#' @title Calculate Univariate O-statistics (community-level pairwise niche overlap statistics)
#' @description This is the primary function in the Ostats package. It calculates
#' univariate O-statistics by finding the trait density overlap among all pairs
#' of species in each community (or all pairs of populations within a species)
#' and taking the mean or median. Next it optionally evaluates the O-statistics
#' against a local null model. This is done separately for each trait.
#' @param traits a numeric vector or matrix of trait measurements. The number of elements
#' in the vector or number of rows in the matrix is the number of individuals,
#' and the number of columns of the matrix is the number of traits.
#' @param plots a factor with length equal to \code{nrow(traits)} that indicates the
#' community or population each individual belongs to.
#' @param sp a factor with length equal to \code{nrow(traits)} that indicates the taxon
#' of each individual.
#' @param discrete whether trait data may take continuous or discrete values. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE} (all traits continuous). A single logical value or a logical
#' vector with length equal to the number of columns in traits. See details below.
#' @param circular whether trait data are circular (e.g., hours or angles). Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE} (all traits non-circular). A single logical value or a logical
#' vector with length equal to the number of columns in traits. See details below.
#' @param output specifies whether median or mean is calculated. Default \code{"median"}.
#' @param weight_type specifies weights to be used to calculate the median or mean.
#' Default \code{"hmean"} (harmonic mean), meaning each pair of species is weighted
#' by the harmonic mean of abundances.
#' @param run_null_model whether to run a null model (if \code{TRUE}) and evaluate the
#' O-statistics against it, or simply return the raw O-statistics (if \code{FALSE}).
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param nperm the number of null model permutations to generate. Defaults to 99.
#' @param nullqs numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1] to set
#' effect size quantiles. Defaults to \code{c(0.025, 0.975)}.
#' @param shuffle_weights If \code{TRUE}, shuffle weights given to pairwise overlaps
#' within a community when generating null models.
#' @param swap_means If \code{TRUE}, swap means of body sizes within a community when
#' generating null models.
#' @param random_seed User may supply a random seed to enable reproducibility
#' of null model output. A warning is issued, and a random seed is generated
#' based on the local time, if the user does not supply a seed.
#' @param unique_values Vector of all possible discrete values that \code{traits}
#' can take. Only used if \code{discrete = TRUE} and \code{circular = TRUE}.
#' @param circular_args optional list of additional arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link[circular]{circular}}. Only used if \code{circular = TRUE} and
#' \code{discrete = FALSE}.
#' Note that continuous circular data must be provided in radian units.
#' @param density_args additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[stats]{density}}, such as
#' \code{bw}, \code{n}, or \code{adjust}. If none are provided, default values
#' are used.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, progress messages are displayed. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @details This function calculates overlap statistics and optionally evaluates them
#' against a local null model. By default, it calculates the median of pairwise
#' overlaps, weighted by harmonic mean of species abundaces of the species
#' pairs in each community. Two results are produced, one normalizing the area
#' under all density functions to 1, the other making the area under all density
#' functions proportional to the number of observations in that group.
#' If \code{discrete = FALSE}, continuous kernel density functions are estimated for
#' each species at each community, if \code{TRUE}, discrete functions (histograms) are
#' estimated.
#' If \code{circular = TRUE} and \code{discrete = FALSE}, the function \code{\link[circular]{circular}}
#' is used to convert each column of \code{traits} to an object of class circular.
#' Unless additional arguments about input data type are specified, it is
#' assumed that the circular input data are in radian units (0 to 2*pi).
#' If \code{circular = TRUE} and \code{discrete = TRUE}, data will be interpreted as
#' discrete values on a circular scale. For example, data might be integer values
#' representing hours and ranging from 0 to 23.
#' If \code{run_null_model} is \code{TRUE}, the O-statistics are evaluated relative
#' to a null model. When both \code{shuffle_weights} and \code{swap_means} are \code{FALSE},
#' null communities are generated by randomly assigning a taxon that is present in the community to
#' each individual. If \code{shuffle_weights} is \code{TRUE}, species abundances
#' are also randomly assigned to each species to weight the O-statistic for each
#' null community. If \code{swap_means} is \code{TRUE}, instead of sampling individuals
#' randomly, species means are sampled randomly among species, keeping the deviation
#' of each individual from its species mean the same. After the null communities
#' are generated, O-stats are calculated for each null community to compare with
#' the observed O-stat.
#' Effect size statistics are calculated by z-transforming the O-statistics
#' using the mean and standard deviation of the null distribution.
#' @return The function returns a list containing four objects:
#' \item{overlaps_norm}{a matrix showing the O-statistic for each trait and each community,
#' with the area under all density functions normalized to 1.}
#' \item{overlaps_unnorm}{a matrix showing O-stats calculated with the area under all density
#' functions proportional to the number of observations in that group.}
#' \item{overlaps_norm_ses}{List of matrices of effect size statistics against a null model
#' with the area under all density functions normalized to 1. \code{ses} contains the
#' effect sizes (z-scores), \code{ses_lower} contains the effect size lower critical values
#' for significance at the level determined by \code{nullqs}, and \code{ses_upper}
#' contains the upper critical values. \code{raw_lower} and \code{raw_upper} are
#' the critical values in raw units ranging from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{overlaps_unnorm_ses}{List of matrices of effect size statistics against a null model
#' with the area under all density functions proportional to the number
#' of observations in that group. Elements are as in \code{overlaps_norm_ses}.}
#' @references Read, Q. D. et al. Among-species overlap in rodent body size
#' distributions predicts species richness along a temperature gradient.
#' Ecography 41, 1718-1727 (2018).
#' @author Quentin D. Read, John M. Grady, Arya Y. Yue, Isadora Fluck E., Ben Baiser,
#' Angela Strecker, Phoebe L. Zarnetske, and Sydne Record
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ostats_multivariate}} for multidimensional overlap.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ostats_plot}} for plotting community overlap for
#' each community.
#' @examples
#' # overlap statistics for body weights of small mammals in NEON sites
#' # Keep only the relevant part of data
#' dat <- small_mammal_data[small_mammal_data$siteID %in% c('HARV','JORN'), ]
#' dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$mass), ]
#' dat$log_mass <- log10(dat$mass)
#' #Run O-stats on the data with only a few null model iterations
#' Ostats_example <- Ostats(traits = as.matrix(dat[,'log_mass']),
#' sp = factor(dat$taxonID),
#' plots = factor(dat$siteID),
#' nperm = 10)
#' @export
Ostats <- function(traits, plots, sp, discrete = FALSE, circular = FALSE, output = "median", weight_type= "hmean", run_null_model = TRUE, nperm = 99, nullqs = c(0.025, 0.975), shuffle_weights = FALSE, swap_means = FALSE, random_seed = NULL, unique_values = NULL, circular_args = list(), density_args = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
# Required input: a matrix called traits (nrows=n individuals, ncols=n traits),
# a vector called plots which is a factor with length equal to nrow(traits),
# a vector called sp which is a factor with length equal to nrow(traits),
# warning and error messages to check the inputs
if(!is.numeric(traits)) stop("traits must be a numeric matrix.")
if(length(unique(sp)) == 1) stop("only one taxon is present; overlap cannot be calculated.")
# If traits is a vector, coerce to a single column matrix.
if(is.vector(traits)) traits <- matrix(data = traits, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(traits)))
# If user did not supply a random seed, generate one and print a message.
if (run_null_model && missing(random_seed)) {
random_seed <- round(as.numeric(Sys.time()) %% 12345)
message(paste("Note: argument random_seed was not supplied; setting seed to", random_seed))
# If the abundances of species within sites are different, print a message
abund_table <- table(plots, sp)
unique_abunds <- apply(abund_table, 1, function(x) length(unique(x[x > 0])))
if (any(unique_abunds > 1)) message("Note: species abundances differ. Consider sampling equivalent numbers of individuals per species.")
# If discrete or circular are not logical vectors of length either 1 or length of number of columns in traits, stop.
# Recycle the value if there is only one in each case.
if (!length(discrete) %in% c(1, ncol(traits))) stop("discrete must be length=1 or length=ncol(traits)")
if (!length(circular) %in% c(1, ncol(traits))) stop("circular must be length=1 or length=ncol(traits)")
if (length(discrete) == 1) discrete <- rep(discrete, ncol(traits))
if (length(circular) == 1) circular <- rep(circular, ncol(traits))
# Set random seed.
# Declaration of data structures to hold the results
# Data structures for observed O-Stats
overlaps_norm <- matrix(nrow = nlevels(plots), ncol = ncol(traits))
overlaps_unnorm <- matrix(nrow = nlevels(plots), ncol = ncol(traits))
# Data structures for null O-Stats
overlaps_norm_null <- array(dim = c(nlevels(plots), ncol(traits), nperm))
overlaps_unnorm_null <- array(dim = c(nlevels(plots), ncol(traits), nperm))
# Name rows and columns of the outputs.
dimnames(overlaps_norm) <- list(levels(plots), dimnames(traits)[[2]])
dimnames(overlaps_unnorm) <- list(levels(plots), dimnames(traits)[[2]])
# Calculation of observed O-Stats
if (verbose) {
message('Calculating observed local O-stats for each community . . .')
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nlevels(plots), style = 3)
for (s in 1:nlevels(plots)) {
for (t in 1:ncol(traits)) {
overlap_norm_st <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits[plots == levels(plots)[s], t], sp = sp[plots == levels(plots)[s]], discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t], output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = TRUE, unique_values = unique_values, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
overlaps_norm[s, t] <- if (inherits(overlap_norm_st, 'try-error')) NA else overlap_norm_st
overlap_unnorm_st <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits[plots == levels(plots)[s], t], sp = sp[plots == levels(plots)[s]], discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t], output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = FALSE, unique_values = unique_values, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
overlaps_unnorm[s, t] <- if (inherits(overlap_unnorm_st, 'try-error')) NA else overlap_unnorm_st
if (verbose) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, s)
if (verbose) close(pb)
if (run_null_model) {
if (verbose) {
message('Calculating null distributions of O-stats . . . ')
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nperm, style = 3)
# Null model generation and calculation of null O-Stats
# Local null model: generation and calculation done in the same loop
for (i in 1:nperm) {
for (s in 1:nlevels(plots)) {
for (t in 1:ncol(traits)) {
if (!swap_means) {
overlap_norm_sti <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits[plots == levels(plots)[s], t], sp = sample(sp[plots == levels(plots)[s]]), discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t], output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = TRUE, unique_values = unique_values, randomize_weights = shuffle_weights, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
overlap_unnorm_sti <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits[plots == levels(plots)[s], t], sp = sample(sp[plots == levels(plots)[s]]), discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t],output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = FALSE, randomize_weights = shuffle_weights, unique_values = unique_values, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
} else {
traits_st <- traits[plots==levels(plots)[s], t]
sp_st <- sp[plots==levels(plots)[s]]
traitmeans <- tapply(traits_st,sp_st,mean)
traitdeviations <- traits_st-traitmeans[sp_st]
# Sort the trait means out randomly.
traitmeans_null <- sample(traitmeans)
sp_null <- rep(names(traitmeans_null), table(sp_st))
traits_null <- traitdeviations + traitmeans_null[sp_null]
overlap_norm_sti <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits_null, sp = sp_null, discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t], output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = TRUE, randomize_weights = shuffle_weights, unique_values = unique_values, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
overlap_unnorm_sti <- try(community_overlap(traits = traits[plots == levels(plots)[s], t], sp = sample(sp[plots == levels(plots)[s]]), discrete = discrete[t], circular = circular[t], output = output, weight_type = weight_type, normal = FALSE, randomize_weights = shuffle_weights, unique_values = unique_values, circular_args = circular_args, density_args = density_args), TRUE)
overlaps_norm_null[s, t, i] <- if (inherits(overlap_norm_sti, 'try-error')) NA else overlap_norm_sti
overlaps_unnorm_null[s, t, i] <- if (inherits(overlap_unnorm_sti, 'try-error')) NA else overlap_unnorm_sti
if (verbose) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (verbose) close(pb)
# Extract quantiles to get standardized effect sizes for the overlap stats
overlaps_norm_ses <- get_ses(overlaps_norm, overlaps_norm_null, nullqs)
overlaps_unnorm_ses <- get_ses(overlaps_unnorm, overlaps_unnorm_null, nullqs)
list(overlaps_norm=overlaps_norm, overlaps_unnorm=overlaps_unnorm,
overlaps_norm_ses=overlaps_norm_ses, overlaps_unnorm_ses=overlaps_unnorm_ses)
} else {
list(overlaps_norm=overlaps_norm, overlaps_unnorm=overlaps_unnorm)
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