Man pages for Nanostring-Biostats/GeoDiff
Count model based differential expression and normalization on GeoMx RNA data

aggreprobe-methodsGenerate aggregated counts of probes for the same target
BGScoreTest-methodsTesting for features above the background
BGScoreTest_sp-methodsTesting for features above the background, multiple slides...
coefNBth-methodsGenerate list of Wald test inference results on model...
contrastNBth-methodsGenerate list of Wald test inference results on user...
demoDataA demo dataset for GeoMx Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA)...
DENBth-methodsGenerate DE table using the inference list generated by...
diagPoisBG-methodsPerform diagnosis on Poisson background model
fitNBthDE-methodsNegative Binomial threshold model for differential expression...
fitNBthmDE-methodsNegative Binomial threshold mixed model for differential...
fitNBth-methodsNegative Binomial threshold model
fitPoisBG-methodsEstimate Poisson background model for either single slide or...
fitPoisBG_sp-methodsEstimate Poisson background model for multiple slides
fitPoisthNorm-methodsPoisson threshold model based normalization-log2...
fitPoisthNorm_sp-methodsPoisson threshold model based normalization-log2...
kidneyA demo dataset for GeoMx Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas...
NBthDEmod2A demo example output list returned by function fitNBthDE
NBthmDEmod2A demo example output list returned by function fitNBthmDE
NBthmDEmod2slopeA demo example output list returned by function fitNBthmDE
QuanRange-methodsCompute Quantile Range
Nanostring-Biostats/GeoDiff documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 7:22 p.m.