): get list of IDs of children of Twig
#' \item progeny(Twig): Twigs which are progeny of Twig
#' \item childrenWhere(Twig, expr): list of child Twigs for which
#'       given expr is TRUE.  The expression is applied against the
#'       data field of each row.  The identifier "." stands for the
#'       item's top level, so the third element of a numeric vector
#'       called 'blam' would be represented as \code{'.$blam[3]'} in
#'       \code{expr}
#' \item numChildren(Twig): get number of children of Twig
#' \item copse(Twig): get Copse object that owns Twig
#' \item mtime(Twig): twig creation time, as unix timestamp
#' \item ctime(Twig): twig modification time, as unix timestamp
#' \item blob(Twig): twig data JSON-serialized
#' \item setData(Twig, names, values, clearOld=FALSE): set named data items for twig; if clearOld is TRUE, delete all existing data first. As a shortcut, if values is missing, treat names as a named list, rather than a char vector of names.  Uses a single DB query to set all items.
#' \item delete(Twig): called only from garbage collection; reduces the use count of the real twig, dropping it from its Copse's map when the count reaches zero
#' Internally, a Twig is a numeric vector of class "Twig" with attribute Copse
#' being the Twig's Copse.
#' @examples
#' hats = Copse("/home/john/inventory.sqlite", "hats")
#' b = newTwig(hats, name="bowler", size=22, colour="black")
#' h = hats[id < 10 || .$size > 20]  ## query can involve id, pid, mtime, ctime, fixed columns, or data variables selected using .$...$...[]...
#' h[[1]]
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

Copse = function(db, table, ...) {
    sql = safeSQL(db)
    fixed = list(...)
    if (length(fixed) > 0) {
        fixedTypes = c(
            "numeric" = "FLOAT(53)",
            "integer" = "INTEGER",
            "logical" = "INTEGER",
            "character" = "TEXT"
        ) [sapply(fixed, class)]
        extraCols = paste(names(fixed), fixedTypes, ",", collapse="\n")
        extraIndex = paste0("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ", table, "_", names(fixed), " ON ", table, " (", names(fixed), ")", ";")
    } else {
        extraCols = ""
        extraIndex = character()

    have = dbExistsTable(sql$con, table)
    if (have) {
        haveTypes = sql(paste("pragma table_info(", table, ")"))
        haveTypes = subset(haveTypes, ! name %in% c("id", "pid", "stump", "mtime", "ctime", "data"))
        if (length(fixed) > 0 && ! identical(sort(haveTypes$name), sort(names(fixed))))
            stop("table exists but its column names\n   (", paste(sort(haveTypes$name), collapse=","), ")\ndon't match those specified:\n   (", paste(sort(names(fixed)), collapse=","), ")")
        fixed = structure(haveTypes$type, names=haveTypes$name)
 pid INTEGER REFERENCES", table, "(id),
 stump INTEGER REFERENCES", table, "(id),
 ctime FLOAT(53),
 mtime FLOAT(53),",
 data JSON)"))
    sql(paste("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS", paste0(table,"_pid"), "ON", table, "(pid)"))
    sql(paste("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS", paste0(table,"_stump"), "ON", table, "(stump)"))
    sql(paste("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS", paste0(table,"_ctime"), "ON", table, "(ctime)"))
    sql(paste("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS", paste0(table,"_mtime"), "ON", table, "(mtime)"))
    for (i in seq(along=extraIndex))
    rv = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    rv$sql = sql
    rv$table = table
    rv$fixed = fixed
    return(structure(rv, class="Copse"))

#' @export

print.Copse = function(x, ...) {
    n = x$sql(paste("select count(*) from", x$table))[[1]]
    cat("Copse with", n, "Twigs in table", x$table, "of database", x$sql$db, "\n")

## FIXME: put all this stuff in separate files in its own package

#' @export

newTwig.Copse = function(C, ..., .parent=NULL) {
    now = as.numeric(Sys.time())

    ## create the empty twig
    C$sql(paste("insert into", C$table, "(pid, stump, ctime, mtime) values (:pid, (select ifnull(stump, id) from", C$table, "where id=:pid), :ctime, :mtime)"),
            pid = if (is.null(.parent)) NA else unclass(.parent),
            ctime = now,
            mtime = now
    ## get its ID
    twigID = C$sql("select last_insert_rowid()") [[1]]

    ## instantiate that twig
    T = C[[twigID]]

    ## set the stump to itself, if null
    if (is.null(stump(T)))
        C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set stump=id where id=", twigID))

    setData(T, list(...))

#' @export

child.Copse = function(C, t, n) {
    if (! inherits(t, "Twig"))
        stop("t must be a Twig")
    C[[C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where pid=", t, "limit 1 offset", n-1))[[1]] ]]

#' @export

children.Copse = function(C, t) {
    if (! inherits(t, "Twig"))
        stop("t must be a Twig")
    C[[ C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where pid=", t, "order by id"))[[1]] ]]

#' @export

numChildren.Copse = function(C, t) {
    if (! inherits(t, "Twig"))
        stop("t must be a Twig")
    C$sql(paste("select count(*) from", C$table, "where pid=", t))[[1]]

#' @export

parent.Copse = function(C, t) {
    if (! inherits(t, "Twig"))
        stop("t must be a Twig")
    ids = C$sql(paste("select pid from", C$table, "where pid is not null and id in (", paste(t, collapse=","), ")"))[[1]]
    C[[ ids ]]

#' @export

stump.Copse = function(C, t) {
    if (! inherits(t, "Twig"))
        stop("t must be a Twig")
    ids = C$sql(paste("select stump from", C$table, "where id in (", paste(t, collapse=","), ")"))[[1]]
    C[[ ids ]]

#' set the parent (and stump) of Twig(s)
#' @export

setParent.Copse = function(C, t1, t2) {
    if (! all(sapply(list(t1, t2), inherits, "Twig")))
        stop("t1 and t2 must both be a Twig")
    if (length(t2) > 1)
        stop("Can only specify a single twig as parent")
    C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set pid=", t2, ", stump=(select ifnull(stump, id) from", C$table, "where id=", t2, ") where id in (", paste(t1, collapse=","), ")"))

#' @export

`[.Copse` = function(C, expr, sort) {
    ## expr: expression that uses json1 paths
    pf = parent.frame()
    e = deparse(Reval(substitute(expr), pf), control=c())
    if (missing(sort)) {
        s = ""
    } else {
        s = paste("ORDER BY", deparse(Reval(substitute(sort), pf), control=c()))
    C[[ C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where", rewriteQuery(e), s))[[1]] ]]

#' To support syntactic sugar like Jobs[! done && type=="email"]$done = 1,
#' create idempotent methods:

#' @export

`[<-.Copse` = function(C, expr, sort, value) {

#' @export

`[[<-.Copse` = function(C, expr, value) {

#' @export

`$<-.Copse` = function(C, name, value) {

#' @export

`[[.Copse` = function(C, twigID) {
    if (length(twigID) == 0 || ! isTRUE(all(is.finite(twigID))))

    twigID = as.integer(twigID)

    ## check twig existence
    existing = C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where id in (",
                           paste(twigID, collapse=","),

    if (length(existing) > 0)
        return(structure(existing, class="Twig", Copse=C))

#' find children of Twig which satisfy a query
#' @export

childrenWhere.Copse = function(C, T, expr) {
    ## expr: expression that uses json1 paths
    pf = parent.frame()
    e = deparse(Reval(substitute(expr), pf), control=c())
    C[[ C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where pid in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ") and (", rewriteQuery(e), ")"))[[1]] ]]

#' evaluate portions of an expression enclosed in \code{R( )},
#' returning the reduced expression.
#' This allows query expressions to include portions to be
#' evaluated in R before converting the remaining expression into
#' an SQLite:json1 query
#' @param e an expression.

Reval = function(e, env) {
    if (! is.call(e))
        return(eval(e[[2]], env))
    if (length(e) > 1)
        for(i in 2:length(e))
            e[[i]] = Reval(e[[i]], env)

rewriteQuery = function(q) {
    ## translate stringified query into a json1-compatible query
    ## json1 "paths" look like $NAME((.NAME) | ([NUM]))*
    ## where NAME are symbols, and NUM are integers
    ## In \code{expr}, the user specifies paths in R style, i.e.:
    ## .$NAME(($NAME) | ([NUM]))*
    ## where "." is an identifier representing the top level.
    ## We can switch from one representation to another using
    ## regular expression substitution; we're essentially just
    ## swapping '$' and '.'
    ## Example:
    ## rewriteQuery( .$a[3]$b - 2 * pi >= id

    pathrx = "(?<![[:alnum:]])\\.[[:space:]]*\\$[[:space:]]*([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*)(?:[[:space:]]*(?:(?:\\$[[:space:]]*[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*)|(?:\\[[[:space:]]*[1-9][0-9]*[[:space:]]*\\])))*"
    m = gregexpr(pathrx, q, perl=TRUE)
    paths = regmatches(q, m)[[1]]
    new = gsub("[[:space:]]*", "", paths, perl=TRUE)

    ## To swap '$' and '.' via sequential gsub(), we
    ## substitute:  .$ -> @, $ -> ., @ -> json_extract(data, ... )
    new = paste0("json_extract(data, '", new, "')")

    subs = c(
        ".$" = "@",
        "$" = ".",
        "@" = "$."
    for (i in seq(along=subs))
        new = gsub(names(subs)[i], subs[i], new, fixed=TRUE)

    regmatches(q, m) = list(new)

    ## replace operators;
    subs = c(
        "&&" = " AND ",
        "||" = " OR ",
        "&"  = " AND ",
        "|"  = " OR ",
        "!=" = "<>",
        "==" = "=",
        "!"  = " NOT "
    for (i in seq(along=subs))
        q = gsub(names(subs)[i], subs[i], q, fixed=TRUE)


#' @export

query.Copse = function(C, ...) {

#' @export

with.Copse = function(C, expr, ...) {
    C$sql("savepoint copse")
##    cat("savepoint with.Copse")
    .rollback = TRUE
    on.exit(C$sql(if (.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"))
##    on.exit({C$sql(if(.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"); cat (if (.rollback) "rollback with.Copse\n" else "release with.Copse\n")})
    ## any access to Twigs in C in expr are now within a transaction
    eval(substitute(expr), parent.frame(2))
    .rollback = FALSE

#' @export

print.Twig = function(x, ...) {
    C = copse(x)
    cat("Twig(s) with id(s)", paste(x, collapse=","), "from table", C$table, "in database", C$sql$db, "\n")

#' @export

names.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    C$sql(paste("select distinct key from", C$table, "as t1, json_each(data) where t1.id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ")"))[[1]]

#' @export

as.list.Twig = function(T) {
    structure(lapply(names(T), function(i) T[[i]]), names=names(T))

#' @export

`[.Twig` = function(T, i) {
    structure(unclass(T)[i], class="Twig", Copse=copse(T))

#' @export

`[[.Twig` = function(T, name) {
    C = copse(T)

    ## We don't want a long-lived savepoint (which locks the database)
    ## if for some bizarre reason 'name' take a long time to compute,
    ## so force name to be evaluated before creating a savepoint.

    if (!missing(name))

    C$sql("savepoint copse")
##    cat("savepoint [[.Twig\n")
    .rollback = TRUE
    on.exit(C$sql(if(.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"))
##    on.exit({C$sql(if(.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"); cat (if (.rollback) "rollback [[.Twig\n" else "release [[.Twig\n")})
    fr = paste0("from ", C$table, " where id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ") order by id")
    if (name %in% names(C$fixed)) {
        rv = C$sql(paste("select", name, fr))[[1]][order(T)]
    } else {
        xs = paste0("'$.",name,"'")
        type = C$sql(paste0("select json_type(data,", xs, ")", fr))[[1]][order(T)]
        rv = C$sql(paste("select json_extract(data,", xs, ")", fr))[[1]][order(T)]
        ## extract from JSON where necessary
        if (isTRUE(any(type == "object" | type == "array"))) {
            rv = if(length(rv) > 1) sapply(rv, fromJSON, USE.NAMES=FALSE) else fromJSON(rv)
        } else if (isTRUE(all(is.na(type)))) {
            rv = NULL
        } else if (isTRUE(all(type %in% c("true", "false", NA))
                          && any(type %in% c("true", "false")))) {
            ## yes, ugly conditional hack to squeeze out logical values;
            ## sqlite doesn't have them, and would otherwise return 1 or 0.
            rv = as.logical(rv)
    .rollback = FALSE

#' @export

`$.Twig` = function(T, name) {
    `[[.Twig`(T, substitute(name))

#' @export

`$<-.Twig` = function(T, name, value) {
    setData(T, substitute(name), value)

#' @export

`[[<-.Twig` = function(T, name, value) {
    setData(T, name, value)

#' @export

setData.Twig = function(T, names, values, clearOld=FALSE) {
    C = copse(T)

    ## We don't want a long-lived savepoint (which locks the
    ## database) if any of names or values take a long time to compute,
    ## so force their evaluation before creating a savepoint.

    if (!missing(names))
    if (!missing(values))

    C$sql("savepoint copse")
##    cat("savepoint setData.Twig\n")
    .rollback = TRUE
    on.exit(C$sql(if(.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"))
##    on.exit({C$sql(if(.rollback) "rollback to copse" else "release copse"); cat (if (.rollback) "rollback setData.Twig\n" else "release setData.Twig\n")})

    if (missing(values)) {
        values = names
        names = names(values)
    if (length(names) == 1)
        values = list(values)

    wh = paste0("where id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ")")
    if (clearOld)
        C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set data='{}'", wh))

    for(i in seq(along=names)) {
        if (names[i] %in% names(C$fixed)) {
            if (is.null(values[[i]]))
                C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set ", names[i], "=null", wh))
                C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set ", names[i], "=:value", wh), value=values[[i]])
        } else {
            if (is.null(values[[i]]))
            C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set data=json_remove(data, '$.' ||:name)", wh),
                  name = names[i]
                C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set data=json_set(ifnull(data, '{}'), '$.' ||:name, json(:value))", wh),
                      name = names[i],
                      value = unclass(toJSON(values[[i]], auto_unbox=TRUE, digits=NA))
    now = as.numeric(Sys.time())
    C$sql(paste("update", C$table, "set mtime=:mtime", wh),
          mtime = now
    .rollback = FALSE

#' @export

parent.Twig = function(T) {
    parent(copse(T), T)

#' @export
stump.Twig = function(T) {
    stump(copse(T), T)

#' @export

`parent<-.Twig` = function(T, value) {
    setParent(copse(T), T, value)

#' @export

numChildren.Twig = function(T) {
    numChildren(copse(T), T)

#' @export

progeny.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    C[[ C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where pid is not null and stump=", T, "order by id"))[[1]] ]]

#' @export

child.Twig = function(T, n) {
    child(copse(T), T, n)

#' @export

children.Twig = function(T) {
    children(copse(T), T)

#' @export

childrenWhere.Twig = function(T, expr) {
    pf = parent.frame()
    e = rewriteQuery(deparse(Reval(substitute(expr), pf), control=c()))
    C = copse(T)
    C$sql(paste("select id from", C$table, "where", paste0('(', e, ') and pid in (', paste(T, collapse=","), ")")))[[1]]

#' @export

copse.Twig = function(T) {
    attr(T, "Copse")

#' @export

mtime.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    C$sql(paste("select mtime from", C$table, "where id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ")"))[[1]]

#' @export

ctime.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    C$sql(paste("select ctime from", C$table, "where id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ")"))[[1]]

#' @export

blob.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    fromJSON(C$sql(paste("select data from", C$table, "where id=", T))[[1]])

#' @export

delete.Twig = function(T) {
    C = copse(T)
    C$sql(paste("delete from", C$table, "where id in (", paste(T, collapse=","), ")"))

#' @export

parent = function(T, ...) UseMethod("parent")

#' @export

stump = function(T, ...) UseMethod("stump")

#' @export

childrenWhere = function(T, ...) UseMethod("childrenWhere")

#' @export

`parent<-` = function(T, ...) UseMethod("parent<-")

#' @export

copse = function(T, ...) UseMethod("copse")

#' @export

mtime = function(T, ...) UseMethod("mtime")

#' @export

ctime = function(T, ...) UseMethod("ctime")

#' @export

blob = function(T, ...) UseMethod("blob")

#' @export

setData = function(T, ...) UseMethod("setData")

#' @export

delete = function(T, ...) UseMethod("delete")

#' @export

newTwig = function(C, ...) UseMethod("newTwig")

#' @export

numChildren = function(C, ...) UseMethod("numChildren")

#' @export

child = function(C, ...) UseMethod("child")

#' @export

children = function(C, ...) UseMethod("children")

#' @export

progeny = function(C, ...) UseMethod("progeny")

#' @export

parent = function(C, ...) UseMethod("parent")

#' @export

stump = function(C, ...) UseMethod("stump")

#' @export

query = function(C, ...) UseMethod("query")

#' @export

setParent = function(C, ...) UseMethod("setParent")

#' @export

twigsWhere = function(C, ...) UseMethod("twigsWhere")
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.