#' Plot a Time Series of Index Values.
#' Plot method for objects of class \code{\link{niSeries}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateIndex}}, \code{\link{niSeries}}, and
#' \code{\link{niOutput}} for cumputation
#' and generation of \code{niSeries} and \code{niOutput} objects.
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @import grDevices
#' @name plot.niSeries
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Bård Pedersen
#' @param x an \code{niSeries} object.
#' @param ... further arguments controlling the appearance of the plot,
#' some passed further to \code{\link{par}}:
#' \cr\code{type}, \code{linecol}, \code{lwd}, \code{cex}, \code{cex.axis}, \code{main}, \code{cex.main},
#' \cr\code{gridlines} - whether to include gridlines (\code{T}, default) or not (\code{F}),
#' \cr\code{gridcol} - grid line colour (defaults to \code{gray(0.6)}),
#' \cr\code{showInterval} - weather to include interval estimates (\code{T}, default) in the plot.
#' \cr\code{limits} - limit quantiles for interval estimate (defaults to \code{c(0.025,0.975)})
#' \cr\code{shade} - weather to include a shading (\code{T}) to represent interval estimate or
#' not (\code{F}, default),
#' \cr\code{polygoncol} color of shade,
#' \cr\code{whiskerEnds} weather to draw ends of the interval estimate, with (\code{T}, default)
#' or without (\code{F}) whisker ends.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Plotting the results from the calculation of a thematic index:
#' plot(calculateIndex(x = themeData,
#' nsim = 1000,
#' fids = FALSE,
#' tgroups = FALSE,
#' keys = "ignore",
#' w = 0,
#' awbs = TRUE,
#' awBSunit = "Skog")$E,
#' cex=1.5,
#' whiskerEnds = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
plot.niSeries <- function(x = NULL, ...) {
z <- match.call()
if (!is.niSeries(x)) {
stop(paste("'",z[2],"' is not of class 'niSeries'.", sep=""), call. = TRUE)
setPlotParameters <- function(type = "o",
gridcol = grDevices::gray(0.6),
polygoncol = grDevices::rgb(red=0, green=0.65, blue=0.65*100/105, alpha = 0.3),
linecol = "#006964",
lwd = 3,
cex = 2.5,
cex.axis = 1.5,
cex.main = 1.75,
showInterval = TRUE,
limits = c(0.025,0.975),
shade = FALSE,
gridlines = TRUE,
main = "",
whiskerEnds = TRUE) {
return(list(type = type,
gridcol = gridcol,
polygoncol = polygoncol,
linecol = linecol,
lwd = lwd,
cex = cex,
cex.axis = cex.axis,
cex.main = cex.main,
showInterval = showInterval,
limits = limits,
shade = shade,
gridlines = gridlines,
main = main,
whiskerEnds = whiskerEnds))
param <- setPlotParameters(...)
type <- param$type
gridcol <- param$gridcol
polygoncol <- param$polygoncol
linecol <- param$linecol
lwd <- param$lwd
cex <- param$cex
cex.axis <- param$cex.axis
cex.main <- param$cex.main
showInterval <- param$showInterval
limits <- param$limits
shade <- param$shade
gridlines <- param$gridlines
main <- param$main
whiskerEnds = param$whiskerEnds
yearNames <- names(x)
nYears <- length(yearNames)
years <- as.integer(yearNames)
y <- y.low <- y.high <- NULL
for (j in 1:nYears) {
y[j] <- stats::median(x[[j]]$index)
y.low[j] <- stats::quantile(x[[j]]$index,limits[1])
y.high[j] <- stats::quantile(x[[j]]$index,limits[2])
xxlim <- c(min(years)-1, max(years)+1)
if (gridlines) {
plot(years,y,type="n",main="",xlab="",ylab="",xlim=xxlim,ylim=c(0,1),xaxp=c(1000,3000,1), yaxp=c(-1,3,1),axes=F)
for(j in 1:length(years)) graphics::lines(rep(years[j],2),c(-0.025,0),col=gridcol,lwd=lwd)
for(j in seq(0,1,0.25)) graphics::lines(xxlim,c(j,j),col=gridcol,lwd=lwd)
graphics::axis(1, pos=-0.05, at = years, labels = yearNames, cex.axis=cex.axis,lwd=lwd,col="white")
graphics::axis(2, pos=xxlim[1], at = seq(0,1,0.25), labels = c("0,00","0,25","0,50","0,75","1,00"),
} else {
plot(years,y,xlab="",ylab="",xlim=xxlim,ylim=c(0,1),xaxp=c(1000,3000,1), yaxp=c(-1,3,1),axes=T)
graphics::axis(1, at = years, labels = yearNames, cex.axis=cex.axis)#,lwd=lwd)
graphics::axis(2, at = seq(0,1,0.25), labels = c("0,00","0,25","0,50","0,75","1,00"),
if (shade) {graphics::polygon(c(years,rev(years)),c(y.low,rev(y.high)),col=polygoncol,border=NA)}
if (showInterval) {
for(j in 1:length(years)) graphics::lines(rep(years[j],2),c(y.low[j],y.high[j]),col=linecol,lwd=1.25*lwd)
if (whiskerEnds) {
for(jj in 1:length(years)) graphics::lines(c(years[jj]-0.25,years[jj]+0.25),c(y.low[jj],y.low[jj]),col=linecol,lwd=lwd)
for(jj in 1:length(years)) graphics::lines(c(years[jj]-0.25,years[jj]+0.25),c(y.high[jj],y.high[jj]),col=linecol,lwd=lwd)
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