
Defines functions EventFiltering

Documented in EventFiltering

# Feature=EventFiltering(EventNameorValue,EventArrayOrEvent,Silent=FALSE)
# Filters Events in Data
# EventNameorValue      Character or value to search fore
# EventArray            [1:n,1:d] Array (character or numerical matrix) or vector of string or 
#                       values where the event has to be searched in, list cannot be interpreted, 
#                       dataframes are converted to matrices
# Silent                If TRUE, error warnings regarding events disabled. Default FALSE
# Feature               [1:n] Numerical Vector with ones and zeros, ones indicate found events
# author MT 2017


  if(missing(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
    stop('EventArrayOrEvent is missing!')
  if (missing(EventNameorValue)) {
    stop('EventNameorValue is missing!')
  if (is.list(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
      'EventArrayOrEvent is a list and cannot be interpreted, Please provide a matrix or a vector or a dataframe convertible to a matrix!'
  if (is.null(d) &
      !is.vector(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
    stop('something went wrong, length of EventNameorValue not given')
  } else{
    if (is.null(d) & is.vector(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
      d = 1
      n = length(EventArrayOrEvent)
  if (is.null(n))
    stop('something went wrong, length of EventNameorValue not given')
  if (n < 2)
    stop('length is only 1!')
  if (d == 1 & n > 2) {
    Feature = rep(0, n) #auch bei fehlenden werten tritt kein event auf
    indY = which(EventArrayOrEvent == EventNameorValue)
    if (!Silent & length(indY) == 0) {
      warning('Event could not be found in data.')
    Feature[indY] = 1
  } else{
    if (!is.matrix(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
      warning('EventArrayOrEvent should be a matrix, trying to transform to a matrix.')
      EventArrayOrEvent = as.matrix(EventArrayOrEvent)
    ArrayData = EventArrayOrEvent
    Tmp = which(EventArrayOrEvent != EventNameorValue, arr.ind = T) #Welche Eintraege haben kein D3 im array
    if (is.character(EventArrayOrEvent)) {
      ArrayData[Tmp] = '00'
    } else{
      ArrayData[Tmp] = 0
    for (l in 1:n) {
      #sorgt dafuer das d3 immer vorne steht
      ArrayData[l, ] = sort(ArrayData[l, ], decreasing = T, na.last = T)
    Feature = rep(0, n)
    indY = which(ArrayData[, 1] == EventNameorValue)
    if (!Silent & length(indY) == 0) {
      warning('Event could not be found in data.')
    Feature[indY] = 1
Mthrun/TSAT documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 11:15 p.m.