#### BIC A ####
#' Computes the BIC of a RES distribution with the asymptotic penalty term
#' @param S_est array[r, r, ll]. Estimated scatter matrix of cluster ll
#' @param t Matrix[N, ll] Squared Mahalanobis distances of data points to cluster centers
#' @param mem Matrix[N, ll] Cluster memberships
#' @param rho Vector rho of density generator
#' @param psi Vector. psi of density generator
#' @param eta Vector. eta of density generator
#' @return list
#' \enumerate{
#' \item bic
#' \item pen : Penalty term
#' \item like : Likelihood term
#' @examples
#' @export
BIC_A <- function(S_est, t, mem, rho, psi, eta){
N_m <- colSums(mem)
r <- dim(S_est)[1]
ll <- dim(S_est)[3]
q <- 0.5 * r * (r + 3)
temp_rho <- numeric(ll)
temp_psi <- numeric(ll)
temp_eta <- numeric(ll)
logdetS <- numeric(ll)
epsilon <- numeric(ll)
for (m in 1:ll) {
temp_rho[m] <- sum(rho(t[mem[, m], m]))
temp_psi[m] <- sum(psi(t[mem[, m], m]))
temp_eta[m] <- sum(eta(t[mem[, m], m]))
logdetS[m] <- log(det(S_est[,,m]))
epsilon[m] <- max(abs(temp_psi[m]), abs(temp_eta[m]), N_m[m])
like <- - sum(temp_rho[temp_rho > 0]) + sum(N_m[N_m > 0] * log(N_m[N_m > 0])) - sum(N_m * logdetS)/2
pen <- -0.5 * q * sum(log(epsilon[epsilon > 0]))
bic <- like + pen
return(list('bic' = bic, 'like' = like, 'pen' = pen))
#### BIC F ####
#' computes the BIC of a RES distribution based on a finite sample penalty term
#' @param data Matrix[N, r] data samples
#' @param S_est array[r, r, ll] Scatter matrices of the clusters
#' @param mu_est Matrix[r, ll] estimated mean vectors of all clusters
#' @param t Matrix[N, ll] Squared Mahalanobis distances to cluster centers
#' @param mem Matrix[N, ll] cluster memberships
#' @param rho Vector rho of density generator
#' @param psi Vector. psi of density generator
#' @param eta Vector. eta of density generator
#' @return list
#' \enumerate{
#' \item bic
#' \item pen : Penalty term
#' \item like : Likelihood term
#' @note
#' "Robust M-Estimation based Bayesian Cluster Enumeration for Real Elliptically Symmetric Distributions"
#' Christian A. Schroth and Michael Muma, Signal Processing Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt
#' submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
#' @export
BIC_F <- function(data, S_est, mu_est, t, mem, rho, psi, eta){
N_m <- colSums(mem)
r <- dim(S_est)[1]
ll<- dim(S_est)[3]
D <- ICASSP20.T6.R::duplicationMatrix(r)
q <- 1/2*r*(r+3)
temp_rho <- numeric(ll)
logdetS <- numeric(ll)
detJ <- numeric(ll)
for (m in 1:ll) {
x_hat_m <- sweep(matrix(t(data[mem[,m], 2:dim(data)[2]]),nrow(mu_est),length(data[mem[,m], 2:dim(data)[2]]), byrow = TRUE)
, 1, mu_est[, m])
t_m <- t[mem[,m], m]
J <- FIM_RES(x_hat_m, t_m, S_est[,,m], psi, eta, D);
detJ[m] <- det(J)
temp_rho[m] = sum(rho(t[mem[,m], m]))
logdetS[m] = log(det(S_est[,,m]))
if(detJ[m] < 0){
warning("negative determinant, J still not positive definite")
detJ[m] <- detJ[m] + 10^-10
if(detJ[m] < 0) detJ[m] <- abs(detJ[m])
} else if(detJ[m] == 0 && N_m[m] == 0){
warning("cluster without data point, zero determinant")
detJ[m] <- 1
} else if(detJ[m] == 0){
warning("zero determinant")
detJ[m] <- detJ[m] + 10^-10
if(detJ[m] < 0) detJ[m] <- abs(detJ[m])
like <- -sum(temp_rho) + sum(N_m[N_m > 0] * log(N_m[N_m > 0])) - sum(N_m[N_m > 0] * logdetS[N_m > 0]) / 2
pen <- - 1/2 * sum(log(detJ)) + ll * q/2 * log(2*pi) - ll * log(ll)
bic <- like + pen
return(list(bic=bic, like=like, pen=pen))
#### BIC S ####
#' computes the BIC of a RES distribution with Schwarz Penalty Term
#' @param S_est array[r, r, ll] Scatter matrices of the clusters
#' @param t Matrix[N, ll] Squared Mahalanobis distances to cluster centers
#' @param mem Matrix[N, ll] cluster memberships
#' @param rho Vector rho of density generator
#' @return list
#' \enumerate{
#' \item bic
#' \item pen : Penalty term
#' \item like : Likelihood term
#' @note
#' "Robust M-Estimation based Bayesian Cluster Enumeration for Real Elliptically Symmetric Distributions"
#' Christian A. Schroth and Michael Muma, Signal Processing Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt
#' submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
#' @export
BIC_S <- function(S_est, t, mem, rho){
N_m <- colSums(mem)
r <- dim(S_est)[1]
ll <- dim(S_est)[3]
q <- .5 * r * (r+3)
N <- dim(t)[1]
N <- if(N == 0) 1 else N
temp_rho <- numeric(ll)
logdetS <- numeric(ll)
for(m in 1:ll){
temp_rho[m] <- sum(rho(t[mem[,m], m]))
logdetS[m] <- log(det(S_est[,,m]))
like <- -sum(temp_rho) + sum(N_m[N_m > 0] * log(N_m[N_m > 0])) - sum(N_m[N_m > 0] * logdetS[N_m > 0])/2
pen <- - q * ll/2 * log(N)
bic <- like + pen
return(list(bic=bic, like=like, pen=pen ))
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