reverseDecon: Reverse deconvolution

View source: R/reverseDecon.R

reverseDeconR Documentation

Reverse deconvolution


Performs "reverse deconvolution", modelling each gene expression's ~ cell scores. Returns a matrix of "fitted" expression values, a matrix of residuals, a matrix of reverse decon coefficients for genes * cells.


reverseDecon(norm, beta, epsilon = NULL)



Matrix of normalized data, with genes in rows and observations in columns


Matrix of cell abundance estimates, with cells in rows and observations in columns. Columns are aligned to "norm".


All y and yhat values are thresholded up to this point when performing decon. Essentially says, "ignore variability in counts below this threshold."


A list:

  • coefs, a matrix of coefficients for genes * cells, where element i,j is interpreted as "every unit increase in cell score j is expected to increase expression of gene i by _".

  • yhat, a matrix of fitted values, in the same dimension as norm

  • resids, a matrix of log2-scale residuals from the reverse decon fit, in the same dimension as norm

  • cors, a vector giving each gene's correlation between fitted and observed expression

  •, a vector of each gene's residual SD, a metric of how much variability genes have independend of cell mixing.


# estimate background:
mini_geomx_dataset$bg <- derive_GeoMx_background(
  norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
  probepool = rep(1, nrow(mini_geomx_dataset$normalized)),
  negnames = "NegProbe"
# run basic decon:
res0 <- spatialdecon(
  norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
  bg = mini_geomx_dataset$bg,
  X = safeTME
# run reverse decon:
rdecon <- reverseDecon(
  norm = mini_geomx_dataset$norm,
  beta = res0$beta

Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:57 a.m.