Visualizing 3D Objects with RMINC

As of RMINC 1.3 we've begun to support visualizing 3D volumes with R. This document is designed to showcase a few of these features.

#Load in our libraries

```{R, echo = FALSE} setupKnitr()

Lets pull in a demonstration object file. The file format currently supported by RMINC is the BIC-MNI text obj format, documented [on their github]( This file format is used by CIVET, amongst other tools, to store brain surfaces. The figures produced are interactive and can be rotated and magnified with the mouse.

```{R, rgl = TRUE}
mouse_cortex <- 


In addition to creating surfaces, it is possible to add thresholdable statistics maps with colour legends

```{R, rgl = TRUE} demo_stats <- #Generate some random uniform vertex data runif(ncol(mouse_cortex$vertex_matrix))

plot(mouse_cortex, demo_stats, colour_range = c(.5,1))

It is also possible to identify vertices from a figure

```{R, eval = FALSE}
selected_vertices <- vertexSelect(multiples = TRUE)

```{R, echo = FALSE} selected_vertices <- matrix(c(1.29478, -1.22361, 3.57911, 1.49924, -1.86518, 3.39112, 1.79532, -2.49190, 3.08894), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)


To disable the indicator spheres, simply run `vertexSelect` with `indicate = FALSE`. To remove the spheres after you've verified they are correct, run `rgl::pop3d()`, only do this if you have not added elements to the rgl scene after the spheres, otherwise you will need to look up their ids with `rgl::ids()`. See `?vertexSelect` for details.

Once you've identified your vertices of interest, you can find those vertices within the statistic map

vertexLookup(mouse_cortex, selected_vertices, demo_stats)

Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.