#' Read in landings data by gear and save as RDS
#' cfdbs is accessed and landings pulled by gear type for GB over time
#' Data then aggregated over trips for each year and saved as RDS
#' Data also further aggregated over time and saved as RDS
#' @param channel an Object inherited from \link[DBI]{DBIConnection-class}. This object is used to communicate with the database engine. (see \code{\link[dbutils]{connect_to_database}})
#' @param percentLanded Numeric scalar. Proportion [0,1] of landings to filter by
#' @param area Numeric vector. Statistical areas defining Area from which landings data should be pulled.
#' @param outDir Character string. Full path to directory where output should be saved. Default=here::here("data")
#' @return Two RDS files saved
get_landings_by_gear <- function(channel,percentLanded=0.90,area=c(cfdbs::EPUs$data[["GB"]],537),outDir=here::here("data")) {
mGearData <- NULL
mTimeGearData <- NULL
gearCodes <- cfdbs::fleets$codes
message(paste0("Pulling data for following gear Codes: ",paste0(gearCodes,collapse=",")))
for (gear in gearCodes){
message(paste0("gear Code = ",gear))
gearData <- cfdbs::get_landings(channel,area=area,gear=gear, year="all",tonnage = "all",species = "all")
# sum over trips by year group by gear and species
aggTimeGear <- gearData$data %>%
dplyr::group_by(YEAR,NESPP3) %>%
dplyr::summarise(totsplandlb=sum(as.numeric(SPPLNDLB)),n=dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
# sum over time group by gear and species
aggGear <- gearData$data %>%
dplyr::group_by(NESPP3) %>%
dplyr::summarise(totsplandlb=sum(as.numeric(SPPLNDLB)),n=dplyr::n()) %>%
# select species that account for x% of landings
orderedSpecies <- aggGear %>%
dplyr::group_by(NESPP3) %>%
dplyr::summarise(sumOverYears=sum(as.numeric(totsplandlb))) %>% # total by species agg over time
dplyr::arrange(desc(sumOverYears)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(csum=cumsum(sumOverYears)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop = csum/sum(sumOverYears))
orderSpecies <- orderedSpecies %>%
dplyr::filter(prop <= percentLanded)
if (dim(orderSpecies)[1]==0){
# dominated by one species > percentLanded
orderSpecies <- orderedSpecies[1,]
# select these species from data pull to account for gear species interaction
useData <- aggGear %>%
dplyr::filter(NESPP3 %in% orderSpecies$NESPP3) %>%
dplyr::select(-n) %>%
mGearData <- rbind(mGearData,useData)
mTimeGearData <- rbind(mTimeGearData,aggTimeGear)
allGearData <- list(data=mGearData,Description=paste0("Species ordered by landings for each gear. Species comprising the top ",100*percentLanded,"% of the landings for each gear are retained"))
allTimeGearData <- list(data=mTimeGearData,Description=paste0("Time Series of species landings for each gear. All data"))
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