
# LOCALITY CHECK                 ####

#' @title Location check
#' @description This function takes as input a standardised flat and long (as opposed to wide formated) dataset and makes the locations table for it. It then scans the existing  NaTron locations table and returns a list of pre-existing localities that lie within a given radius of the coordinates. The user must then manully check if some of these localities can be reused. If so, the user must copy-paste the locationID from the existing NaTron locality
#' @param data A flattened, long and standardised dataset that you wish to import into NaTron
#' @param conn  A connection object with NaTRON (see \code{?natron_connect})
#' @param radius The radius in meters in which to search for preexisting localitites in NaTron
#' @return A list with 2 data frames. *possible_matches* shows all those which have a match within the radius set by the function. *no_matches* holds those without a match.
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

# Function starts                   -----------####

location_check <- function(data,conn,radius) {

# -----------------------------------------------#
# Get db table info---------------------------####
# -----------------------------------------------#
# this functions returns the column names from the NaTRON locations table

natron_tableinfo <- RPostgreSQL::dbGetQuery(conn,
                        "select table_name,column_name,data_type
                        from information_schema.columns
                        where table_name =  'Locations'

# -----------------------------------------------#
# Make locations lable         ---------------#####
# -----------------------------------------------#

# subset local data to match terms used in Natron.
#OBS, this step deletes without warning(!!) columns that don't match the NaTRON names without saying
local_terms <- names(data)[names(data) %in% natron_tableinfo$column_name]
local_data_temp <- data[local_terms]

# remove duplicate locations to end up with uniqe ones
local_data_temp_unique <- local_data_temp[!duplicated(paste0(local_data_temp$decimalLongitude, local_data_temp$decimalLatitude)),]

# standardising the dataset to look exactly like Natron.
# - create empty dataframe with the correct number of columns
local_data_temp_blank <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(natron_tableinfo$column_name), nrow = 0),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# - paste natron column names in correct order
colnames(local_data_temp_blank) <- natron_tableinfo$column_name

# rowbind local data to the blank data frame
local_data_temp_filled <- dplyr::bind_rows(local_data_temp_blank, local_data_temp_unique)

# Scan the Natron db for pre-existing localities:

#  - First just get some localities near Trondheim
dupl_locations <- dbGetQuery(conn,
        \"locationName\", \"locationID\",\"decimalLatitude\", \"decimalLongitude\",
        \"locality\", \"country\", \"county\", \"siteNumber\", \"stationNumber\",
        \"riverName\", \"catchmentName\"
        ST_dwithin(st_geomfromtext('POINT(10 63)', 4326),
        \"localityGeom\",((10000 * 180.0) / pi()) / 6378137.0);"

# add some more columns were we can put the names and coordinates of our own localities
ord <- colnames(dupl_locations)
dupl_locations$newLocality <- ""
dupl_locations$newLat      <- ""
dupl_locations$newLong     <- ""
dupl_locations$distance_km     <- ""
new <- c("newLocality", "newLat", "newLong","distance_km")

dupl_locations2 <- dupl_locations[,c(new, ord)]                     # put new columns first
dupl_locations3 <- dupl_locations2[-c(1:nrow(dupl_locations2)),]    # DELETE all rows
#rm(dupl_locations, dupl_locations2)                                 # clean up

# This for-loop to produces SQL query sentences for each locality, filtering by a chosen geographic radius
temp_sql <- ""
for(HEY in 1:nrow(local_data_temp_filled)){
temp_sql[HEY] <-  paste("SELECT",
			  local_data_temp_filled$decimalLongitude[HEY], local_data_temp_filled$decimalLatitude[HEY],
			  ")', 4326),",
			  "\"localityGeom\") * 6378137) * pi()) / 180)/1000)::numeric, 3) as \"distance_km\",",
                	  "\"locationID\", \"decimalLatitude\", \"decimalLongitude\"," ,
                          "\"locality\", \"country\", \"county\", \"siteNumber\", \"stationNumber\",",
                          "\"riverName\", \"catchmentName\"",
                          local_data_temp_filled$decimalLongitude[HEY], local_data_temp_filled$decimalLatitude[HEY],
                          ")', 4326),",
                          "\"localityGeom\",((", radius, " * 180.0) / pi()) / 6378137.0)",
			  "order by \"distance_km\";",
                          sep = " ")

# Combining all positive matches into one dataframe
locality_check <- dupl_locations3

for(HEY in 1:nrow(local_data_temp_filled)){
  temp <- ""
  temp <- dbGetQuery(conn, temp_sql[HEY])

  if(dim(temp)[1] !=0) {
    temp2 <- temp;
    temp2$newLocality <- rep(local_data_temp_filled[HEY, "locality"], times=nrow(temp2));
    temp2$newLat <- rep(local_data_temp_filled[HEY, "decimalLatitude"], times=nrow(temp2));
    temp2$newLong <- rep(local_data_temp_filled[HEY, "decimalLongitude"], times=nrow(temp2));
    temp2 <- temp2[,c(new, ord)];
    locality_check <- rbind(locality_check, temp2);


if(dim(locality_check)[1] !=0) {locality_check2 <- local_data_temp_filled[local_data_temp_filled$locality %in% locality_check$newLocality,]}
   # only return the data frame if it has rows

no_matches <- local_data_temp_filled[!local_data_temp_filled$locality %in% locality_check$newLocality,]
  paste(length(unique(locality_check$newLocality)), "of your locations have possible matches in NaTron."),
        "of your locations had no existing locations within a", radius, "m radius."), "", sep = "\n"))

# Map locations
#library( leaflet )
#library( magrittr )

brand_new <- data.frame(lat=no_matches$decimalLatitude,
                        group = "brand_new",
                        row_number = row.names(no_matches))
possible_matches <- data.frame(lat=locality_check$newLat,
                               group = "possible_matches",
                               row_number = row.names(locality_check))
preexisting_locations <- data.frame(lat=locality_check$decimalLatitude,
                                    group = "preexisting_locations",
                                    row_number = row.names(locality_check))

coords <- rbind(brand_new, possible_matches, preexisting_locations)

pal <- colorFactor(c("red","blue","orange"), domain = c("brand_new",

MyPlot <- leaflet(data = coords) %>% addTiles(group = "OSM",
                                    options = providerTileOptions(minZoom = 2, maxZoom = 100)) %>%
  addCircleMarkers( lat = ~lat, lng = ~lon,
                    color = ~pal(group),
                    stroke = F,
                    fillOpacity = 1,
                    popup = ~as.character(row.names(coords))) %>%
            colors = c("red", "blue", "orange"),
            title = "Locations (click on points to show row numbers)",
            labels = c("brand new", "possible matches", "preexisting locations"),
            opacity =1)

return(list(possible_matches = locality_check,no_matches = no_matches, possible_matches_technical = locality_check2))
NTNU-VM/natronbatchupload documentation built on Oct. 12, 2019, 5:49 a.m.