
Defines functions scrape_yahoo

Documented in scrape_yahoo

#' Scrape data from Yahoo
#' Use this function to scrape fantasy football projections from Yahoo Sports.
#' To use this function you will have to set up a Yahoo Sports fantasy league and
#' specify the league id in the options with \code{options('ffdata.yahoo_league'='leagueid')}
#' @param stat_type The projection type requested. Has to be one of
#' \code{c("Projected",  "Actual", "Remaining Season", "Next 4 weeks", "Last 4 Weeks", "Avg Last 4 Weeks")}.
#' If omitted then Projected stats will be scraped
#' @param position The player position to scrape data for. Has to be one of
#' \code{c("O", "DP", "QB", "RB", "WR", "TE", "K", "DST", "D", "DB", "DL", "LB", "DT", "DE", "CB", "S")}.
#' If omitted data for all offensive positions (QB, RB, WR, and TE) will be scraped.
#' @param season The year data should be scraped for. If omitted the current season
#' data will be scraped.
#' @param week The week that data will be scraped for. If omitted, season data
#' will be scraped.
#' @import httr tidyverse rvest
#' @export
scrape_yahoo <- function(stat_type = c("Projected",  "Actual", "Remaining Season",
                                       "Next 4 weeks", "Last 4 Weeks", "Avg Last 4 Weeks" ),
                         position = c("O", "DP", "QB", "RB", "WR", "TE", "K", "DST",
                                      "D", "DB", "DL", "LB", "DT", "DE", "CB", "S"),
                         season = NULL, week = NULL){

  position <- match.arg(position)
  stat_type <- match.arg(stat_type)

    season <- current_season()

  if(season > current_season()){
    stop("Invalid season. Please specify ", current_season(), " or earlier", call. = FALSE)

  if(!is.null(week) && week != 0){
    if(!(week %in% 1:17))
      stop("When specifying a week please only use numbers between 1 and 17", call. = FALSE)

  league_id <- getOption("ffdata.yahoo_league")
    stop("Yahoo League ID is not set. Please set yahoo league ID with options('ffdata.yahoo_league'='leagueid')", call. = FALSE )

  yahoo_base <- str_to_url("https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/")

  yahoo_qry <- list(sort = "PTS", sdir = "1", status = "A", pos = ifelse(position == "DST", "DEF", position),
                    stat1 = "", jsenabled = 1, count = 0)

  yahoo_qry$stat1 <- switch(
    "Projected" = ifelse(week > 0, paste0("S_PW_", week) ,
                         paste0("S_PS_", season)),
    "Actual" = ifelse(week > 0, paste0("S_W_", week) ,
                      paste0("S_S_", season)),
    "Remaining Season" = paste0("S_PSR_", season),
    "Next 4 weeks" = "S_PN4W",
    "Last 4 Weeks" = "S_L4W",
    "Avg Last 4 Weeks" = "S_AL4W"

  yahoo_path <- paste(league_id, "players", sep = "/")
  yahoo_path <- paste0(parse_url(yahoo_base)$path, yahoo_path)

  yahoo_url <- modify_url(yahoo_base, path = yahoo_path, query = yahoo_qry)

  yahoo_session <- yahoo_url %>% html_session()

  player_cols <- c("Offense", "Kickers", "Defense/Special Teams", "Defensive Players")

  yahoo_data <- scrape_html_data(yahoo_url)

  player_col <- intersect(player_cols, names(yahoo_data))
  names(player_col) <- "Yahoo_Player"
  yahoo_data <- yahoo_data %>% rename(!!!player_col)

  yahoo_data <- yahoo_data %>%
    extract(., Yahoo_Player, c("Note", "Player", "Team", "Pos", "Status/Game/Opp"),
            "\\s*(.+Note[s]*)\\s+(.+)\\s([[:alpha:]]{2,3})\\s\\-\\s([[:alpha:]]{1,3},*[[:alpha:]]*)\\s{2,}(.+)") %>%
    select(., -one_of(c("Note", "Status/Game/Opp")))

  names(yahoo_data) <- names(yahoo_data) %>%
    gsub("Fantasy ", "", .) %>%
    gsub("Rankings ", "", .) %>% gsub("GP", "Games", .)

  if(position %in% c("O", "QB", "RB", "WR", "TE")){
    names(yahoo_data) <- names(yahoo_data) %>%
      gsub("YdTD", "Yd TD", .) %>% gsub("Yd TD", "TD", .) %>%
      gsub("(40 Yd)\\s(Cmp|Att|TD|Rec)","\\1", . ) %>%
      gsub("Misc 2PT", "two pts", .) %>%
      gsub(" Downs", "", .) %>%
      gsub("Passing Sack", "Sacks", .)  %>%

  if(position == "K"){
    names(yahoo_data) <- names(yahoo_data) %>%
      gsub("Field Goals Made", "fg", .) %>%
      gsub("Field Goals", "fg", .) %>%
      gsub("PAT Made", "xp", .) %>%
      gsub("PAT", "xp", .) %>%
      gsub("Missed", "miss", .) %>%
      gsub("([^0-9])([0-9])([^0-9])", "\\10\\2\\3", . ) %>%
      gsub("\\-", "",.)

  if(position == "DST"){
    def_cols <- c(dst_pts_allow = "Pts vs.",  dst_sack = "Tackles Sack",
                  dst_safety = "Tackles Safe", dst_TFL = "Tackles TFL",
                  dst_Int = "Turnovers Int",    dst_Fum_Rec = "Turnovers Fum Rec",
                  dst_td = "TD TD",  dst_Blk = "Miscellaneous Blk Kick",
                  dst_4_down = "Miscellaneous 4 Dwn Stops",
                  dst_Yds_Allow = "Miscellaneous Yds Allow",
                  dst_3_Out = "Miscellaneous 3 And Outs",
                  dst_Return_Yds = "Return Yds",
                  dst_Return_Tds = "Return TD")

    rename_cols <- def_cols[which(def_cols %in% names(yahoo_data))]
    yahoo_data <- yahoo_data %>% rename(!!!rename_cols) %>%
      mutate(src_id = recode(src_id, !!!yahoo_def))

    yahoo_data <- yahoo_data %>% mutate(id = id_col(yahoo_data$src_id, "stats_id"))

  if(position %in% c("D", "DB", "DL", "LB", "DT", "DE", "CB", "S")){
    idp_cols <- c(idp_Ret_Yds = "Return Yds", idp_Ret_Tds = "Return TD",
                  idp_Solo = "Tackles Tack Solo", idp_Asst = "Tackles Tack Ast",
                  idp_TFL = "Tackles TFL",  idp_Sack = "Tackles Sack",
                  idp_Safety = "Tackles Safe", idp_PD = "Misc Pass Def",
                  idp_Blk = "Misc Blk Kick", idp_Int = "Turnovers Int",
                  idp_Fum_Force = "Turnovers Fum Force",
                  idp_Fum_Rec = "Turnovers Fum Rec", idp_Ret_Yds = "Turnovers Ret Yds",
                  idp_TD = "TD TD")

    rename_cols <- idp_cols[which(idp_cols %in% names(yahoo_data))]
    yahoo_data <- yahoo_data %>% rename(!!!rename_cols)

  yahoo_data <- ff_clean_names(yahoo_data)

  structure(yahoo_data, source = "Yahoo", type = stat_type, season = season, week = week, position = position)
MrDAndersen/ff.datascrape documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:44 p.m.