
## Run a folder of new files as if they had been submitted via email.


ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE)

if (length(ARGS) == 0) {
Usage: runNewFiles.R [-t] [-p] [-n|-l] [-m] [-s] -U motusUserID -P motusProjectID DIR


 DIR: path to the folder containing new files

 -t: mark any generated data batches as 'test' batches, which are not
  normally returned via the data server

 -p: run on one of the priority processServers, jumping
  the queue ahead of any uploaded data jobs

 -l: symlink to the new files; create a new folder with symlinks to
  all files in the original folder

 -n: don't preserve the original files.  Without this option, a new
  folder with either hardlinks to the original files (when on the same
  filesystem as the folder /sgm) or copies of the original files (when
  on a different filesystem) is created, and that folder is run
  instead of DIR.  With the '-n' option, the original files are moved.
  This option is ignored if -l is specified.

 -m: merge files into databases, but do not run the tagfinder.

 -s: sanity check files; the sanity check is slow, because each file
  is checked to see whether it is all zeroes, or an invalid
  archive. This is normally skipped for files already on the server.

 -U: motus User ID, an integer; records who initiated processing

 -P: motus Project ID, an integer; asserts ownership of output data

A new job with type 'serverFiles' will be created and placed into the
master queue (queue 0) or priority queue from where a processServer can claim it.  The
person receiver a completion notice will be: ",

    q(save="no", status=1)

isTesting = FALSE
priority = FALSE
preserve = TRUE
sanityCheck = FALSE
symLink = FALSE
mergeOnly = FALSE
motusUserID = NA
motusProjectID = NA

while(isTRUE(substr(ARGS[1], 1, 1) == "-")) {
           "-t" = {
               isTesting = TRUE
           "-p" = {
               priority = TRUE
           "-n" = {
               preserve = FALSE
           "-s" = {
               sanityCheck = TRUE
           "-m" = {
               mergeOnly = TRUE
           "-l" = {
               symLink = TRUE
           "-U" = {
               motusUserID = as.integer(ARGS[2])
               ARGS = ARGS[-1]
           "-P" = {
               motusProjectID = as.integer(ARGS[2])
               ARGS = ARGS[-1]
               stop("Unknown argument: ", ARGS[1])
    ARGS = ARGS[-1]


if (any(, motusProjectID, DIR)))) {
    stop("Error: motusUserID, motusProjectID and DIR must all be given")

## create and enqueue a job to process the new files


j = newJob("serverFiles", .parentPath=MOTUS_PATH$INCOMING, replyTo=MOTUS_ADMIN_EMAIL, valid=TRUE, sanityCheck=sanityCheck, .enqueue=FALSE, motusUserID = motusUserID, motusProjectID = motusProjectID, mergeOnly=mergeOnly)
if (isTesting) {
   j$isTesting = TRUE

jobLog(j, paste0("Merging new files from server directory ", DIR))
## move, hardlink, or copy files to the job's dir

if (! preserve) {
    ## just move the files to a new subfolder of the new job's folder
    newdir = file.path(jobPath(j), "files")
    moveDirContents(DIR, newdir)
} else {
    ## we need to leave existing files alone
    ## try hardlink, and if that fails, copy
    if (! lightWeightCopy(DIR, jobPath(j), sym=symLink)) {
        stop("Failed to make a lightweight copy of ", DIR)

## move the job to the queue 0 or the priority queue

j$queue = "0"  ## this is a marker for claiming the job, not really the queue value, so fine for PRIORITY jobs too

if (priority) {
    cat("Job", unclass(j), "has been entered into the priority queue\n")
} else {
    moveJob(j, MOTUS_PATH$QUEUE0)
    cat("Job", unclass(j), "has been entered into queue 0\n")
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.