
Defines functions GeneralizedUmatrix

Documented in GeneralizedUmatrix

GeneralizedUmatrix=function(Data, ProjectedPoints, PlotIt=FALSE, Cls=NULL,
                            Toroid=TRUE, Tiled=FALSE, ComputeInR=FALSE,
  # Generalisierte U-Matrix fuer Projektionsverfahren
  # Erklaerung der Funktion in
  #Folie 45-51
  # Data[1:n,1:d]                          array of data: n cases in rows, d variables in columns
  # ProjectedPoints[1:n,OutputDimension]   n by OutputDimension matrix containing coordinates of the Projection: A matrix of the fitted configuration.
                                           # see Projections/R/..
  # PlotIt                                 bool, defaut=FALSE, if =TRUE: U-Marix of every current Position of Databots will be shown
  # toroid
  ## ComputeInR                                  =T: Rcode, =F Cpp Code
  # Output
  # Umatrix[Lines,Columns                     umatrix (see ReadUMX() dbt.DataIO)
  # EsomNeurons[1:Lines,1:Columns,1:weights]       3-dimensional numeric array (wide format), not wts (long format)
  # Bmu[1:n,OutputDimension]                 GridConverted Projected Points information converted by convertProjectionProjectedPoints() to predefined Grid by Lines and Columns
  # gplotres                                Ausgabe von ggplot
  # unbesetztePositionen                    Umatrix[unbesetztePositionen] =NA
  # author: MT 06/2015
  #1.Editor; MT 12/2015
  #2 Editor: MT 02/2020   switched to faster plotting
  if(sum(!is.finite(Data))>0) warning("GeneralizedUmatrix: Data is expected to consist of only finite values.")
	  warning("GeneralizedUmatrix Parallel=TRUE is only possible for C++ not for R")
  if(length(DataPerEpoch)!=1) DataPerEpoch=1
  if(DataPerEpoch<=0) DataPerEpoch=1
  # ErrorHandling
  if(any(is.nan(Data))) stop('Data contains NaNs')
  if(!is.matrix(ProjectedPoints)) stop('ProjectedPoints has to be a matrix')
    stop('Data has to be a matrix')
  if(c>3 |c<2)
    stop(paste0('Wrong number of Columns of ProjectedPoints: ',c))
  #end  ErrorHandling
  if (!requireNamespace('deldir',quietly = TRUE)) {
      'Subordinate clustering package (deldir) is missing. No computations are performed.
              Please install the package which is defined in "Suggests".'
    return( "Subordinate clustering package (deldir) is missing.
                  Please install the package which is defined in 'Suggests'." )
  # calcUmatrixHLP function
  calcUmatrixHLP <- function(EsomNeurons,Toroid=T){
    # Umatrix=calcUmatrixHLP(wts)
    # Calculate the Umatrix for given EsomNeurons projection
    # INPUT
    # EsomNeurons[Lines,Columns,weights]		neuronen aus EsomNeurons
    # Toroid				planar=F
    # OUTPUT
    # Umatrix[Lines,Columns]
    ## Nachbarn()
    nachbarn <- function(k, EsomNeurons, Toroid=FALSE){
      # INPUT
      # k Gitterpunkt
      # EsomNeurons[Lines,Columns,weights]
      # Toroid
      # OUTPUT
      # nb
      M <- dim(EsomNeurons)[1]
      N <- dim(EsomNeurons)[2]
        pos1 = c(k[1]-1,k[1]-1,k[1]-1,k[1],k[1],k[1]+1,k[1]+1,k[1]+1) %% M
        pos1[which(pos1==0)] = M
        pos2 = c(k[2]-1,k[2],k[2]+1,k[2]-1,k[2]+1,k[2]-1,k[2],k[2]+1) %% N
        pos2[which(pos2==0)] = N
        nb = cbind(pos1,pos2)
      }else{# planar
        if(k[1] == 1){
          if (k[2] == 1){
            nb = rbind(c(1,2), c(2,2), c(2,1))
            if (k[2] == N){
              nb = rbind(c(1,(N-1)), c(2,(N-1)), c(2,N))
              nb = rbind(c(1,(k[2]-1)), c(1,(k[2]+1)), c(2,(k[2]-1)), c(2,k[2]), c(2,(k[2]+1)))
        }#end fall 1 fuer planar
        if(k[1] == M){
          if(k[2] == 1){
            nb = rbind(c((M-1),1), c((M-1),2), c(M,2))
            if(k[2] == N){
              nb = rbind(c((M-1),(N-1)), c((M-1),N), c(M,(N-1)))
              nb = rbind(c((M-1),(k[2]-1)), c((M-1),k[2]), c((M-1),(k[2]+1)), c(M,(k[2]-1)), c(M,(k[2]+1)))
        }#end fall 2 fuer planar
        if(k[1] != 1 && k[1] != M){
          if(k[2] == 1){
            nb = rbind(c((k[1]-1),1), c((k[1]-1),2), c(k[1],2),c((k[1]+1),1), c((k[1]+1),2))
            if(k[2] == N){
              nb = rbind(c((k[1]-1),(N-1)), c((k[1]-1),N), c(k[1],(N-1)), c((k[1]+1),(N-1)), c((k[1]+1),N))
              nb = rbind(c((k[1]-1),(k[2]-1)), c((k[1]-1),k[2]), c((k[1]-1),(k[2]+1)), c(k[1],(k[2]-1)),c(k[1],(k[2]+1)), c((k[1]+1),(k[2]-1)), c((k[1]+1),k[2]), c((k[1]+1),(k[2]+1)))
        }#end fall 3 fuer planar
      }# end if Toroid
    k = dim(EsomNeurons)[1]
    m = dim(EsomNeurons)[2]
    Umatrix = matrix(0,k,m)
    if(is.null(d)){#wts als liste
      stop('EsomNeurons wts has to be an array[1:Lines,1:Columns,1:Weights], use ListAsEsomNeurons')
    for(i in 1:k){
      for(j in 1:m){
        for(l in 1:n.nbs){
  ##############End calcUmatrixHLP()
  #MT: Shortcut not required anymore, Now Umatrix package availible on CRAN
  # ##########################################################################
  # # gridNeighbourhoodPattern function
  # ##########################################################################
  # gridNeighbourhoodPattern <- function(Radius){
  #   # gridNeighbourhoodPattern(Radius)
  #   # returns index for neighbours relative to (0,0) and their distances
  #   #
  #   # INPUT
  #   # Radius		      Radius in which neighbours should be searched
  #   # 
  #   # OUTPUT
  #   # Neighbourhood(1:m,1:3)      positions of all weights in the Neighbourhood of c(0,0) together with their distance
  #   # author: Florian Lerch
  #   # gridNeighbourhoodPattern(3)
  #   # the pattern is starting from point 0,0
  #   #author: FL
  #   startPoint = c(0,0) 
  #   # get all neighbours
  #   Neighbourhood <- c()
  #   # make sure that Radius is an integer
  #   Radius <- floor(Radius)
  #   # calculate only a quarter of the sphere and get the rest through symmetry
  #   for (y in (startPoint[1] - Radius):(startPoint[1])){
  #     for (x in (startPoint[2] - Radius):(startPoint[2])){
  #       if ((y - startPoint[1])^2 + (x - startPoint[2])^2 <= Radius^2) {
  #         ySym <- startPoint[1] - (y - startPoint[1])
  #         xSym <- startPoint[2] - (x - startPoint[2])
  #         # add the new found neighbours and the points symmetric to them into the Neighbourhood
  #         nn1 <- c(y, x, sqrt(y^2+x^2))
  #         nn2 <- c(y, xSym, sqrt(y^2+xSym^2))
  #         nn3 <- c(ySym , x, sqrt(ySym^2+x^2))
  #         nn4 <- c(ySym, xSym, sqrt(ySym^2+xSym^2))
  #         newNeighbours <-  matrix(c(nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
  #         Neighbourhood <- rbind(Neighbourhood,newNeighbours)
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }
  #   # remove duplicated entries
  #   Neighbourhood <- unique(Neighbourhood)
  #   # sort by distance, this makes it easier to remove the farther neighbour on a Toroid
  #   Neighbourhood <- Neighbourhood[order(Neighbourhood[,3]),] 
  #   Neighbourhood
  # }
  # # end GridneighbourhoodThroughPattern function
  # ##########################################################################
  # # neighbourhoodThroughPattern function
  # ##########################################################################
  # neighbourhoodThroughPattern <- function(Index, Pattern, Columns, Lines, Toroid=TRUE, RadiusBiggerThanTorus=TRUE){
  #   # neighbourhoodThroughPattern(Index, Pattern, Columns, Lines, Toroid)
  #   # gets a Pattern for neighbourhood and returns all indices within that pattern starting from
  #   # Index
  #   #
  #   # INPUT
  #   # Index			position of a weightvector for which the neighbours should be returned. Index in form (lines,columns)
  #   # Pattern			The neighbourhoodpattern. (see gridNeighbourhoodPattern)
  #   # Columns			Width of the grid
  #   # Lines			Height of the grid
  #   # OPTIONAL
  #   # Toroid			Is the Pattern build on a Toroid?
  #   # RadiusBiggerThanTorus		If the currently used radius is bigger than min(Columns/2,Lines/2)
  #   #				        there needs to be an expensive check for neighbours on two
  #   #				        sides over the Toroid
  #   # OUTPUT
  #   # Neighbourhood(1:m,1:2)       indices of all weights in the Neighbourhood of Index together with their distance
  #   # author: Florian Lerch
  #   # neighbourhoodThroughPattern(c(3,5), Pattern, 80, 50)
  #   # move points according to difference
  #   Neighbourhood <- addRowWiseC(Pattern,c(Index,0))
  #   if(Toroid==FALSE){ # just keep points within the borders 
  #     Neighbourhood <- subset(Neighbourhood, Neighbourhood[,1] >= 1 & Neighbourhood[,2] >= 1 & 
  #                               Neighbourhood[,1] <= Lines & Neighbourhood[,2] <= Columns)
  #     rows = Neighbourhood[,1]
  #     cols = Neighbourhood[,2]
  #   }
  #   else if(Toroid==TRUE){ 
  #     # use modulo operator to get all entries into the borders
  #     rows = (Neighbourhood[,1]) %% Lines 
  #     cols = (Neighbourhood[,2]) %% Columns 
  #     rows[(rows == 0)] = Lines
  #     cols[(cols == 0)] = Columns
  #   }
  #   indices <- (rows-1)*Columns + cols
  #   Neighbourhood <- cbind(indices,Neighbourhood[,3])
  #   #RadiusBiggerThanTorus = F
  #   # on a Toroid its possible that a value exists two times in the Neighbourhood
  #   if(RadiusBiggerThanTorus){
  #     Neighbourhood = Neighbourhood[!duplicated(Neighbourhood[,1]),]
  #   }
  #   Neighbourhood
  # }
  # ##############End neighbourhoodThroughPattern()
  # Koordinatenbestimmung auf Gitter
  coordsres=XYcoords2LinesColumns(X=ProjectedPoints[,1],Y=ProjectedPoints[,2],PlotIt=F,minNeurons = minNeurons)
  d=ncol(Data) #NumberOfweights
  #Hier ist nur relevant, das der Radius mindestens so gross ist, das in innerhalb des Radius um ein BMU
  # noch jeweils ein anderer BMU liegt
  # ansonsten fuert ein hoeherer Anfangsradius nur zu einer laengeren Berechnungsdauer
  #in case very, very high dim (d>20k,and high amount of points, set eppochs manually lower)
  # Bestimmung der Positionen, auf welchen sESOM keinen Einfluss haben kann
  #only for NoN CRAN intern usage:
  # pattern=Umatrix::gridNeighbourhoodPattern(Radius)
  # bmPos=lapply(1:nrow(coordsres$GridConvertedPoints),FUN=function(i,coordsres,pattern,Radius){
  #   index=coordsres$GridConvertedPoints[i,]
  #   res=Umatrix::neighbourhoodThroughPattern(index,pattern,coordsres$LC[2],coordsres$LC[1],T)
  #   t(sapply(res[,1],FUN=function(ind,Columns){
  #     row = ((ind-1) %/% Columns) + 1
  #     col = ((ind-1) %% Columns) + 1
  #     c(row,col)
  #   },coordsres$LC[2]))
  # },coordsres,pattern,Radius)
  # besetztPos=do.call(rbind,bmPos)
  # Radius2=max(coordsres$LC[1],coordsres$LC[2])
  # pattern2=Umatrix::gridNeighbourhoodPattern(Radius2)
  # res2=Umatrix::neighbourhoodThroughPattern(c(1,1),pattern2,coordsres$LC[1],coordsres$LC[2],T)
  # allePositionen=t(sapply(res2[,1],FUN=function(ind,Columns){
  #   row = ((ind-1) %/% Columns) + 1
  #   col = ((ind-1) %% Columns) + 1
  #   c(row,col)
  # },coordsres$LC[2]))
  # unbesetztePositionen=setdiffMatrix(allePositionen,besetztPos)$CurtedMatrix
  #only for NoN CRAN intern usage
  # Begin. simplified ESOM Algorithmus for given BestMatching units
  rnd=runif(n=d*k*m, min =min(Data), max = max(Data)) #besser als min(data) bis max(data)
  wts<- array(rnd,c(k,m,d)) #[Lines,Columns,weights]
  # BestMatches werden festgehalten
  #for(i in c(1:nrow(BMUs))){
  #  wts[BMUs[i,1],BMUs[i,2],] = Data[i,]
  #Jeder Radius sollte min. 1 Eppoche durchlaufen werden, mehr als eine Eppoche fuehrte nicht zu mehr Emergenz
  # s. auch Experimente mit iUmatrix(), wo eine Umatrix als Video pro Eppoche bei diverser Parameterwahl gezeichnet wird
    Radii=pmax(seq(from=AnfangsRadius-1,by=-1,length.out = HeuristischerParameter),1)
  for (i in Radii){
    # Experimental: Use sampling for speed-up
    if(DataPerEpoch <1){
    NumberOfDatapoints = floor(nrow(Data)*DataPerEpoch)
    if(NumberOfDatapoints < 2) NumberOfDatapoints = 2
    ind      = sample(1:nrow(Data),NumberOfDatapoints)
    DataTemp = Data[ind,]
    tmpBMUs  = BMUs[ind,]
      DataTemp = Data
      tmpBMUs  = BMUs
    CurrentRadius =  i # max(AnfangsRadius-i,1) #Endradius=1
    wts = sESOM4BMUs(tmpBMUs, DataTemp, wts, toroid, CurrentRadius,
                     ComputeInR = ComputeInR, Parallel = Parallel)
    print(paste0('Operator: getUmatrix4BMUs() at ',round(1-(i/HeuristischerParameter),2)*100,'%'))
  } # end 1:epochs
  # End, simplified ESOM Algorithmus for given BestMatching units
  print(paste0('Operator: calcUmatrix() generates U-Matrix now...'))


    if(length(Cls)!=nrow(BMUs)) Cls=rep(1,nrow(BMUs))
    gplotres=TopviewTopographicMap(GeneralizedUmatrix = Umap,BestMatchingUnits = BMUs,Cls = Cls,Tiled =Tiled,BmSize =12) #Sondern Gebirge=Unbekannte Orte der U-Matrix

  return(list(Umatrix         = Umap,
              EsomNeurons     = wts,
              Bestmatches     = BMUs,
              Lines           = Lines,
              Columns         = Columns,
              sESOMparamaters = list(Eppochs = HeuristischerParameter,
                                     Rmax    = HeuristischerParameter,
                                     Rmin = 1,
                                     CoolingStrategie = 'Linear, Lernratate ist const =1',
Mthrun/GeneralizedUmatrix documentation built on July 19, 2023, 9:34 a.m.