fitPoisthNorm-methods: Poisson threshold model based normalization-log2...

fitPoisthNormR Documentation

Poisson threshold model based normalization-log2 transformation for single slide or for multiple slides


Poisson threshold model based normalization-log2 transformation for single slide or for multiple slides


fitPoisthNorm(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'NanoStringGeoMxSet'
  split = FALSE,
  ROIs_high = NULL,
  features_high = NULL,
  features_all = NULL,
  sizefact_start = NULL,
  sizefact_BG = NULL,
  threshold_mean = NULL,
  preci2 = 10000,
  iterations = 2,
  prior_type = c("contrast", "equal"),
  sizefactrec = TRUE,
  size_scale = c("sum", "first"),
  sizescalebythreshold = FALSE,
  covrob = FALSE,
  preci1con = 1/25,
  cutoff = 15,
  confac = 1,
  calhes = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
  probenum = rep(1, NROW(object)),
  preci2 = 10000,
  iterations = 2,
  prior_type = c("contrast", "equal"),
  sizefactrec = TRUE,
  size_scale = c("sum", "first"),
  sizescalebythreshold = FALSE,
  covrob = FALSE,
  preci1con = 1/25,
  cutoff = 15,
  confac = 1,
  calhes = FALSE



count matrix with features in rows and samples in columns


additional argument list that might be used


indicator variable on whether it is for multiple slides (Yes, TRUE; No, FALSE)


ROIs with high expressions defined based on featfact and featfact


subset of features which are well above the background


full feature vector to apply the normalization on


initial value for size factors


size factor for background


average threshold level


precision for threshold, default=10000


iteration number, default=2, the first iteration using the features_high to construct the prior for parameters then refit the model on all features. precision matrix for threshold: preci2


prior type for preci1, "equal" or "contrast", default="contrast"


XXXX, default = TRUE


method to scale the sizefact, sum(sizefact)=1 when size_scale="sum", sizefact[1]=1 when size_scale="first"


XXXX, default = FALSE


whether to use robust covariance in calculating the prior precision matrix 1, default = FALSE


The user input constant term in specifying precision matrix 1, default=1/25


term in calculating precision matrix 1, default=15


The user input factor for contrast in precision matrix 1, default=1


The user input whether to calculate hessian: calhes, default=FALSE


a vector of numbers of probes in each gene


if split is FALSE, a valid GeoMx S4 object including the following items

  • para0_norm, matrix of estimated parameters for iter=1, features in columns and parameters(log2 expression, threshold) in rows, in featureData.

  • para_norm, matrix of estimated parameters for iter=2, features in columns and parameters(log2 expression, threshold) in rows, in featureData.

  • normmat0, matrix of log2 expression for iter=1, features in columns and log2 expression in rows, in assay slot.

  • normmat, matrix of log2 expression for iter=2, features in columns and log2 expression in rows, in assay lot.

  • sizefact_norm, estimated sizefact, in phenoData.

  • sizefact0_norm, estimated sizefact in iter=1, in phenoData.

  • preci1, precision matrix 1, in experimentData.

  • conv0, vector of convergence for iter=1, 0 converged, 1 not converged, in featureData

  • conv, vector of convergence for iter=2, 0 converged, 1 not converged, in featureData

  • features_high, same as the input features_high, in featureData

  • features_all, same as the input features_all, in featureData

if split is TRUE, a valid GeoMx S4 object with the following items appended.

  • threshold0, matrix of estimated threshold for iter=1, features in columns and threshold for different slides in rows, in featureData.

  • threshold, matrix of estimated threshold for iter=2, features in columns and threshold for different slides in rows, in featureData.

  • normmat0_sp, matrix of log2 expression for iter=1, features in columns and log2 expression in rows, in assay slot.

  • normmat_sp, matrix of log2 expression for iter=2, features in columns and log2 expression in rows, in assay slot.

  • sizefact_norm_sp, estimated sizefact, in phenoData

  • sizefact0_norm_sp, estimated sizefact in iter=1, in phenoData

  • preci1, precision matrix 1, in experimentData

  • conv0_sp_XX, vector of convergence for each unique slide value for iter=1, 0 converged, 1 not converged, in featureData for each unique slide.

  • conv_sp_XX, vector of convergence for each unique slide value for iter=2, 0 converged, 1 not converged, in featureData for each unique slide.

  • features_high_sp, same as the input features_high, in featureData.

  • features_all_sp, same as the input features_all, in featureData.

a list of following items

  • para0, matrix of estimated parameters for iter=1, features in columns and parameters(log2 expression, threshold) in rows.

  • para, matrix of estimated parameters for iter=2, features in columns and parameters(log2 expression, threshold) in rows.

  • normmat0, matrix of log2 expression for iter=1, features in columns and log2 expression in rows.

  • normmat, matrix of log2 expression for iter=2, features in columns and log2 expression in rows.

  • sizefact, estimated sizefact

  • sizefact0, estimated sizefact in iter=1

  • preci1, precision matrix 1

  • Im0, Information matrix of parameters in iter=1

  • Im, Information matrix of parameters in iter=2

  • conv0, vector of convergence for iter=1, 0 converged, 1 not converged

  • conv, vector of convergence for iter=2, 0 converged, 1 not converged

  • features_high, same as the input features_high

  • features_all, same as the input features_all


demoData <- fitPoisBG(demoData, size_scale = "sum")
demoData <- aggreprobe(demoData, use = "cor")
demoData <- BGScoreTest(demoData)
thmean <- 1 * mean(fData(demoData)$featfact, na.rm = TRUE)
demo_pos <- demoData[which(!fData(demoData)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
demo_neg <- demoData[which(fData(demoData)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
sc1_scores <- fData(demo_pos)[, "scores"]
names(sc1_scores) <- fData(demo_pos)[, "TargetName"]
features_high <- ((sc1_scores > quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.4)) &
   (sc1_scores < quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.95))) |>
    which() |>
features_high <- sample(features_high, 100)
demoData <- fitNBth(demoData,
                    features_high = features_high,
                    sizefact_BG = demo_neg$sizefact,
                    threshold_start = thmean,
                    iterations = 5,
                    start_para = c(200, 1),
                    lower_sizefact = 0,
                    lower_threshold = 100,
                    tol = 1e-8)
ROIs_high <- sampleNames(demoData)[which((quantile(fData(demoData)[["para"]][, 1],
                                                   probs = 0.90, na.rm = TRUE) -
         notes(demoData)[["threshold"]]) * demoData$sizefact_fitNBth > 2)]
features_all <- rownames(demo_pos)
thmean <- mean(fData(demo_neg)[["featfact"]])
demoData <- fitPoisthNorm(
    object = demoData,
    split = FALSE,
    ROIs_high = ROIs_high,
    features_high = features_high,
    features_all = features_all,
    sizefact_start = demoData[, ROIs_high][["sizefact_fitNBth"]],
    sizefact_BG = demoData[, ROIs_high][["sizefact"]],
    threshold_mean = thmean,
    preci2 = 10000,
    prior_type = "contrast",
    covrob = FALSE,
    preci1con = 1 / 25

Nanostring-Biostats/GeoDiff documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 7:22 p.m.