
Defines functions rt_ticket_search tidy_long_search_result try_tibble

Documented in rt_ticket_search tidy_long_search_result try_tibble

#' Try to make a tibble
#' @param df (data.frame) The `data.frame` to try attempt to coerce to a
#' `tibble`
#' @param coerce (logical) Whether or not to try coercion. Provided for upstream
#' calling functions.
#' @return Either a `data.frame` or a `tibble`
try_tibble <- function(df, coerce = TRUE) {
  if (!coerce) {

  if (suppressMessages(!requireNamespace("tibble"))) {


#' tidy_long_search_result
#' @param result (list) List of lists from search results
#' @return A `data.frame` or `tibble`
tidy_long_search_result <- function(result) {
  if (length(result) == 1 && names(result[[1]]) == "No matching results.") {

  # Turn into a list of data.frames with cleaner names
  dfs <- lapply(result, function(r) {
    rdf <- data.frame(t(unlist(r)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Remove spaces and periods from names
    names(rdf) <- gsub("[ \\.]*", "", names(rdf))


  all_dfs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, dfs)

  # Remove "ticket/" from `id` column since ids should always be numbers
  all_dfs$id <- gsub("ticket/", "", all_dfs$id)


#' Search for tickets
#' Search RT for tickets using RT's query syntax which is documented at
#' \url{https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/4.4.4/query_builder.html}.
#' The `query` parameter conforms to RT's
#' [query syntax](https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/4.4.4/query_builder.html)
#' and requires you to build the query yourself. A query will have one or more
#' parameters of the form `$FIELD='$VALUE'` where `$FIELD` is an RT ticket
#' property like Subject, Requestor, etc and `$VALUE` (surrounded by single
#' quotes) is the value to filter by. See Examples for examples.
#' @param query (character) Your query (See Details)
#' @param orderby (character) How to order your search results. Should be a
#' ticket property name preceded by either a + or a - character.
#' @param format (character) Either \code{i} (ticket ID only),
#' \code{s} (ticket ID and subject), or \code{l} (full ticket metadata).
#' Defaults to \code{l}.
#' @param fields (character) Comma-separated list of fields to include in the
#' results.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link{rt_GET}}
#' @return Either a `data.frame` or `tibble` (when format is `l` or `s`) or a
#' numeric vector when it's `i`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To return all un-owned tickets on a queue:
#' rt_ticket_search("Queue='General' AND (Status='new')")
#' # We can sort by date created, increasing
#' rt_ticket_search("Queue='General' AND (Status='new')",
#'                  orderby = "+Created")
#' # If we just need a vector of ticket ids
#' rt_ticket_search("Queue='General' AND (Status='new')",
#'                  orderby = "+Created",
#'                  format = "i")
#' }
rt_ticket_search <- function(query,
                             orderby = NULL,
                             format = "l",
                             fields = NULL,
                             ...) {
  if (!(format %in% c("l", "s", "i"))) {
      stop(call. = FALSE,
           "Invalid choice of format, '",
           "'. Valid options are l (long), s (short), or i.")

  params <- list(query = query,
                 orderby = orderby,
                 format = format,
                 fields = fields)

  url <- rt_url("search", "ticket", query_params = params)
  response <- rt_GET(url, ...)

  if (response$body == "No matching results.") {

  if (format == "s") {
    result <- lapply(
      strsplit(response$body, "\\n")[[1]],

      result <- data.frame(id = unlist(lapply(result, names)),
                           Subject = unlist(lapply(result,
                                                   use.names = FALSE)),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(result) <- c("id", "Subject")

      result <- try_tibble(result)
  } else if (format == "i") {
    result <- stringr::str_split(response$body, "\n")[[1]]
    result <- Filter(function(r) {
      nchar(r) > 0
    }, result) # Handle no results
    result <- gsub("ticket/", "", result) # Remove "ticket/"
  } else if (format == "l") {
    result <- lapply(
      strsplit(response$body, "\\n\\n--\\n\\n")[[1]],

    result <- tidy_long_search_result(result)

NCEAS/rt documentation built on June 7, 2021, 11 a.m.