Man pages for Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon
Deconvolution of mixed cells from spatial and/or bulk gene expression data

cellcolsDefault colors for the cell types in the safeTME matrix
collapseCellTypesCollapse related cell types within a deconvolution result
create_profile_matrixCreate Custom Cell Profile Matrix
derive_GeoMx_backgroundDerive background at the scale of the normalized data for...
download_profile_matrixDownload a cell profile matrix
floretsDraw coxcomb plots as points in a graphics window
mean.resid.sdGenes' biological variability in immune deconvolution from...
mergeTumorIntoXEstimate a tumor-specific profile and merge it with the...
mini_geomx_datasetSmall example GeoMx data
mini_singleCell_datasetMini human colon single cell dataset
nsclcLarge example GeoMx data
reverseDeconReverse deconvolution
runCollapseCellTypesRun collapseCellTypes
runErrorModelApply error model to estimate technical SD from raw counts
runMergeTumorIntoXRun MergeTumorIntoX
runReverseDeconRun Reversedecon
runspatialdeconRun spatialdecon
safeTMESafeTME matrix
safeTME.matchesMapping from granularly-defined cell populations to broaded...
spatialdeconMixed cell deconvolution of spatiall-resolved gene expression...
SpatialDecon-packageSpatialDecon: A package for estimating mixed cell type...
TIL_barplotBarplot of abundance estimates
Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:57 a.m.