runspatialdecon: Run spatialdecon

runspatialdeconR Documentation

Run spatialdecon


Runs spatialdecon from an S4 object

A wrapper for applying spatialdecon to a NanostringGeomxSet object.

A wrapper for applying spatialdecon to the Spatial data element in a Seurat object. Unlike spatialdecon, which expects a normalized data matrix, this function operates on raw counts. Scaling for total cells


runspatialdecon(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'NanoStringGeoMxSet'
  X = NULL,
  norm_elt = NULL,
  raw_elt = NULL,
  wts = NULL,
  resid_thresh = 3,
  lower_thresh = 0.5,
  align_genes = TRUE,
  is_pure_tumor = NULL,
  n_tumor_clusters = 10,
  cell_counts = NULL,
  cellmerges = NULL,
  maxit = 1000

## S4 method for signature 'Seurat'
  X = NULL,
  bg = 0.1,
  wts = NULL,
  resid_thresh = 3,
  lower_thresh = 0.5,
  align_genes = TRUE,
  is_pure_tumor = NULL,
  n_tumor_clusters = 10,
  cell_counts = NULL,
  cellmerges = NULL,
  maxit = 1000



An S4 object such as a Seurat object that includse a "Spatial" element in the "assays" slot or a GeoMxSet object


Arguments passed to spatialdecon


Cell profile matrix. If NULL, the safeTME matrix is used.


normalized data element in assayData in NanostringGeomxSet object


raw data element in assayData in NanostringGeomxSet object


Optional, a matrix of weights.


A scalar, sets a threshold on how extreme individual data points' values can be (in log2 units) before getting flagged as outliers and set to NA.


A scalar. Before log2-scale residuals are calculated, both observed and fitted values get thresholded up to this value. Prevents log2-scale residuals from becoming extreme in points near zero.


Logical. If TRUE, then Y, X, bg, and wts are row-aligned by shared genes.


A logical vector denoting whether each AOI consists of pure tumor. If specified, then the algorithm will derive a tumor expression profile and merge it with the immune profiles matrix.


Number of tumor-specific columns to merge into the cell profile matrix. Has an impact only when is_pure_tumor argument is used to indicate pure tumor AOIs. Takes this many clusters from the pure-tumor AOI data and gets the average expression profile in each cluster. Default 10.


Number of cells estimated to be within each sample. If provided alongside norm_factors, then the algorithm will additionally output cell abundance esimtates on the scale of cell counts.


A list object holding the mapping from beta's cell names to combined cell names. If left NULL, then defaults to a mapping of granular immune cell definitions to broader categories.


Maximum number of iterations. Default 1000.


Expected background counts. Either a scalar applied equally to all points in the count matrix, or a matrix with the same dimensions as the count matrix in GetAssayData(object, assay = "Spatial"). Recommended to use a small non-zero value, default of 0.1.


decon results in list or in GeoMxSet object

For GeoMxSet object, if not given cellmerges and cell_counts, a valid GeoMx S4 object including the following items

  • In pData

    • beta: matrix of cell abundance estimates, cells in rows and observations in columns

    • p: matrix of p-values for H0: beta == 0

    • t: matrix of t-statistics for H0: beta == 0

    • se: matrix of standard errors of beta values

    • prop_of_all: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation

    • prop_of_nontumor: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation, excluding tumor abundance estimates

    • sigmas: covariance matrices of each observation's beta estimates

  • In assayData

    • yhat: a matrix of fitted values

    • resids: a matrix of residuals from the model fit. (log2(pmax(y, lower_thresh)) - log2(pmax(xb, lower_thresh))).

  • In experimentData

    • SpatialDeconMatrix: the cell profile matrix used in the decon fit.

if given cellmerges, the valid GeoMx S4 object will additionally include the following items

  • In pData

    • beta.granular: cell abundances prior to combining closely-related cell types

    • sigma.granular: sigmas prior to combining closely-related cell types

if given cell_counts, the valid GeoMx S4 object will additionally include the following items

  • In pData

    • cell.counts: beta rescaled to estimate cell numbers, based on prop_of_all and nuclei count

if given both cellmerges and cell_counts, the valid GeoMx S4 object will additionally include the following items

  • In pData

    • cell.counts.granular: cell.counts prior to combining closely-related cell types

For Seurat Object, if not given cellmerges and cell_counts, a list including the following items:

  • beta: matrix of cell abundance estimates, cells in rows and observations in columns

  • p: matrix of p-values for H0: beta == 0

  • t: matrix of t-statistics for H0: beta == 0

  • se: matrix of standard errors of beta values

  • prop_of_all: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation

  • prop_of_nontumor: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation, excluding tumor abundance estimates

  • yhat: a matrix of fitted values

  • resids: a matrix of residuals from the model fit. (log2(pmax(y, lower_thresh)) - log2(pmax(xb, lower_thresh))).

  • X: the cell profile matrix used in the decon fit.

  • sigmas: covariance matrices of each observation's beta estimates

if given cellmerges, the list will additionally include the following items

  • beta.granular: cell abundances prior to combining closely-related cell types

  • sigma.granular: sigmas prior to combining closely-related cell types

if given cell_counts, the list will additionally include the following items

  • cell.counts: beta rescaled to estimate cell numbers, based on prop_of_all and nuclei count

if given both cellmerges and cell_counts, the list will additionally include the following items

  • cell.counts.granular: cell.counts prior to combining closely-related cell types


## GeoMxSet Object ##
datadir <- system.file("extdata", "DSP_NGS_Example_Data", package = "GeomxTools")
demoData <- readRDS(file.path(datadir, "/demoData.rds"))

demoData <- shiftCountsOne(demoData)
target_demoData <- aggregateCounts(demoData)

target_demoData <- normalize(target_demoData, "quant")

demoData <- runspatialdecon(object = target_demoData, 
                            norm_elt = "exprs_norm",
                            raw_elt = "exprs")

## Seurat Object ##
# get dataset
con <- gzcon(url(""))
txt <- readLines(con)
temp <- read.table(textConnection(txt), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# parse data
raw = t(as.matrix(temp))
norm = sweep(raw, 2, colSums(raw), "/") * mean(colSums(raw))
x = as.numeric(substr(rownames(temp), 1, unlist(gregexpr("x", rownames(temp))) - 1))
y = -as.numeric(substr(rownames(temp), 
                 unlist(gregexpr("x", rownames(temp))) + 1, nchar(rownames(temp))))
# put into a seurat object:
andersson_g1 = SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(counts = raw, assay="Spatial")$x = x$y = y

res <- runspatialdecon(andersson_g1)

Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:57 a.m.